Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 148: The Ultimate Showdown

Chapter 148: The Ultimate Showdown

That was the spearhead, swift as lightning.

The tip of the spear aimed to pierce the heart.

This was an attack that humans could not dodge.

Since it was like lightning, it couldn't be captured by human eyes.

However, this lightning was repelled by an equally dazzling radiance.

A speed that human eyes couldn't perceive.


Accompanied by the sound of a heavy steel collision, the two figures separated upon impact.

One was serene as the night, tall in stature, wielding two crimson magical spears, exuding an aura from beyond the world.

The other was as radiant as moonlight, a petite figure clad in heavy armor, embodying both an unwavering resolve and the brilliance of the holy sword.

Scáthach, the Queen of Shadows.

King Arthur, also known as Artoria.

These two heroes, who have astonished an era and engraved their names in the river of history, are now engaged in the final battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a true fight to the death.

The strong wind blew fiercely, leaving awe-inspiring marks on the solid mountain gate of Ryuudou Temple, the path that had been trodden for decades, and the surrounding trees.

And this is merely the aftermath of the battle of heroes that does not belong to this era.

The sword, infused with magical energy, tore through the atmosphere, each strike carrying a tremendous force capable of crushing ordinary people into minced meat.

The spear, shimmering with runes, traced indescribable trajectories, leaving afterimages in the air.

In the span of a breath, the sword and the spear clashed more than ten times, constantly switching between offense and defense.

The golden holy sword stirred up a storm, seemingly tearing everything around it to shreds.

The crimson magical spear unleashed a downpour as if to shatter all obstacles.

However, the eye of the storm and the dark clouds of the downpour did not belong to the realm of "everything" and "all." They stood firm, unaffected by the wind and rain.

After the storm, the two figures, standing at the pinnacle of female heroes, momentarily paused, only to resume their collision with even more intensity.

Scáthach's spear raced forward, the twin spears transforming into flashes that were impossible to follow.

Forehead, throat, heart.

Left shoulder, side abdomen, groin.

Upper left, lower right, six consecutive strikes.

Saber's response was nothing short of exquisite. With an unstoppable momentum, the Sword of the Stars blocked Scáthach's left-hand three-hit combo, while the right-hand three-hit combo was absorbed by Saber's magical armor.

Scáthach undoubtedly targeted the exposed parts of Saber's body. However, just before the spear landed, Saber unleashed a "Mana Burst" within a tiny range, and the dragon factor-induced accelerated magic instantly altered the appearance of the armor.

Scáthach's muscular strength was only at rank D, and the individual spear strikes didn't carry much power. After being mitigated by the armor, the depth of the inflicted wounds was very limited, easily healed by "Avalon" within a breath.

This was the intuition of rank A, the release of rank A magic, and the coordinated use of "Avalon," a response that only Saber could accomplish.

Having had her ultimate technique deciphered, Scáthach finally restrained her aggressive assault and took a step back, creating distance.

"I didn't expect you to resolve my techniques in such a way. Truly surprising," Scáthach remarked.

Saber didn't pursue further but instead repaired the damaged armor while using the scabbard to heal her wounds.

"You flatter me, Queen of the Land of Shadows. Without your assistance in retrieving this scabbard, I wouldn't have been able to do it."

"Am I just lifting a rock to smash my foot?" Scáthach chuckled.

"I suppose so, although it may sound impolite," Saber nodded earnestly. That's just her personality, saying whatever comes to mind.

"Hehe~ That cuteness brought about by the contrast, I'm starting to understand why he likes you a bit," Scáthach smiled with a meaningful expression.

"Him?" Saber's ahoge drooped slightly, forming a question mark.

"My Master, that is," Scáthach casually sold Shinji out. "He has done quite a lot for you behind the scenes."

"Him?" Same words, different meanings.

"There are certain things I can't say that wouldn't be appropriate. If you manage to survive, go ask him yourself," Scáthach's hand moved from the back of the spear to the middle, assuming a posture that didn't resemble gripping a spear but rather holding a staff.

"Primary Rune Enhancement!"

Ancient words, unfamiliar even to Saber, spilled from Scáthach's lips, and the tips of the two magical spears bloomed with equally ancient runes.

Eighteen interconnected runes, shining with different radiance, formed a circle with the spear tips as the center.

The circle glided along the spears, imbuing them with a fiery and enchanting color.

The circle slid over Scáthach's arm, rapidly healing the injuries sustained from the previous intense battle. The regenerative power was no less formidable than Saber's protection from "Avalon."

Finally, the last two rune circles merged into one, emitting tremendous magical power that made Saber feel a palpitation in her heart.

She didn't have much knowledge of magic, nor did she have much concept of the Age of the Gods, but that didn't stop her from feeling the pressure. The legendary queen who had shaken Celtic for over two thousand years was finally going to reveal her true strength hidden in the shadows.

A warrior who honed her spear skills to the utmost, reaching the realm of slaying gods.

A mage who mastered the "Primary Rune," a power only gods could wield, the highest rank of magicians.

Throughout thousands of years of human history, achieving either one of these would be enough to ascend to the ranks of top-tier Heroic Spirits. Yet Scáthach had reached the pinnacle in both.

Not only had she reached the pinnacle, but she had also created a unique fighting style that combined both, an unparalleled technique that was about to be displayed before Saber.

"Be careful, Saber. Whatever you do, don't blink, because once your eyes close—"

The voice suddenly changed direction, moving from in front of Saber to behind her.

Saber confirmed that she hadn't blinked; her gaze remained fixed on Scáthach. But Scáthach vanished from her sight just like that. This could only mean one thing: Saber's dynamic vision, honed through countless battles in her lifetime, couldn't keep up with her opponent's movements.

Saber had never encountered such a situation before. Whether it was Lancelot wielding the Arondight, Gawain at noon, or Tristan shooting arrows with his demonic bow, none possessed such exaggerated speed.

"—And you won't have another chance to open them."

At an almost intimate, extremely close range, Scáthach's spears, held in a reverse grip, thrust toward Saber's nape and heart from behind.

Faster and more powerful than any previous gunshot, if Saber were to defend in the same way as before, there would only be one outcome awaiting her—being pierced through vital points by the dual spears and meeting her end.

Death approached unseen, and a severe sense of crisis pressed down on Saber's nerves, squeezing her "instinct" to its limit.

It was a skill that didn't require visual perception or any physical signs, relying solely on intuition to find the best course of action.

Saber had relied on this skill to escape from crises before, but this time, she realized that she couldn't escape the shadow of death no matter what.

Her instinct was indeed in effect, and it did find the best solution. However, this "best" could only delay the arrival of death. It couldn't change the fact that she was completely suppressed by Scáthach, pushed to the brink of being killed almost defenselessly.

Just one minute had passed, and Saber's sturdy armor had become tattered and full of over a dozen wounds. Even "Avalon" couldn't repair them in time.

The adversity of the battle, the injuries to her body—none of it affected Saber's fighting spirit. She still had an ace up her sleeve, a secret technique that could turn the tables and snatch victory from defeat.

There was only one chance, and she had to hold on until then!

Saber struggled to withstand Assassin's attacks while repeating these thoughts to herself.

Just then, Scáthach suddenly stopped her dual spears and looked up at the sky.

There, a circular rift opened in space, resembling a black "sun."


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