Seven Sins System

Chapter 243: Where's My Present?

Chapter 243: Where's My Present?

Seven Sins System Chapter 243. Where's My Present?

Asmo's response was a mixture of annoyance and curiosity. "I know, I know," he grumbled. "But I couldn't resist trying my skill on you. I wonder how long I can trick you," he added, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.

My frown deepened, skepticism replacing my irritation. "And what if you do manage to trick me? Are you going to do it with me?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

A nonchalant shrug was his response, accompanied by a noncommittal tone. "Well, why not?" he replied, his voice carrying a hint of indifference. "If you fall for it, I'll gladly do it for fun. After all, I'm always up for an adventure. I'm okay with both genders," he declared with a smirk.

I stared at Asmo, bearing a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "I hope you remember that I'm only interested in engaging with females," I reminded him sternly, my voice carrying a touch of impatience.

"I remember," he replied with a sly smile, his tone playfully teasing. "But if you can't tell the difference, then it's entirely your fault."

His casual response and the innocent smile that played upon his lips only served to further ignite my frustration. It was maddening how effortlessly he could provoke me with his nonchalant attitude.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, my words dripping with curt impatience. "And who gave you the invitation to grace me with your presence?" I added, my anger bubbling just beneath the surface. If his purpose was merely to aggravate me, then I had no tolerance for his games.

Asmo let out an exasperated sigh, a faint sound of annoyance escaping his lips. "Ugh, grumpy as always," he muttered, his irritation evident in his tone. "It was the king who requested my presence," he finally revealed, his words laced with a hint of exasperation.

I stared at Asmo, my eyes narrowing in suspicion. "If the king summoned you, then why are you here instead of discussing matters with him?" I pressed, my tone laced with curiosity.

Asmo let out a sigh, his features betraying a hint of frustration. "I did meet him," he clarified, his voice tinged with exasperation. "But all he wanted to know was about our last meeting, and that was it," he explained, his words falling with a sense of finality.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I processed his response. I bet he called Asmo to manipulate his memory just like what he did to Lily and the others.

"Then, why did you feel the need to come to my room?" I inquired, my voice tinged with suspicion. "Was it the king who instructed you to seek me out?" I probed further, my curiosity getting the better of me.

A mischievous smile danced upon Asmo's lips as he replied, his tone cheerful. "Oh, I just wanted to retrieve my present, you know," he said, his voice filled with playful anticipation.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, my frustration momentarily overshadowed by curiosity. "Your present?" I repeated, my tone questioning. "But your birthday hasn't even arrived yet," I pointed out, a hint of complaint seeping into my words.

"I know, but the king mentioned something about an angel trapped in a glass or something," Asmo said excitedly, his voice filled with anticipation. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and a touch of mischief, like a child eager to unveil a hidden treasure.

"Did you catch an angel and trapped her for me?" Asmo continued, his voice filled with hope and a touch of longing. His eyes gazed at me with a puppy-like innocence, his excitement contagious.

My frown deepened as I wrestled with conflicting thoughts. "Even if I were able to capture an angel, wouldn't that go against the agreement?" I questioned, hoping to appeal to Asmo's sense of reason.

His joyful expression gradually faded, replaced by a more somber and contemplative demeanor. The weight of the truth settled upon us, reminding us of the delicate balance between realms and the importance of honoring the agreements.

"You're right," Asmo admitted, his tone carrying a hint of regret. The spark of excitement in his eyes dimmed, replaced by a touch of understanding.

Leaning back against the comfortable cushion, I tried to dismiss his presence and focus on my own thoughts.

However, a flicker of anticipation danced in his eyes once more, reigniting his curiosity. "So, is it an angel's seed then?" he ventured, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

His question caught me off guard, and I turned to face him once again, unable to hide my amusement. "And how exactly do you think I would acquire an angel's seed?" I asked, unable to contain my incredulity. I was starting to question whether common sense had any place in our conversation.

A puzzled expression crossed Asmo's face as he pondered my question. He cringed slightly, realizing the absurdity of his assumption. "Um... maybe by intruding into the light realm?" he hazarded a guess, his doubt evident in his voice.

A scoff escaped my lips as I shook my head in disbelief. "Do you really think I would risk everything just to obtain a birthday present for you?" I replied, hoping to bring him back to reality. It was essential for him to understand the gravity of our actions and the consequences they carried.

Asmo nodded with a wide grin, his innocent charm contrasting with his devilish nature. "Well, we are best friends, after all," he chimed cheerfully, his tone suggesting that the rules that bound mortals simply didn't apply to us.

I looked at Asmo with a flat stare, my expression unyielding. There was no room for negotiation. "No," I said firmly, making my answer crystal clear. The idea of giving Asmo the snow globe containing the illusion of an angel trapped in a glass dome was out of the question.

His face contorted into a pout as disappointment washed over him. "How disappointing," he whined, the melodramatic flair in his voice all too familiar. Asmo had a knack for turning even the simplest of situations into a dramatic spectacle.

I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his reaction. "If you don't want it, I can easily repurpose it as a decorative piece," I stated nonchalantly. While the snow globe held no real value or purpose, it had a certain allure to it. The notion of an angel being trapped within the confines of a glass dome was something that enticed all demons, myself included.

Asmo's eyes widened in alarm, his previously crestfallen expression transforming into one of urgency. "Wait, wait! I never said I don't want it!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of desperation and excitement. It seemed that his disappointment had been short-lived, quickly replaced by a desire to possess the peculiar trinket.

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