Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 207: Faction

Chapter 207: Faction

"Mit deoren," (engine roaring like thunder)

"Gesd wie der Blitz," (swift as lightning)

"Dem Feigegen," (facing the enemy)

"Im Pa." (in the armor)

"Voraus den Kameraden," (forward with comrades)

"Im Kampf steh'n wir allein," (we stand alone in battle)

"Steh'n wir allein," (yes, we stand alone)

"So stossen wir tief," (thus we strike deep)

"In die feindli." (into the enemy's ranks)

With a powerful and resonant voice, accompanied by Waver's deep and magnetic tone, the confined rental room was filled with the song. This is the anthem of the Nazi German Wehrmacht, the most formidable force during World War II, known as the "Panzerlied" or "Song of the Armored Troops." It is the most majestic among the German military songs.

Waver sat in front of a Sega home video game console called the "Saturn (SS)" while humming the song and commanding the German army to ravage Europe.

The 1998 edition of "Great Strategy" is a strategic game set in the backdrop of World War II, and both Shinji and Waver are staunch supporters of the German army. Considering that they are currently in England, which was at odds with Nazi Germany, Shinji had already set up a soundproof barrier to avoid disturbing the neighbors and causing unnecessary misunderstandings before they started playing the game.

"Yes, that's it. The 1st Panzer Division of the Waffen-SS charging forward—crushing the enemy."

It wasn't Waver, who was singing, but Shinji sitting on the sofa, watching the battle unfold.

Unexpectedly, just as Waver should have been delighted by the cheers of his otaku friend, he suddenly interrupted his singing and turned around, saying, "You should read the information."

"Ah, yeah, I know, don't rush me."

Shinji felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, and his surging enthusiasm disappeared without a trace. He leaned to the side and lay down on the sofa, casually picking up the materials on the coffee table and starting to read.

It was after dinner, and Waver had no classes tomorrow and was on vacation, so he could play games. On the other hand, Shinji had his tasks to complete, which was why he was being scolded by Waver.

In the evening, one of the intelligence personnel from the Emiya Kiritsugu Intelligence Network arrived disguised as a delivery person, bringing two fish and chips combos and an investigation report. The report detailed the various events that had occurred at the Clock Tower over the past three years and the movements of different factions. Shinji's task was to read the report quickly and assess the current situation.

Although Shinji was already informed of most of the information through regular reports, receiving it in batches and summarizing it were different matters. With the return of the Lord and the inevitable turbulent situation, it was necessary to refresh his memory. By the way, the same report had been sent to Kenneth's computer via encrypted email. Having experienced the convenience of technology, he, as a traditional magus, no longer underestimated its power.

The report first categorized the events in a timeline and then provided detailed accounts of each event and their impacts, focusing on the factions that constituted the power structure of the Clock Tower.

As is well known, the lineage of magus is based on their Magic Crests, and as long as the Magic Crests are passed down, even if the bloodline is cut off, the lineage continues. But how did such huge lineages come into existence?

The mystery lies in the "bestowal of Crests."

Hey, don't get it wrong, it has nothing to do with a certain fanfiction involving a love triangle.

Great families would give a small portion of their Magic Crests to others. Due to the nature of the Crests, this damage would recover within a year, and others would use it as a foundation to cultivate their magic Crests. These families would be considered branches of the main family, forming a vast lineage with the Magic Crests as the bond. The original Magic Crests, which serve as the source, are called "lineage Crests." The main family and its branches together make up the extensive lineage. For example, Archisorte is a branch of the Archibald family.

Aside from the legendary reclusive old monster of a headmaster, the most prestigious are the twelve Lord families who have controlled the major departments for thousands of years. The El-Melloi family is one of them, and the leader of a Lord family is respectfully referred to as Lord.


Department of General Fundamentals (Ⅰ) - Trambelio

Department of Individual Fundamentals (Ⅱ) - Solonea

Department of Spiritual Evocation (Ⅲ) - Eulyphis

Mineralogy (Ⅳ) - El-Melloi

Zoology (Ⅴ) - Chimera

Department of Lore (Ⅵ) - Brishisan

Department of Botany (Ⅶ) - Yumina

Department of Astromancy (Ⅷ) - Animusphere

Department of Creation (Ⅸ) - Valuay

Curses (Ⅹ) - Jigmarie

Archaeology (Ⅺ) - Roxlot

Modern Magecraft Theory (Ⅻ) - Nowich

Legal and Political Affairs (ⅩⅢ) - Barthomeloi


Among them, Modern Magecraft Theory, being the youngest in the establishment and the smallest in scale, does not bear the title of Lord unless a Lord transfers from another department.

Centered around the Twelve Lords, the major families have divided into three factions based on their political stances:

Led by Barthomeloi, they believe that the operation of the Clock Tower should be entrusted to aristocracy with excellent noble lineage, advocating aristocracy.

Centered around Trambelio, including the other major noble family, Valereta, they believe in democracy, even if the bloodline is not ideal, and emphasize the employment of talented young individuals.

Represented by Meastia, they are neutral and only care about researching matters unrelated to others, adhering to neutrality.

The El-Melloi family, led by Kenneth, is a staunch supporter of the aristocracy. However, due to well-known reasons, the El-Melloi family is currently being marginalized and faces the danger of being absorbed. If Kenneth is confirmed dead or absent for a long time, the El-Melloi family will split and decline, losing the Mineralogy department. They would become the first Lord family in 800 years to have a name that doesn't match their status until Waver revives them.

However, that is not the case now, thanks to Shinji's influence. The El-Melloi family has weakened but still retains considerable strength. Kenneth has also prepared a series of measures to reverse the decline and reorganize the El-Melloi family. As long as this Lord successfully returns, everything will be resolved.

As Kenneth's ally, Shinji's task is to ensure that the return plan goes smoothly. Being the first to arrive at the Clock Tower for preparations is one aspect, and the second aspect is for the magus killer Emiya Kiritsugu and his partner Maiya Hisau to personally arrange the return route and protection.

And now, a three-year-long planned performance is about to begin, titled "The Return of the Lord"!

PS: In other timelines, due to Kenneth's death, the El-Melloi family declined, and the Mineralogy department came under the control of the Trambelio family. Waver, as the second generation, took the El-Melloi family to the Modern Magecraft Theory department, making the Department to have a Lord.


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