Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 277: Tohsaka and Matou

Chapter 277: Tohsaka and Matou

Amid banter and laughter, the family walked along the path at the foot of the mountain and ascended the approach to the shrine.

Before long, they caught sight of the iconic gate of Ryuudou Temple, which had withstood the test of time for hundreds of years and remained standing despite having experienced four Holy Grail Wars.

In a sense, it could be considered the oldest witness in Fuyuki City, even older than the city itself.

Shinji stopped in his tracks and used his hand to brush away a patch of accumulated snow on one of the pillars of the gate, revealing a weathered stone column. There was a distinct mark on the column, diagonally spanning across its upper half. Although the mark had been worn down over time, it still appeared relatively new compared to the other fine scratches on the stone pillar.

Extending his index and middle fingers, Shinji traced the mark from one end to the other, closing his eyes, and softly said, "Sensei, Happy New Year."

This gate was the site of the final battle between the last two remaining Servants in the Holy Grail War of winter 1994, and the mark was left behind by Scathach with her crimson spear during the fight.

Every time he arrived here, Shinji would pause for a moment, reminiscing about the woman who had the greatest influence on his life and was the first woman in this world to make his heart flutter.

After completing this ritual, he looked up at the junction between the pillar and the gate tower, where another distinct mark could be seen. It was caused by the pressure of the sword wielded by the other participant in the final battle.

"I wish you a happy New Year too, Saber, no, Artoria Pendragon."

Just as Shinji was immersed in memories of the past, a clear voice came from above.

"Ah, you're looking at the gate again, Shinji Matou!"

Looking up, he saw a girl with twin tails and wearing a red jacket standing on a higher step. With her hands on her hips and her chin held high, her turquoise eyes shone brightly amidst the icy surroundings.

"Happy New Year, Rin."

Shinji smiled and walked towards the girl who was the same age as him. She was Tohsaka Rin, Sakura's older sister and one of the few people Shinji felt guilty towards.

"Don't be so familiar! We're not close!" Despite being on the same level as Shinji, Rin maintained her condescending attitude.

Shinji wasn't upset. "You may not be familiar with me, but I'm familiar with you. After all, we both have a common sister."

"Ah, how dare you say that!" Rin became angry whenever that topic was brought up, and her twin tails trembled in response.

Sensing the tension, Sakura hurriedly ran between them. "—Please don't argue, big brother and big sister."

"Sakura... stay out of this. It's between me and Shinji Matou." Rin huffed and bypassed her sister's obstruction.

"That's why I'm saying, don't address me in such a way." Shinji shook his head helplessly.

"Hmph, as if I care." Rin turned her head, and her ponytail almost hit Shinji's face.

"Rin, no disrespect allowed."

Upon hearing the gentle voice, Rin's "arrogant demeanor" immediately deflated.


The only one who could rein in the tsundere daughter was the gentle mother, Tohsaka Aoi, a flawless woman whom no one in the Matou family could find fault with. She was a rare example of a Yamato Nadeshiko in modern Japan.

"Happy New Year, Aunt Aoi, and Uncle Tohsaka."

Shinji naturally bowed to Tohsaka Aoi, who was supporting Tohsaka Tokiomi, and being in a Western suit, he followed Western etiquette.

Sakura also bowed in unison with Shinji. By now, she had become accustomed to using this unfamiliar form of address in front of outsiders.

Seeing the siblings' humble and respectful behavior, Tokiomi and Aoi nodded in approval, once again confirming that their decision to send their daughter to the Matou family was not wrong.

The Tohsaka family, although studying Western magecraft, is a traditional Eastern family and adheres to all the appropriate etiquette and customs. In the past, they would have stayed at the Ryuudou Temple until the New Year's bell rang. However, after the Fourth Holy Grail War, Tokiomi's body was heavily affected by the curse of the black mud and deteriorated significantly. He couldn't stay up late anymore, so they had to settle for an alternative. Of course, the reason they weren't wearing traditional Japanese clothing (kimono) was that the Tohsaka family leaned more towards Western culture compared to the Matou family, even though they were authentic Japanese.

Although Tokiomi's downfall was the result of his excessive obsession with the Holy Grail, and he brought it upon himself, Shinji's actions also played a part in exacerbating the situation. As for Tokiomi himself, Shinji didn't have much to say. Both of them were participants in the Holy Grail War, and the fact that Shinji didn't kill him already showed mercy on Sakura's behalf.

However, when it came to gentle Aoi and innocent Rin, Shinji couldn't escape his guilty conscience. That's why he never gets angry regardless of Rin's tantrums or sharp tongue (after all, she was raised by Aoi, so how venomous could she be?). He only faces them with a smile.

Even now, he helped defend Rin, saying that she wasn't being rude but rather that he couldn't control himself and took advantage of the situation. However, Shinji didn't realize that the more he did this, the more Rin felt it was insincere, which made her angrier. With their parents present, she couldn't explode, so she had to bottle it up.

Noticing this, Shinji patted his sister's shoulder, indicating for her to engage in conversation with her biological parents, while he quietly retreated to be with the Matou family.

Kariya also stepped back and stood in the snowy area outside the path, asking Touko for a lighter and a cigarette before leaving. Kariya didn't usually smoke, but only when he watched Aoi take care of Tokiomi attentively did he feel the urge to smoke. Even though it always made him cough, it was still better than watching the person he loved being affectionate with someone else.

He had thought about forgetting Aoi and settling for someone else in his life. But in the end, he realized that the image of that young girl, deeply rooted in his heart since his youth, had not faded with time and experience. Instead, it was like an aging wine that became richer and more profound over time.

Perhaps he could only watch over her like this in his lifetime, even if Tohsaka Tokiomi passed away, the chances of her choosing him were very slim.

Seeing his younger brother coughing until his face turned red and tears streaming down, Byakuya also felt a twinge of sympathy. He turned to the two authoritative figures in the family and asked, "How long can Tohsaka Tokiomi hold on?"

"Not much time left," Justeaze revealed a hint of sorrow, saddened by the fate of another member of the Three Great Families.

"Yeah," Touko confirmed with a nod. "This year, he definitely won't see the sun of the new century."

"I see," Byakuya narrowed his eyes, looking exactly like when Shinji suspected him of scheming something.

"Dad," Shinji called out in a nonchalant tone.

"What is it?"

"I know what you're thinking. Some things are better left as thoughts. When you truly act on them, there's a possibility that it may backfire."

Nobody knows a father better than his son, and nobody knows a son better than his father.

"Have you also thought about it?"

"Yeah, but with a woman like Aunt Aoi, those methods won't work. I'll tell you something when we get back, and then you'll understand."

"Well, that's unfortunate."

Byakuya sighed unwillingly. Two prodigal sons of the Matou family. The older brother had turned around, and he hoped his younger brother could find his happiness too.

"Is there no solution at all?"

"Not at the moment. Maybe when Rin and Sakura grow up a bit more, there might be a glimmer of hope."

External forces can't influence a strong-willed woman like Aoi. Only her closest loved ones can have an impact on her.

PS: F for Kariya.

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