Seven Sins System

Chapter 275: Baelthor's Rage

Chapter 275: Baelthor's Rage

Seven Sins System Chapter 275. Baelthor's Rage

In a burst of determination, I lunged at Baelthor, my wrath tentacles coiling around him like a vice. With a powerful telekinesis outburst, I immobilized his body, preventing him from moving or defending himself. I pressed him firmly to the ground, my telekinetic grip holding him in place.

A booming sound echoed through the room as our combined powers clashed. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, rattling the dusty shelves and making the ancient books tremble. The magic crystal flickered even more intensely, reacting to the raw power emanating from our confrontation.

Baelthor struggled against my telekinetic hold, his red eyes blazing with fury and frustration. His claws clawed at the air, trying to break free from my grasp, but my determination matched his aggression. I wouldn't let him escape or cause further harm.

As our struggle intensified, a loud crack resonated through the room. I looked down and realized that the floor beneath us had given way under the pressure of our powers. A deep fissure had formed, snaking its way across the stone surface.

The room trembled again as the crack expanded, causing small pieces of debris to rain down from the ceiling. But I remained focused on keeping Baelthor restrained.

A loud roar out of his mouth.

Baelthor's rage seemed to consume him, and his appearance transformed into the grotesque and terrifying form that I had seen many times before. He looked like a mass of black slime, oozing with moss and disgusting bumps. It was a sight that would make anyone's stomach churn in revulsion.

The cores that held his power were embedded within this nightmarish form, glowing ominously from within the dark, amorphous mass. They were the source of his immense strength and the reason he posed such a dangerous threat to the Shadow Realm.

However, the cores were not unguarded. A small, intricately designed cage with a dark, eerie glow surrounded them. This cage acted as his prison, containing the immense power that Baelthor wielded. It was a delicate balance that only existed within the confines of this tower, preventing him from unleashing his full destructive potential.

For centuries, the tower had stood as a safeguard against the unleashed fury of Baelthor. Its unique enchantments and the ancient magic of the Shadow Realm had been carefully woven together to create a prison specifically designed to keep him in check. It was a testament to the wisdom of the ancient beings who had crafted it, for Baelthor's raw power and insatiable hunger for chaos made him an enemy that had to be contained.

I leaped onto Baelthor's grotesque form, I was met with a putrid smell that threatened to overwhelm my senses. I gritted my teeth, doing my best to endure the wretched odor as I held him back with all my strength. Wrapping my tentacles around his slimy body, I used every ounce of telekinetic power I could muster to keep him restrained.

But Baelthor was not so easily contained. His rage was palpable, and his inhuman strength surged against my telekinetic hold. I could feel the strain in every fiber of my being as I fought to keep him in check.

In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, I used my new skill.

'Blood Curse!'

A surge of dark energy emanated from me, enveloping Baelthor's writhing form. The cursed magic worked its way through his veins, and something incredible began to happen. His blood, or rather, his slimy black substance, started to change. It thickened and solidified, encasing him in a hardened shell.

The once-fluid mass now resembled dark, stone-like armor, imprisoning Baelthor within its grasp. He thrashed and struggled, but the Blood Curse held him fast, making it impossible for him to move even an inch. The sinister glow of the skill intensified, binding him further, leaving him at the mercy of its dark power.

I took a step back, still keeping a cautious eye on him. The room seemed to sigh in relief as the immediate danger had subsided. The crack on the floor from our previous clash served as a stark reminder of the immense power Baelthor possessed, even in his restrained state.

"Curse you!" The room was thick with tension as Baelthor's enraged hiss echoed through the air. His red eyes blazed with anger, fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Despite the Blood Curse holding him in its grasp, there was still a malevolence in his gaze that I knew could never be fully contained.

"That's what happens if you don't listen to me," I retorted, my voice laced with irritation. Dealing with Baelthor was always a delicate balance between asserting my authority and trying not to provoke him further. He was a creature of chaos and unpredictability, and any misstep on my part could have dire consequences.

The tension in the room escalated as Baelthor's defiance grew, his rage fueling his resistance to my commands. "I don't want to listen to you! I won't listen to you!" he bellowed, his voice filled with unchecked fury.

"It's an order!" I reiterated, my patience beginning to wear thin. I had hoped that reason and persuasion would be enough to get through to him, but it seemed that he was not one to yield easily.

"NO!" he roared, his words reverberating through the chamber. His defiance was unwavering, and he seemed determined to challenge my authority at every turn.

I took a deep breath, trying to quell the frustration bubbling inside me. "Right I have tried to be nice, but you force me to do it," I muttered under my breath. I knew that I had to be firm now, to show him that I would not back down.

Without wasting any time, I used my telekinesis skill. An invisible force surged around the ancient book that Baelthor had held so dearly, lifting it from its resting place on the dusty shelf and sending it soaring through the air to my waiting hand.

I held the book high above my head. "I want you to listen, or I will destroy this book," I threatened.

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