Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 230: The Queen’s Commission

Chapter 230: The Queen’s Commission

A commoner is innocent, but harboring a precious jade is a crime.

Of course, Kenneth is not a commoner, and harboring a jade is not a crime. But what if it's not just an ordinary jade, but the unique Heishi Bead? In that case, his fate would not be any better than that of a 'commoner.'

The 'jade' refers to the core of the Child of Einnashe, while the 'Heishi Bi' is the legendary 'Crimson Fruit.' The core is still within Kenneth's grasp, but if it were the 'Crimson Fruit,' even the influence of Bárthomeloi would not be able to withstand the frenzy of those who covet it, let alone the less powerful El-Melloi.

To possess a treasure, one must have the strength to protect it. This is an eternal rule, whether in the mysterious world or the mundane world.

Kenneth is very aware and won't make the same mistake twice. The Crimson Fruit, like the Holy Grail, is deadly even as a mere legend. There were only about twenty magus who lost their lives in pursuit of the Holy Grail, but the number of magus who lost their lives in pursuit of the Crimson Fruit has already exceeded four digits. Kenneth doesn't want to be one of them, and he doesn't want Shinji to be one either.

"I think you can understand the meaning behind my words."

Shinji nodded, indicating that he understood. "I'm just talking. I might not act on it. The Child of Einnashe has already forced me to reveal most of my cards, and I don't even know how powerful the Forest of Einnashe is. I'm still young, and I haven't lived enough."

"It's best if you can think that way." Kenneth breathed a sigh of relief. Despite their arguments, he truly didn't want Shinji to die. "By the way, did you come to see me just to boast about killing the Child of Einnashe?"

"Of course not. I wanted to ask you to inquire about Lorelei's recent situation. It's been almost ten days since I last heard from her, and I'm starting to worry."

As soon as he said that, before Kenneth could react, Sol squinted her eyes.

"Shinji-kun, could it be that you've taken a liking to Miss Lorelei? That's why you gave her such a precious treasure. Hmmm~ the more I think about it, the more likely it seems."

"Sola, can you not joke about that?"

It has always been Shinji making fun of others, but unexpectedly, today he became the target of someone's teasing. Could it be that he had made fun of Sola too much in the past and now he's facing the consequences?

"I'm not joking. You're not much different in age, and it seems like she values you. It's just the matter of identity—"

"Identity is not an issue," Kenneth interjected. "In the eyes of the Barthomeloi family, the difference in noble lineage doesn't matter much. They are the oldest noble lineage, surpassing anyone in terms of status. What they value the most is individual capability, and in that aspect, Shinji completely meets the criteria. If you have feelings for Miss Lorelei, I can help arrange things for you."

"Once you officially join the Clock Tower, study for two or three years, find an opportunity to publish some papers or make some achievements, and once you have gained recognition, you can formally propose to the Barthomeloi family. With your strength and abilities, there shouldn't be a problem. As for the Matou family, if you plan to integrate them into the Barthomeloi family, you can inherit it yourself, or if you don't want to, you can let your sister inherit it."

"Um... Were you planning all of this, or it just came out naturally?" Shinji's mouth twitched.

"Marriages between nobles follow the same few patterns. If the lady you have your eye on is not from the Barthomeloi family, then it might be a bit troublesome, depending on her lineage—"

"Stop—" Shinji quickly interrupted, "I think I've figured it out. You must have put a lot of thought into marrying Miss Sola back then."

Kenneth smiled faintly, not denying it, and simply said, "Actually, if you marry Lorelei, there are many benefits. For example—"

"—it would strengthen the relationship between the Barthomeloi and El-Melloi families?" Shinji rolled his eyes.

"That's one of the benefits, and there are others—"

"Stop again." Shinji interrupted once more. "I'm telling you, before you consider my marriage, please think about the fact that I'm only eleven years old. Isn't it too early?"

"It is a bit early, but it's not something that can't be considered."

"Yeah, you can do it like me and Kenneth, make a marriage contract first, and when you both come of age, get married."

The two individuals addressed as 'big brother' and 'big sister' said in succession.

"Can we still have a proper conversation? If not, I'm out of here." Shinji shrugged his shoulders, preparing to leave.

"I'll say one last thing and then contact the Barthomeloi family." Kenneth stood up as well.

"I'll lend you my ear."

"In my personal opinion, there's no girl more suitable for you than Miss Lorelei," Kenneth said earnestly.

"Is that all?"

"That's all."

"Then go find out some information for me." Shinji leaned back on the couch.

Just as Kenneth was about to pick up the receiver to contact the Barthomeloi family through a special line, the telephone rang ahead of him.

Kenneth was taken aback but quickly picked up the receiver.

"It's Lord El-Melo."

"is it Miss Lorelei, huh?" As he spoke, Kenneth deliberately glanced at Shinji.

"Do you have a message for him?"

"No need to go through the trouble. He's here with me right now, and he asked me to inquire about your well-being. I'll let him listen in."

After speaking, Kenneth covered the receiver with his hand and looked at Shinji with a half-smile. "It's for you. Listen."

Shinji awkwardly scratched his head and walked to the telephone, facing Sola's teasing gaze. He took the receiver.

"It's me. Are you doing well? Is everything going smoothly?"

"Everything is going smoothly. Thank you for your gift."

The voice on the other end of the receiver was no different from usual.

"I wonder if you regret it after knowing from Lord El-Melloi."

"Oh, yes, yes, I deeply regret it now. How could I have been so foolish?" Shinji said with his mouth, but his face carried a smile.

"Yes, you really are foolish," Lorelei's voice became a bit more cheerful. "But it's too late for regrets. I've already submitted the item."

"Ah, then I'll have to find another way to compensate."

"How will you compensate?"

"Well... let's talk about it when we meet. For now, accompany me and help me vent my frustrations."

There was a brief silence on the other end. "I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm about to begin the inheritance of the family Magic Crest soon, so I won't be able to leave home for a while."

"That's good news! Congratulations, the future Lord Barthomeloi." Shinji's voice was filled with joy.

"That's thanks to your gift as well."

"How long will the transplantation take?"

"It will take at least a few months until I fully adapt to the Magic Crest. If it takes longer, it might be a year or even more." At the end of her words, Shinji could hear the tremor in Lorelei's voice.

In an instant, Shinji grasped Lorelei's intention. "Tell me—what do you need me to do?"

"Help me manage the Brigade. The training and management of the personnel can be handled by the vice-captain regularly, but there are certain matters that they can't handle. I would like to entrust those to you. Will you be willing to help me?" There was a sincere plea in Lorelei's voice.

"Sigh, you're just passing all the troublesome tasks to me."

"I'm sorry... I—"

"Milady doesn't need to apologize. Just give me your orders."

"Are you saying—!"

"I will obey the orders of Her Majesty the Queen. I accept this commission. However, my commission fee is quite high, you know."

"Even if it's high, I can afford it... um, thank you."

"No need to thank me."


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