Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 225: Child of Einnashe

Chapter 225: Child of Einnashe

Forest of Einnashe, also known as the "Disembowling Sea of Trees Einnashe," is the 7th Seat among the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors.

Although the seats among the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors are not strictly based on individual strength, they generally follow the pattern where the top ten ancestors are a tier above the remaining seventeen. However, this is not an absolute rule, as some ancestors are not concerned with their seat and may possess the strength to be among the top ten but choose not to act on it. The most notable example is the 21st Seat, known as the "Water Demon" Sumire.

Nevertheless, being ranked 7th among the Twenty-Seven Ancestors is indicative of Einnashe's power.

Einnashe is a highly mysterious ancestor, and very little information about it is known. Some say it is a creature capable of autonomous thought and hunting, while others speculate that it might be a self-operated bounded field created by a higher-level Dead Apostle of the same name.

Einnashe appears in the material world every fifty years to feed. Any creature that enters the forest becomes its prey, and there have been instances where entire towns were sacrificed as offerings to satiate its thirst for blood. The blood it consumes condenses into a bright red fruit on a large tree at the heart of the forest. It is said that those who consume this fruit gain immortality.

Shinji knows a bit more about Einnashe. Forest of Einnashe is not the original 7th Seat but inherited the title as the second-generation 7th Seat. The original Einnashe was an ordinary Dead Apostle, but after being killed eight hundred years ago, its blood was absorbed by a vampiric plant, giving rise to this extraordinary monster.

With the will to think and the ability to move independently, Einnashe creates a forest of bloodlust that borders on the realm of fantasy. Within the boundaries of the forest, it forms a closed extradimensional space comparable to a bounded field, with the plants and animals within serving as Einnashe's eyes and ears.

In a sense, Einnashe is one of the most difficult Dead Apostles to deal with. Even a coalition of top-tier magus would find it impossible to penetrate the 50-kilometer-wide forest of bloodlust and reach Einnashe's core, where the legendary Crimson Fruit is said to be nurtured. Thus, to this day, nobody knows for certain if the legend of immortality through consuming the fruit is true.

Even Shinji, who possesses the most mobility among the Phantasmal Species with his Heavenly Horse and the "Harpe" with the pseudonym "Death Scythe of the Hunted Snake," can, at best, only ensure his survival unless he has specific equipment or abilities targeted against Einnashe.

Lorelei is well aware that she cannot currently target Einnashe directly, so she has set her sights on Einnashe's offspring, known as the "Child of Einnashe."

As the name suggests, the Children of Einnashe are the offspring of Einnashe. It is said that the ripe Crimson Fruits, which no one has yet harvested, often drip blood. Some of these blood droplets turn into seeds and sleep underground for some time before starting their evolution. The evolutionary paths of the children often differ from their parents, and in some extreme cases, the resemblance to the parent is barely visible. The "Child of Einnashe" refers to their final appearance.

The specific "Child of Einnashe" targeted by Lorelei belongs to the latter category.


"Hmm, quite spectacular," remarked Shinji, disguised in a Hades cloak, as he looked out in admiration. He was currently in the Swiss Alps, and the target for this mission was right beneath his feet. He was aboard the Barthomeloi family's exclusive helicopter, overlooking the magnificent scenery below.

The adjective used was not a mistake. Although the target was for elimination, Shinji couldn't help but find the scenery breathtaking.

The average elevation of the Swiss Alps is approximately 3,000 meters, making it one of the two main glacial centers in Europe and home to many world-renowned ski resorts. The helicopter Shinji was aboard took off from the famous Villars-Gryon and Les Diablerets ski resorts, flying north along the continuous mountain range.

After passing several perpetually snow-covered peaks, they arrived at a crimson-colored valley.

Yes, crimson.

Surrounded by pristine white snow and bone-chilling winds, this valley was eroded by vibrant red colors. Even from a considerable height, one could feel the heat radiating from the valley.

"The intelligence is correct. This time, the 'Child of Einnashe' has evolved towards magma, which is a complete contrast to the environment."

Lorelei, who was on the same aircraft as Shinji, proved herself to be a professional Dead Apostle hunter by conducting thorough research in advance.

"Lower the altitude a bit more."

"We can't go any lower, Miss."

The helicopter's pilot, who was also a member of the Chelon Canticle Brigade, being organized by Roreraia, spoke.

"If we go any lower, it will trigger the alert of the 'Child of Einnashe,' and they might counterattack."

Before the words even finished, the previously calm red lava suddenly began to boil. In the next second, the lava erupted, sending a column of lava several tens of meters high, resembling a volcanic eruption. Within the lava column, there were strange creatures that looked like a mix of birds and fish.

These creatures, like bloodthirsty sharks, crazily surged towards the helicopter.

"War Machine, activate defense."

"Yes, Miss."

Among the members of the Chelon Canticle Brigade, they referred to each other by code names rather than their real names. This armed force, which fell under the jurisdiction of the Mage Association, directly served Lorelei. It was more accurate to describe them as a military force rather than a group of magus.

Soldiers considered following orders their duty, and the pride and aloofness of the so-called magus were not allowed to exist within the Chelon Canticle Brigade. The name "Brigade" didn't refer to militia but rather to their mechanical and robotic approach to operations.

The existence of this unit was a manifestation of the Barthomeloi ideology and Lorelei's prestigious status. Each member of the unit was carefully selected and personally invited by Lorelei, representing top-tier magicians.

The code names of the members followed the naming rules of Tarot cards. Officers and special members were referred to as Major Arcana, while regular members were referred to as Minor Arcana. The "War Machine," who piloted the helicopter, was one of the officers of the Brigade and held a position second only to Lorelei.

Without seeing how the War Machine moved or hearing his incantations, Shinji could feel that the helicopter's interior and exterior were shielded by some unknown magical barrier. The menacing flying fish-like creatures couldn't touch the helicopter and were forcibly pushed away, falling back into the lava.

Until the last of the strange creatures fell, War Machine released the magic and said in a monotonous voice, "The alert range has been raised by nearly 50 meters compared to the last reconnaissance. It was my negligence. Please punish me, Miss."

"Go to solitary confinement for a day." Lorelei didn't offer any words of comfort and decided on a flat tone.

"Yes, Miss."

"Isn't it a bit excessive? No one could have predicted that this creature's growth rate would be so fast, right? Besides, it didn't cause any damage."

Shinji complained on behalf of War Machine, but unfortunately, the other party didn't appreciate it.

"A mistake is a mistake, and it should be punished. It's a rule of the Brigade. Once you pass the trial and officially join, you must also abide by it—Death."

"Death" is Shinji's code name, the thirteenth card of the Major Arcana, a title that fits Shinji's image, a subtly significant number for Westerners.

PS: Many of the settings of the Chelon Canticle Brigade were added by the author himself. The original concept was only a first-rate group of 50 magus belonging to Wizard Marshal Lorelei, adhering to a military-style approach. (Source: Type-Moon Wiki)


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