Seven Sins System

Chapter 284: Cruel Game I

Chapter 284: Cruel Game I

Seven Sins System Chapter 284. Cruel Game I

A triumphant grin stretched across my face as I gleefully declared, "That's one point for me!" The words tumbled out with buoyant energy. I raised my glass, savoring the taste before placing it back on the table. Swiftly, I reached for another marble.

My target awaited, the symbol gleaming with an almost mocking challenge. The soul trembled before me, his eyes a window into the terror that gripped him. The pleas, the cries, the desperation—it was a symphony of fear, one that underscored the stakes of this ethereal contest.

"Please no…" His voice was a mere whisper, a desperate plea for mercy that was as futile as it was expected. The hole in his stomach, a consequence of my previous shot, bore mute testimony to the impact of the marbles. It was a surreal sight—the gaping wound and the wall beyond it. There was pain etched on his features, but it was the kind that reached far beyond the physical.

With a practiced hand, I aimed the marble with unerring accuracy, my gaze locked on the target that symbolized more than a mere score.

The marble found its mark. His hand. The impact was swift and precise, a piercing blow that elicited a guttural scream from the soul. The agony was a tangible presence.

With a muttered resolve, I reached for another marble. "One more," the words slipped out in a quiet murmur.

Aiming with precision honed by countless repetitions, I directed the marble at the heart symbol.

The soul's gaze met mine for an instant, and in that fleeting connection, I saw the desperation, the plea for mercy. But this was a dance set in motion long before this moment.

The marble was released. The room seemed to hold its breath as the marble found its mark, and in that heartbeat, the tapestry of the soul's existence unraveled.

The soul's screams reverberated off the walls. I watched as the girls instinctively covered their ears, their expressions contorted with a mixture of discomfort and disbelief. Well, everyone except Ivy and Lily.

Lily's expression twisted into a grimace, and she couldn't help but voice her discontent. "I don't get it... why do they like this?" The incredulity in her voice was palpable.

Ivy, sitting beside her, seemed to find the situation amusing. She leaned back, an inscrutable smile dancing on her lips. "Heh, male demons," she commented with a knowing glint in her eyes. Her words were laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Lily scoffed in response, her arms crossed over her chest in a display of mock exasperation. "Of course, always the torture," she muttered, her eyes rolling in playful annoyance.

Julia's voice trembled with a mix of shock and disbelief as she posed her question to Lily. "Are this kind of games common here?"

Lily's lips curved into a wry smile as she leaned back in her chair, her fingers delicately tracing the rim of her cup. "Well, it's more like punishment than a game, Julia," she clarified, her tone casual yet carrying an undercurrent of gravity.

Claire turned her gaze to Lily, her curiosity mingling with a hint of trepidation. "So, here in the shadow realm... it's the place where damned souls will go once they die?" Her voice quivered slightly.

Lily nodded, her expression a blend of somberness and matter-of-factness. "Yeah, it's not exactly the kind of afterlife you'd read about in mortal stories," she replied, her tone tinged with a touch of irony.

Evie's curiosity seemed to get the better of her. "But, can he... I mean, the soul we just saw, can he ever escape from here?" she inquired, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of intrigue and compassion. Her trembling hand rested on her glass, her fingers drumming a nervous rhythm.

"In his case," Lily began, her voice taking on a thoughtful cadence, "it seems like he'll be here for a long time." Her words hung in the air, a tacit acknowledgment of the intricate threads that bound souls to their fates.

I turned my attention to Luci, a mischievous glint in my eyes as I leaned back comfortably in my seat. "Your turn," I stated, my lips curling into a half-smile.

Luci didn't waste any time. With a swift motion, he downed his drink and rose from his seat.

The soul materialized once again, its form reconstituting as if by some macabre magic. The eerie sight of its wholeness, devoid of the punctures and damage inflicted moments ago, seemed to underscore the relentless nature of its ordeal. It was as if the cycle of torment was destined to repeat, each iteration a mirror to the sins it carried.

The words that tumbled from the soul's quivering lips were a symphony of pleas and regrets. "Please stop," it implored, its voice laden with anguish. "I confess. I was wrong. I'm guilty. I will never do it again." The desperation in its tone was undeniable.

Luci and I exchanged glances, our amusement mingling with a shared understanding of the irony lacing the soul's words. "He won't do it again he said," Luci quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I couldn't help but chuckle, my amusement mirroring Luci's sentiment. "Please let me go he said," I added, my tone a playful mimicry of the soul's desperate entreaty. It was hard not to find a dark humor in this macabre setting, surrounded by the souls of those condemned to the shadow realm, each begging for clemency that was forever out of reach.

My lips curved into a half-smile as I leaned back in my seat, my gaze locked on the trembling soul before us. "You're dead and in the shadow realm, pal," I retorted, my words sharp with a chilling finality. "You will not be able to commit any sin and have nowhere to go but accept your punishment."

The soul's desperation seemed to intensify, its cries a crescendo of fear and anguish that reverberated in the space between us. "No… Please no. Stop. Just don't hurt me," it begged, its voice a haunting echo of its torment.

Luci's derisive smirk remained firmly in place, his tone unyielding as he responded to the soul's pleas. "You're asking the impossible," he sneered, his words a stark reminder of the inescapable nature of its suffering.

With a deliberate flourish, Luci raised the marble in his hand, his intent unmistakable as he aimed it at the soul. His words were laced with dark amusement, chilling anticipation for what was to come. "Now…" Luci's voice held a sinister edge, his words a taunting dare that echoed through the room. "Give me a good scream!"

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