Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 271: Riesbyfe’s Mission

Chapter 271: Riesbyfe’s Mission

The hearts of fools are usually quite broad, and people like Riesbyfe, who has a broad chest, naturally have broader hearts. Seeing that Shinji was truly unharmed and didn't seem to mind, she immediately let go of her concerns.

"Ah, you, the heretic whose name I don't know, you're a good person."

What does all this have to do with each other? First, a heretic, then a good person. Where is the logic in all of this?

Wait a minute, a good person? Did I stumble into a fantasy world? Or did I encounter a tomboy, a muscle-headed fool?

Just the thought of this made Shinji feel uneasy.

On the other side, Riesbyfe continued speaking familiarly, "Hey, that good heretic, the one who blocked the holy nail, what was that? It seemed to be a shield too, not inferior to the Holy Shield. Is it Mystic Code? Or some kind of conceptual equipment? Hey, are you listening?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm listening," even though Shinji wanted to pretend he couldn't hear.

"Can I take another look at that shield?"

As MT and a top-level one at that, Riesbyfe was very interested in various shields. However, shields as conceptual weapons were extremely rare in the Type-Moon world, and up until now, Riesbyfe had never seen a shield that could rival the Holy Shield. Although Athena's Shield had been a fleeting sight, it gave Riesbyfe a completely different feeling. Perhaps, this time, her Holy Shield had met its match.

Of course, Shinji couldn't agree. After all, a Noble Phantasm wasn't a real object, and using it too frequently could easily raise suspicions. The emergency handling earlier was a last resort, and now that the crisis was over, Shinji naturally didn't want to stir up trouble.

Just as he was about to refuse, a white light suddenly appeared at the edge of his vision.

It wasn't a mysterious radiance, but rather the light of technology, a beam of light emitted by a flashlight.

It was a patrolling security guard.

Reien Girl's Academy had a strict security system, and since Shinji and Riesbyfe hadn't set up any bounded field in advance, such intense collisions would easily alert the security personnel.

"Uh-oh, someone's coming," Riesbyfe also noticed the anomaly.

"Don't talk, I'll take you away," Shinji said, grabbing Riesbyfe's Holy Shield, and preparing to soar into the sky with her.

However, as soon as Riesbyfe's body left the ground, she fell back down, almost causing Shinji to crash to the ground as well.

Struggling to maintain their levitation, Shinji lowered his voice and asked, "How much do you weigh?"

"Less than 80 kilograms. What's the matter?" Age and weight were secrets for women, but Riesbyfe didn't hesitate to reveal it. (The specific height of Lizbeth was not provided in the setting, so it's temporarily estimated at 180 cm based on visual observation.)

But this was not the secret Shinji wanted to know. He wanted to ask, "What about your equipment?"

"Oh, about 500 kilograms. Why?"

No wonder the feathered shoes almost couldn't carry you. Is your armor filled with mercury?

Considering that it wasn't the time for sarcasm, Shinji didn't say much and just cautioned, "Hold on tight, we're about to take off."


The wings of the feathered shoes expanded to their maximum, carrying the two of them into the air.

Just as they left the spot, the beam of light from the flashlight swept through, and they could faintly hear the tense voices of the security personnel.

"Who's there?"

"Who is it?"

"Hey, look on the ground."

"This... this is..."

"What on earth happened!!!"

The security personnel seemed to have noticed the devastated state of the sports field, but as ordinary people, they could never imagine that these traces were left behind by two humans.


On the other side, struggling to maintain maximum output from the feathered shoes, Shinji flew unsteadily and landed in a small grove near Reien Girl's Academy.

"Phew, we're safe here," Shinji wiped the sweat off his forehead and let out a long sigh. "That was exhausting."

"Just such a short distance and you flew so clumsily. You really should practice your flying magecraft," Riesbyfe complained, igniting Shinji's anger.

"Whose fault do you think it is? If you weren't wearing such heavy equipment, do you think I would have flown so poorly? 500 kilograms! Go ask the people from your church if they can fly with that weight!"

"Um, is it my fault?" Riesbyfe felt a bit embarrassed.

"Then whose fault is it?" Shinji retorted irritably.

"I'm sorry," Riesbyfe, straightforward as always, apologized without hesitation when necessary.

"Never mind, let's not talk about that." Shinji waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care. "By the way, I asked you earlier, why did the captain of the Vestel Shield Knights come to Japan? Are there powerful vampires here, or some other difficult heretics? If it's classified information, you don't have to tell me. Consider it as if I didn't ask."

"It's not classified," Riesbyfe shook her head. "I was appointed here as the headmistress of this academy by Cardinal Gessebarne. It was my assignment."

"You? Headmistress of the academy?" Shinji felt like he had heard a massive joke.

Leaving aside the fact that Riesbyfe, with her high combat abilities, being assigned to a civilian role was a tremendous waste of resources, her single-minded personality was also unsuited for leading a prestigious noble girls' academy.

If it weren't for Shinji's ears malfunctioning or the Cardinal going insane, there must be a deeper meaning behind this arrangement.

Although Riesbyfe didn't understand what Shinji was thinking, she could sense the doubt in his words.

"I know I'm not suitable to be the headmistress, nor do I have any similar experience. Cardinal Gessebarne brought me here merely as a figurehead, not responsible for administrative tasks. He wants me to spend some time here and change my personality."

With this explanation, Shinji could somewhat understand. Riesbyfe was destined to become a high-ranking member of the church, and her current personality was indeed unsuitable. The Cardinal must have sent her to the Reien Girl's Academy, a place specialized in cultivating refined ladies, as a good choice for her development.

However, Shinji still doubted in his mind.

"Is it not a waste to leave a Knight Commander like you here?" he asked.

"Wherever I'm needed, I will go. Besides, my mission in Japan is not just about learning," Riesbyfe replied.

"What else is there?"

"I can't disclose the specifics, but I can tell you it's an internal affair of our church and won't have any impact on Japan."

An internal affair?

What kind of internal affair could it be?

Personnel changes, structural adjustments? No, the likelihood of Riesbyfe being involved in those matters was low. The tasks involving her were most likely related to combat.

Training recruits, providing protection, or... eliminating traitorous people?

The first two options were acceptable, but if it was the latter, then things would be interesting.

With these thoughts in mind, a faint smile crept upon Shinji's lips, hidden beneath his cloak, unnoticed by anyone.

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