Seven Sins System

Chapter 268 Are You Really Azrael?

268  Are You Really Azrael?

Seven Sins System Chapter 268. Are You Really Azrael?

I gradually opened my eyes, the heavy veil of slumber lifting as consciousness seeped back into my being. My vision was hazy at first as if peering through a foggy lens. But with each passing moment, the world around me sharpened into focus.

The first thing that greeted my gaze was the gentle canopy above my bed. As the details of my surroundings came into clearer view, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation. I blinked a few times, attempting to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to my mind.

Staring blankly, I let out a long, tired exhale, the weariness of my recent ordeal weighing heavily upon me. The memories flooded back, reminding me of the trials I had faced. It all came rushing back like a torrent, overwhelming and exhilarating all at once.

"Oh, right," I murmured to myself, a sense of clarity cutting through the fog of my thoughts. "I passed out after I managed to escape the trial."

With renewed determination, I attempted to rise from the bed, only to be met with unexpected resistance. My body felt restrained as if invisible chains held me firmly in place. I struggled against the invisible restraints, but it was all in vain. The chains held steadfast, refusing to yield to my efforts.

Realizing the futility of my struggle, I let out a defeated sigh and allowed my body to slump back onto the soft mattress.

"Right... He must be afraid of me turning into that monster," I muttered, a tinge of bitterness coloring my words. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but deep down, I understood my father's apprehension. He had witnessed firsthand the horrors that had unfolded when I had lost control, when the darkness within me had consumed everything in its path. It was no wonder he took such extreme precautions, withholding information and keeping me restrained.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, knowing that my own actions had instilled fear within my father. The memory of devouring his friends' lifeless bodies and the near tragedy with my own mother haunted me. It was a heavy burden to bear, but I couldn't deny the consequences of my past actions.

But in this moment of helplessness, I knew that the first step towards resolution was to make my presence known to my father. With a resolute expression, I turned my attention toward the door and used my Telekinesis.

-       Bang!

With a sudden burst of unseen force, the door swung open with a resounding bang. The demon soldiers stationed outside were caught off guard, their weapons gripped tightly as they cautiously approached the room. Their humanoid forms, concealed by suits that covered their bodies, couldn't hide the telltale signs of their demonic heritage—the sharp horns adorning their heads and the eyes devoid of mouths.

As they entered the room, tension hung in the air, palpable and suffocating. Their expressions were a mix of curiosity and caution. It was clear that they were prepared for any potential threat, their weapons held at the ready.

"Put your weapons down," I commanded, my voice carrying a tinge of exhaustion. It had been a long journey, and the weariness seeped into my tone. "And inform my dad that I'm awake," I added, my words laced with quiet determination.

The demon soldiers before me nodded in response, their faces betraying a mixture of respect and curiosity. They lowered their weapons and quickly exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Time seemed to stretch as I waited in silence.

After what felt like an eternity, a dark aura began to coalesce within the room. My father materialized before me, his expression etched with worry and relief. He wasted no time, quickly closing the distance between us.

As he crossed the threshold of the transparent barrier that had kept me confined, the barrier shattered, dissipating into thin air.

"Azrael, how are you feeling?" my father inquired, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and fatherly affection.

I took a moment to assess my state, searching within myself for any lingering signs of weakness or distress. "Good, I think," I responded, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Just a little check," my father said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he spread his fingers in front of me. "How much is this?" he asked, a playful tone tinging his voice.

I narrowed my gaze, studying his outstretched hand. The answer came to me almost instantly. "Five," I responded, my voice carrying a hint of boredom.

A broad smile spread across my father's face, his excitement evident. "Oh, you really are Azrael!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his joy. He pulled me into a tight hug, his affectionate embrace momentarily catching me off guard.

I couldn't help but frown, unsure if such a simple test could truly determine whether I was still myself or if the ancient demon had taken control. It seemed my father underestimated the intelligence and cunning of the being that resided within me.

"Um... Dad, mind letting me go?" I asked, my voice tinged with a hint of discomfort.

Realizing his enthusiasm had gotten the better of him, my father released his hold on me and took a step back. "Oh, right! I forgot about that!" he exclaimed, his tone filled with a mix of embarrassment and genuine concern.

With a snap of his fingers, my father effortlessly dissolved the chains that had held me. I took a moment to stretch my limbs, feeling the newfound freedom coursing through my veins.

"Thanks," I murmured, my gratitude laced with a touch of uncertainty. I settled into a seated position, a nervous smile playing on my lips.

Leaning back, I couldn't help but inquire about the duration of my slumber. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity.

He met my gaze, his eyes holding a mix of relief and concern. "Just a day," he replied, his voice calm yet revealing a trace of astonishment.

"Only a day?" I repeated in disbelief, my eyes widening. It felt like an eternity within the depths of the trials. The realization that my time in slumber had been relatively short left me stunned.

My father nodded. "You're so fast, Azrael," he admitted a hint of pride in his voice. "Too fast…"

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