Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 124: Tokiomi’s Determination

Chapter 124: Tokiomi’s Determination

It was late afternoon, and the darkness of the night was about to envelop the twilight. Tokiomi arrived at his wife's family home, the Zenjou residence. However, he only stood outside the door and had no intention of stepping inside.

At present, Tokiomi's position was that of one of the Masters vying for the Holy Grail, immersed in the battlefield of the Holy Grail War. To protect the safety of his wife and daughter, he had sent them to the Zenjou residence, not allowing himself to bring the stench of bloodshed with him.

Tokiomi had originally thought that he wouldn't see his family until the war was over. However, the unexpected death of the priest Kotomine Risei, who had been supporting Tokiomi as his guardian and a close friend of his father, shook his determination.

The old priest was not only a friend of Tokiomi's father but also his guardian. For Tokiomi, entering into close contact with the priest and receiving his support was an important factor in his belief that he would surely achieve victory.

Of course, Tokiomi wouldn't falter just because he lost that support. However, he did start to feel a foreboding shadow of "what if" looming over the previously confident and almost arrogant path to victory.

Just like the old and steadfast priest suddenly falling, was it possible that he, too, might die before fulfilling his aspirations?

Until yesterday, for Tokiomi, victory in the Holy Grail War was almost a certainty. But now, with his reliable ally gone, he only realized that he had thrown himself into a battle that teetered between life and death as a competitor.

Perhaps—this would be his final meeting with his family.

Taking a deep breath, dispelling his distractions, and restoring his usual calm and grace, Tokiomi reached for the doorbell by the entrance.

Just then, Tokiomi witnessed something that surprised him.

In the courtyard, his two daughters—yes, two daughters—his eldest, Rin Tohsaka, and his second daughter, who had been adopted by the Matou family and renamed Sakura Matou, were engaged in a magical competition.

Two little girls, aged seven and six, couldn't possibly master true combat magecraft. Their competition was not a genuine magical confrontation but rather a contest similar to "origami contests" among ordinary children, where they competed to see who could fold things better and faster. In this case, "origami" was replaced with "magical props."

Rin used the jewel magic passed down in the Tohsaka family and created gemstones that stored magical energy, which she had been training with recently.

Sakura, on the other hand, didn't use the water attribute magecraft inherited from the Matou family. Instead, she employed some kind of ancient rune magic. Although Tokiomi didn't know much about rune magic or which specific kind Sakura was using, he could tell that her foundation in basic skills was solid, and her magecraft had a unique sense of beauty, which proved that she had received a complete inheritance of rune magic in place.

"Zouken is quite dedicated," Tokiomi silently nodded. He did not know that the Zouken he had placed high hopes on had died a year ago. The Matou family had kept it a secret, maintaining the illusion that Zouken was still alive. The foundation of the Matou family's magecraft had quietly changed with his death.

The two little girls were creating basic magical items, requiring minimal magical power and time. After about ten minutes, the sisters completed their respective work.

In Rin's palm was a flawless crystal, a perfectly shaped regular octagon. Both its luster and design reached the level of a gem pendant. The purity of the magical energy contained within the crystal was also impressive. The only flaw was that the filling rate of magical energy was insufficient. This was not due to Rin's lack of magical power; on the contrary, Rin's magical power was abundant. However, she often destroyed gemstones during practice due to an excess of magical energy. To win the competition, Rin chose a relatively conservative approach, preferring to leave some room for error rather than using an excessive amount of magical energy. This level-headedness brought Tokiomi a sense of relief.

In contrast, Sakura's work seemed very plain. It was a gray stone that could be found anywhere, engraved with ancient runes consisting of only a few strokes. However, the quality of a magical item could not be measured by its appearance alone, and with Tokiomi's discerning eyes, Sakura's work was no worse than her sister's.

It was a standard rune stone, equivalent in function to the gemstone Rin created, used to store magical energy. The amount and purity of the magical energy infused into the rune stone were comparable to the gemstone. Judging solely from their works, the two were evenly matched. However, Sakura had only started formally studying magecraft after entering the Matou family a year ago, while Rin had been carefully nurtured by Tokiomi for a year and seven months. In this aspect, Rin undoubtedly had the advantage.

Of course, Tokiomi was not worried that the sisters would create a rift between them. Rin had always been mature and ambitious from a young age, always saying, "I will protect my little sister." Now that her younger sister was on par with her and no longer needed her protection, Rin would surely become even more diligent in maintaining her dignity as the older sister.

In truth, Tokiomi was well aware that both Aoi and Rin were not in favor of Sakura being adopted by the Matou family. However, out of trust in her husband, Aoi kept her feelings to herself. But not speaking out did not mean they didn't miss their daughter. Tokiomi still remembered the joy in his wife and daughter's eyes when Sakura ran past the gate of the Tohsaka household.

Therefore, although Tokiomi had emphasized several times that Sakura no longer belonged to the Tohsaka family and should not be too close to her, in reality, he did not interfere with Aoi and Rin's private intimacy, including Sakura's appearance at the Zenjou residence this time. From the standpoint of the Tohsaka family, Tokiomi had to draw a clear line between himself and Sakura, but after all, he was Sakura's biological father, and what father wouldn't love his daughter? It's just that his way of expressing it was too deep and reserved, and only his wife Aoi understood.

As the competition ended in a tie, and the two works were presented as gifts to Aoi, Tokiomi rang the doorbell.

Having not seen their father for a few days, Rin first smiled with joy and then hurriedly hid Sakura behind their mother, Aoi.

Tokiomi was amused by this scene. He didn't mean to be angry. Sakura peeked out and gave Tokiomi a timid smile, to which he responded with a long-lost warm smile. Then, Tokiomi waved his hand at Rin. The most important purpose of his visit to the Zenjou household today was to discuss some important matters with Rin.

Looking into his daughter's eyes, sparkling like precious gemstones, Tokiomi once again deeply felt that this girl was the precious treasure that the Tohsaka family had finally obtained after five generations, a shining gem that was as precious as a miracle.

Tohsaka Rin.

Although her face was still young and tender, one could already anticipate that she would grow up to be a remarkable beauty. Rather than saying she resembled her mother, it was more accurate to say that she had the shadow of Tokiomi's wife when she was young.

At this moment, his daughter, who was anxiously waiting in silence, looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

Tokiomi knew the respect and admiration his daughter held for him as her father.

At this moment, the words Tokiomi would say to Rin would undoubtedly influence her future.

No, there was no need to be confused about the future. The future had already been decided long ago. Apart from becoming the sixth generation head of the Tohsaka family and inheriting the Tohsaka family's legacy, Rin had no other choice.

Upon careful consideration, perhaps this was the fundamental reason why Tokiomi felt a tinge of guilt towards his daughter.

Tokiomi kneeled, bent his body, and placed his hand on Rin's head.

Rin showed a surprised expression and widened her eyes.

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Tokiomi suddenly realized that he had never touched his daughter's head like this before.

No wonder Rin was so shocked. Even Tokiomi himself, after touching his daughter's head, realized that he didn't know how much strength to use to express gentle affection.

"Rin, before you grow up, make sure the Association owes you a favor. The next judgments and decisions will be left up to you. If it's you, even if you're alone, you can handle it well."

Originally, Tokiomi was still hesitating about what to say, but once he started speaking, the words continued to flow one after another.

If he considered the "what ifs," there were too many things he should say.

How to handle the family heirloom, the gemstone, which was passed down from the master, and the management of the underground workshop—Tokiomi summarized these key points and explained them one by one to Rin, who was attentively listening.

Although he hadn't officially passed on his magic crest to Rin, in essence, these admonitions were equivalent to designating Rin as the next head of the Tohsaka family.

Tokiomi Tohsaka was by no means a prodigy.

Among the generations of Tohsaka family magi, one could even say that his aptitude was mediocre.

The reason why Tokiomi had become a seasoned and respected magus today was that he faithfully practiced the Tohsaka family's teachings.

Always maintaining composure, always maintaining elegance.

If you demand a perfect ten, you must accumulate twenty points of training beforehand. To gracefully and calmly overcome various trials, Tokiomi always demanded this of himself. If you were to find something outstanding about Tokiomi compared to others, it would be his thorough self-discipline and unwavering willpower.

As the former head of the Tohsaka family and Tokiomi's father, he had foreseen that if his son were to pursue magecraft, it would be a treacherous path. So, on the night before his father passed on the magic crest to Tokiomi, he solemnly asked his son once again, "Do you want to inherit the headship?"

It was merely a ritualistic question, a question devoid of substance. As the eldest son of the family, Tokiomi's education was meant to guide him towards becoming the future head, and the dignity nurtured within Tokiomi from a young age did not allow him to dream of a different life.

Even so, since there was a formal "question," it meant that Tokiomi still had a slight "room for choice."

Looking back now, that could be considered the greatest gift his father, the former head, had given him.

Tokiomi Tohsaka chose the path of magecraft based on his own will, not influenced by fate.

It was this consciousness that gave Tokiomi an iron-like willpower.

"This is the life I have chosen for myself." It was this noble self-pride from the depths of his heart that supported him through the rigorous training that awaited him in the future.

Tokiomi deeply wished that he could pass on the treasure his father had bestowed upon him to his two daughters.

But this wish could not be fulfilled.

Rin and Sakura never had a choice from the beginning.

One possessed the rare attribute of being a complete five-element composite. The other possessed the imaginary element void attribute. The two sisters were born with almost miraculous rare qualities. It went beyond natural talent and could almost be called a curse.

The demonic nature will summon the demonic. Those whose abilities surpass the boundaries of common sense will inevitably 'attract' things beyond their everyday life, completely unrelated to their own will. There is only one way to counter this fate—to step out of the ordinary oneself.

Tokiomi's daughters can only cope with the demonic nature in their bloodline by actively experiencing magecraft and studying magecraft. However, the Tohsaka family can only provide shelter for one of the sisters, and this contradiction tormented Tokiomi for a long time. Various strange things that appear under the temptation of their bloodline will surely bring ruthless calamities to the one who does not become the successor.

If the Mage's Association becomes aware of the existence of these 'ordinary people,' they will surely eagerly use them as specimens under the pretext of 'protection,' engaging in actions similar to immersing them in a formalin solution. For thousands of years, the Mage's Association has imprisoned and captured magi with extraordinary talents or those who have violated taboos under the name of 'protection,' condemning them to a lifetime of imprisonment. The Mage's Association has given this 'selfless' act a name—' Sealing Designation.'

Therefore, the proposal of the Matou family to adopt a foster daughter was truly like a gift from heaven. Both beloved daughters can inherit first-class magecraft and obtain means to explore their own lives, without succumbing to the causal effects of their bloodline. At that time, Tokiomi almost felt relieved of his heavy responsibilities as a father.

But is that the case? The more Tokiomi asked himself this question, the more burden he felt in his heart.

Rin's talent would undoubtedly allow her to learn the secrets of magecraft more easily than Tokiomi. But compared to choosing one's fate and embarking on this path, how painful it must be to choose a predetermined path due to an inescapable destiny.

In the future, Rin will face numerous trials. If Tokiomi doesn't provide her with any guidance and departs from her like this... would Tokiomi still be a perfect father?

Tokiomi once again conveyed his longing to Rin through the touch of her hand, as if trying to clarify his inner doubts.

Although Rin allowed that hand to caress her head, her clear eyes remained motionless, filled with unease and confusion.

"Ah, I see. So that's how it is."

This unconditional reverence and trust finally found an answer in Tokiomi's heart.

This child does not need any words of apology, nor does she need others to worry about her future. As the former head who is about to leave, he has only one sentence left to say to the noble heir of the Tohsaka family.

"Rin, the Holy Grail will appear someday. Obtaining the Holy Grail is the duty of the Tohsaka family. Furthermore, as a magus, it is an inevitable path."

The girl nodded without hesitation, and her gaze filled Tokiomi's heart with pride.

Even when Tokiomi inherited the position of the head in the past, he had never felt such a fulfilling sense of honor.

"Well then, I must go. You know what to do next."

"I know... Please take care on your journey, Father."

Rin's tone was firm and clear.

Tokiomi nodded and stood up straight.

His gaze turned towards the mansion inside the door, intersecting with Aoi in the courtyard.

His wife had been by his side for a long time, and they understood each other without needing any words. The gaze Aoi sent over was full of trust and encouragement. The gaze he returned carried gratitude and assurance. Beside his wife was Sakura, who no longer had the features of the Tohsaka family. She gathered her courage and waved goodbye to Tokiomi. Feeling a sense of crisis before stepping onto the battlefield, driven by complex emotions of guilt stemming from familial ties, Tokiomi raised his hand and gently waved at Sakura, just as he had done many times before. Having done all this, he left the Zenjou family without looking back. Confusion arises from a heart that lacks composure, lacking any elegance. The family motto had always been deeply ingrained in Tokiomi's heart, and Rin's gaze made him re-experience that phrase. If there was something he had to apologize to his child for... it would be his defeat, his failure to fulfill his wish for the Holy Grail until the very end. If he wanted to be a father worthy of Rin, Tokiomi Tohsaka had to be a flawless magus. Therefore, I will personally complete the magecraft of the Tohsaka family. I will become a father who is qualified to guide and truly perfect. With a new determination in his heart, Tokiomi set out on his journey home in the twilight. He was about to return to Fuyuki City once again, heading towards the approaching night.


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