Seven Sins System

Chapter 303: Venom

Chapter 303: Venom

Seven Sins System Chapter 304. Venom

Aria tapped her index finger thoughtfully against her lower lip, her eyes trained on me with a scrutinizing gaze. "Hmm," she hummed contemplatively. "So that means I have to pay attention to you and stick close to you more often," she mused aloud, as if formulating a strategy in her mind.

She narrowed her eyes, a mischievous glint dancing in them. "Or perhaps..." She leaned in a bit closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "I can pretend to be close to you so that they'll target me too," she whispered, her eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that hinted at a cunning plan forming in her thoughts. It was as if she saw me as the perfect pawn in her game.

I couldn't help but cringe as her gaze bore into me, filled with disdain and disgust. "Could you please stop looking at me like that? It feels like I'm being molested here," I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

She didn't waste a moment before snapping back, her irritation clear in her voice. "You're the devil in this scenario. Complaining about feeling violated? That should be my line!" she exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Raising one of my eyebrows, I shot back with a wry grin, feeling like I'd won a round. "Well, yes, I am the devil. But let's not forget who actually touched my body and stripped me," I reminded her, the corners of my lips curling up in an annoying smile. This was a small victory in our ongoing banter, and I intended to savor it.

"You—" she snapped, pointing her finger at me in annoyance, but I effortlessly finished her sentence, "...are a handsome devil," I added with a smirk, savoring the moment. 

"Yeah, I know that. Thank you for the compliment," I added with mock appreciation, my tone dripping with playful sarcasm. Teasing her had always been a guilty pleasure of mine. I knew I was pushing her buttons, but it was just too much fun not to.

Aria, however, wasn't in the mood for games. She inhaled deeply, her once-warm gaze turning icy and her demeanor shifting from annoyed to dead serious. The room's atmosphere shifted as her angelic power began to radiate around her. The glow of white and gold surrounded her, creating an aura that was both majestic and intimidating.

"You are lucky because I still need you," she hissed, her voice laced with a potent blend of anger and displeasure. Her eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, it felt as if her gaze could pierce straight through my soul. "If not," she continued, "I would kill you right now, here."

I couldn't help but cringe inwardly. But Aria was not one to be taken lightly, especially when she was wielding her angelic power with such authority.

"And you, you're lucky because you're stuck with me as my fateful partner," I sneered, venom lacing my words. "I had plans to do away with you once I'd squeezed out all the information I needed, but it seems fate has different ideas," I added, my sharp gaze locked onto her. The atmosphere grew tense with an unmistakable undercurrent of mutual loathing.

My eyes remained locked with hers as we both fell into a heavy silence. There was a strange, almost magnetic quality to our stares, as if the very essence of our rivalry and animosity was woven into this moment. Neither of us had forgotten the tumultuous history that had led us here.

A dark aura began to envelop me, a manifestation of my raw demonic power. It swirled around me, shrouding me in a thick cloud of black smoke. It was a visual representation of my malevolence, a reminder of my capacity for cruelty.

She, on the other hand, retained the air of an angelic being, but there was a subtle shift in her demeanor. Though her countenance remained serene, a faint glimmer of celestial energy began to radiate from her. It was an unspoken challenge, a sign that she was ready for whatever might come next.

The silence between us was thick with tension, a palpable force that seemed to hang in the air, waiting for one of us to make a move. It was a standoff neither of us was willing to break, a testament to the complex and volatile nature of our relationship.

In the blink of an eye, the tension between us reached its breaking point. She tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes burning with a murderous intent that was impossible to ignore. It was clear that she had decided to make her move, and it was equally clear that she intended to take my life.

Without missing a beat, she lunged at me, her sword leading the charge. The tip of her blade was aimed straight at my core, and it was evident that she had every intention of running me through. It was a swift and calculated attack.

At the same time, I too sprang into action. I didn't need to rise from my seated position; instead, I activated my Wrath tentacles with a mere thought. The tips of those writhing appendages transformed into razor-sharp blades, gleaming wickedly in the dim light of the room. My intent was clear – I intended to strike her down before she could reach me.

But fate had other plans. As our deadly attacks collided in the space between us, an unseen force intervened. A barrier materialized before us, forming a nearly invisible but impenetrable wall that stopped our deadly dance in its tracks. It was as though an invisible hand had seized our bodies, preventing us from continuing our lethal assault.

The binding power of the threads of fate had reasserted itself, reminding us both that our destinies were inextricably linked.

In that charged moment, our faces were inches apart, our gazes locked in a fierce battle of wills. The room crackled with energy as we struggled against the force that held us back, our bodies straining against the invisible chains that bound us.

It was then that I let out a dark and bitter threat, a cruel twist to our already twisted relationship. "On second thought," I hissed, my tone dripping with venom, "Marrying you doesn't sound so bad. That way, I can r*pe you with my tentacles every single day until even the dirtiest demon won't touch you."

The words left a foul taste in my mouth, and the mere thought of being intimate with her made me shudder with disgust. But revenge had a way of making even the most repulsive actions seem justifiable.

She, however, was unyielding in the face of my threat. Her eyes blazed with a fiery determination as she shot back her own chilling promise. "Try it," she hissed, her voice laced with a deadly seriousness. "I'll melt your pen*s and tentacles until you can't breed."

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