Seven Sins System

Chapter 250: Former Self

Chapter 250: Former Self

Seven Sins System Chapter 250. Former Self

After hearing the voice, I found myself whisked away to a new location. Gone was the oppressive void of darkness that had enveloped me, and in its place stood a completely different setting. I took a moment to gather my bearings, glancing around to assess my surroundings.

I found myself standing in a luxurious living room that exuded an air of opulence and grandeur. The room was adorned with elements that blended the old world, giving it a unique and captivating ambiance.

The walls were made of dark, polished wood, intricately carved with ornate patterns that spoke of a bygone era. The floor beneath my feet was covered in plush, deep red carpets that cushioned each step and added to the regal atmosphere. Soft, flickering candlelight bathed the room in a warm glow, casting dancing shadows upon the walls.

The furniture was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with each piece meticulously designed to reflect the dark prince's extravagant tastes. A large, velvet sofa stood in the center of the room, its rich, midnight blue upholstery inviting me to sink into its comfort. Golden accents adorned the edges, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.

I immediately realized where I was. This was my old palace, the place where I used to reign as the undisputed ruler of all things extravagant and indulgent. Memories flooded back to me in a whirlwind of emotions and nostalgia.

"This is... my old palace?" I muttered to myself, disbelief evident in my voice. The sight before me was both familiar and haunting, a stark reminder of the life I once led before everything came crashing down. It was a time when I reveled in my power and basked in the glory of my status. Parties, riches, and endless pleasure were the hallmarks of my existence. But that was before the calamity struck, shattering everything I held dear.

As I stood there, taking in the grandeur of the place, a voice broke through the silence. "Your Highness," a soft, feminine voice called out.

My eyes widened as my gaze caught sight of a succubus with a striking resemblance to Julia. The features were uncanny, but there was a distinct difference—the succubus's attire was much more provocative, leaving little to the imagination. It was clear that she wasn't Julia, yet something else caught my attention— my sigil that was emblazoned on her body. It was a clear indication that she was under my contract.

"The king is waiting for you, and here you are, still lounging around," she chided with a pout, her annoyance evident on her face as she placed her hands on her hips.

My brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. "Who are---" I began to ask, but before I could finish my words, a voice interjected, cutting through the air.

"Just let him wait," the male voice asserted. It was a voice that struck a chord within me, a voice that held a familiarity that stirred my memories.

I turned my gaze towards its source, eager to put a face to the voice that resonated so deeply. My eyes fell upon a sight that both intrigued and unsettled me. There, lounging on a luxurious couch, was the old version of myself—the devil I used to be before taking on the title of the lord of wrath. The old me was reveling in the indulgences of the moment, surrounded by an entourage of succubi, each one draped seductively across my formerself's body. Glasses filled with wine adorned the tables nearby, evidence of the unabashed revelry taking place.

It was a scene that embodied excess and pleasure, a vivid reminder of the life I once led—a life where gratification and desire reigned supreme. None of the succubi present bore my sigils. They were merely companions, chosen for their allure and ability to fulfill carnal desires. They lacked the deeper connection that came with the binding contract.

That sight made me do a double-take, unable to comprehend what I was witnessing. I looked down at my own hands, only to realize that they appeared transparent—almost like a ghostly apparition. It dawned on me that I had become intangible, existing in a state that rendered me invisible to those around me. It was as if the power of the echoing hall had extended its influence even into this surreal realm.

But despite my transparency, I could still observe the unfolding scene in vivid detail, as if I were a spectator watching a movie. It was an eerie sensation, being detached from my own body and experiencing everything from a third-person perspective. And it was in this peculiar state that I bore witness to the old me—my former self—engaged in a display of arrogance and recklessness.

As I continued to observe, a surge of self-deprecation washed over me. I couldn't help but cringe at the old me's behavior, his demeanor reeking of an entitled and pompous attitude. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, unable to contain my disdain. "I look like a pathetic imbecile."

It was then that I recalled the reason behind my intense training and transformation after the calamity. My father had recognized the flaws in my character—the flaws that had led to our downfall—and had pushed me to become stronger, both physically and mentally. He had seen through the facade of my former self and knew that drastic changes were necessary to reclaim my position of power.

"You can't make him wait. He is the king," The beautiful succubus continued to nag, urging him not to keep the king waiting.

But the old me, lost in his grandeur, dismissed her concerns with a callous arrogance. "So what? If this is urgent, he should come to me," he retorted, his words dripping with entitlement.

"Your Highness," the beautiful succubus persisted, her voice filled with concern.

But the old me, true to his arrogant nature, simply teleported in front of her, silencing her with a single gesture. He pressed his index finger against her lips, a wicked smirk playing on his lips. "Shhhh! Even though you were sent by my father, you already belong to me now," he hissed possessively, wrapping his arms around her waist. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of power and dominance. "If you dare speak once again, Ravenna," he threatened, his voice laced with malice, "I will ensure you face the consequences."

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