Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 138: The Unfading Light of the Lake

Chapter 138: The Unfading Light of the Lake

Thank You @SLayGunner for Joining my Patreon :)

It is uncertain whether Archer's decision not to stop Saber from leaving was because of his confidence that she could not escape his grasp or for some other consideration. He not only put away some of his Gate of Babylon but also made way for her.

After Saber's heavy footsteps faded away, Gilgamesh filled the void once again and spoke condescendingly to Lancelot from above, saying, "Be grateful for my generosity, mad dog. I've given you time to leave your final words."

To Gilgamesh's surprise, Lancelot nodded in agreement. "You didn't interrupt my conversation with my King. I should indeed thank you. However, your blatant disrespect towards my king needs to be cleansed with your blood. So let me remind you for the last time—use the 'Sword of Separation,' or you will surely die."

Gilgamesh laughed in anger, putting the Sword of Separation back into his Gate of Babylon while emitting a chilling aura.

"You, a mere dog inferior even to a mongrel, dare to make use of my most precious treasure? I do not need to lift a finger to kill you! Tokiomi, I entrust this mad dog's Master to you. Don't keep me waiting for too long."

"As you command, King of Heroes!" Tokiomi bowed respectfully, raised his staff, and headed towards Kariya.

"Lancelot, kill him," were Kariya's final instructions to his Servant before disappearing into the forest.

There was no room for interference from either Gilgamesh or Lancelot on their battlefields. Staying here is only a hindrance.

After the two left, Gilgamesh finally unleashed his anger without reservation.

"Are you ready to die? Mad dog!"

"That arrogance of yours will be your downfall, King of Heroes from Babylonia." Lancelot's lips curled into a confident smile.

Although they did not engage in direct combat, their battles had already begun. Everything was part of Shinji's strategy.

"Gilgamesh is too arrogant. He would not personally use his Noble Phantasms unless he were interested in someone. He wouldn't go all out unless he acknowledged his opponent. To him, taking a low mongrel seriously means admitting defeat. That's exactly what we need to exploit."

"First, intentionally use arrogant words to provoke and anger him, making him promise not to use the 'Sword of Separation'—though it may hurt a little, that 'Sword of Separation' is indeed a Noble Phantasm that Lancelot cannot handle. As long as we seal the 'Sword of Separation,' we've already won half of the battle."

Lancelot is not a rigid knight like Diarmuid, and is adaptable; he completely follows Shinji's instructions and achieves a good start.

Shinji's next expected reaction was Gilgamesh liberating his Gate of Babylon.

Countless radiance dashed through the air, not just from one direction but from all around.

Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon can expand in any form and direction within a certain range around him, according to his will.

Swords, spears, axes, hammers, hooks, and weapons, with and without names.

Each weapon emitted its unique magical fluctuation and exuded intimidating sharpness.

Noble Phantasms fell like thunderbolts, with astonishing momentum, as if they aimed to annihilate not only Lancelot's standing position but also the entire path. One attack followed another in a series of fierce assaults: a veritable carpet bombing.

The situation suddenly worsened.

Berserker's greatest advantage lies in having the highest attribute stats, and Lancelot's two trump cards, "Knight of Owner" and "Eternal Arms Mastery," are closely related to his attributes. The higher the attribute, the greater the power unleashed. It is not an exaggeration to say that Lancelot, possessing Berserker class stats while maintaining his sanity, has truly surpassed the threshold of a top-tier servant.

However, Lancelot has only two hands, and there is a limit to the number of Noble Phantasms he can catch and the extent of his attributes. Faced with a continuous, all-around, densely packed bombardment with no gaps, Lancelot began to feel overwhelmed, and his steps forward became increasingly difficult. At this point, Gilgamesh had already projected more than a hundred Noble Phantasms.

Gilgamesh, clad in golden armor, crossed his arms with a blatant smirk on his beautiful face.

"You can't hold on any longer, can you? Just a snarling mad dog. Let me tear you apart!"

In a new round, with even more densely packed Noble Phantasms leaving the Gate of Babylon, over 200 weapons surrounded Lancelot, rushing to descend upon him.

Gilgamesh was certain that the troublesome mad dog would be torn to shreds under the rain of the Noble Phantasms!

Despite his increasingly heavy breathing, Lancelot still wore a calm smile, the kind of smile that made Guinevere, the first beauty in King Arthur's legend, fall for him.

Once again, Lancelot recalled Shinji's battle plan.

"This Gilgamesh, though his personality is detestable, possesses a keen eye that few heroes can match. In just a few minutes and no, even within a dozen seconds, he will be able to see Lancelot's limits. At this moment, his most likely choice is to overwhelm Lancelot with firepower surpassing his limits."

"At this moment, Lancelot can finally use his true trump card, the holy sword that rivals the legendary Excalibur and Gawain's 'Excalibur Galatine.'"

"So far, everything has been analyzed exactly as Assassin's Master predicted. It is a terrifying predictive ability, as if it were the intuition specifically born for victory, just like the king's. Yes, what illuminates us is not the radiance of Excalibur, but the radiance of the king. Under this radiance, all I need to do is swing my sword to my heart's content!"

A fanatical expression, akin to a pilgrimage, appeared on Lancelot's face, as he casually discarded the two highest-quality Noble Phantasms from the previous barrage, summoning the unique holy sword bestowed upon him by the Lady of the Lake.

It was a sword that shone like a moonlit lake, radiating a brilliance that would never be destroyed. Its blade was inscribed with the same Elven script as Excalibur, a mark that only the mightiest knights of the modern era could bear.

It was named Arondight: The Unfading Light of Lake!

This holy sword of lake radiance was gripped by the mightiest knight of the Arthurian era. Even amidst the storm of countless Noble Phantasms, the radiance of Arondight and the Knight of the Lake Lancelot could not be extinguished!

PS: Please refer to Chapter 6 of "Fate/Grand Order" for Lancelot's cunning.

PS2: Lancelot officially requires Berserker class parameters to easily handle receiving Noble Phantasms, so stop talking about Saber Lancelot being unbeatable. If he were a Saber-class Lancelot, he would die even faster.


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