Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 71: Battle between Magus and Magus Killer (8)

Chapter 71: Battle between Magus and Magus Killer (8)

When Scáthach left, the battlefield had already turned into a muddy swamp.

No matter how many of the grotesque monsters they killed, they would continue to appear endlessly. Piles of flesh mixed with splattered organs and bodily fluids formed a chaotic mess that was more terrifying than hell itself.

The stench of the monster's filthy organs was even more pungent than the rotting smell. It was a toxic miasma that would corrode the lungs of any living human who inhaled it, causing them to die.

So far, Saber and Lancer had killed over 500 enemies, but there was still no sign of victory. The number of monsters surrounding them seemed infinite, and whenever there was a gap in the encirclement, new monsters would fill it.

"The quantity is truly astonishing," Lancer said, his voice slightly bitter despite not showing any signs of exhaustion.

"It's because of that magecraft book, Lancer. As long as his Noble Phantasm is still intact, the tide of battle won't change," Saber replied.

"I see, so that's how it is," Lancer sighed in frustration after hearing Saber's whisper. "But to destroy that guy's book, we'll have to break through this wall of trash."

The cluster of monsters mockingly waved their tentacles as they slowly closed in.

These aberrant creatures felt neither fear of death nor pain. They seemed single-mindedly driven to die as they crazily attacked the two.

Caster continued his endurance battle, his army of monsters specifically prepared for the two Servants: Saber and Assassin, who were currently absent but would be the same for Lancer.

No, compared to Assassin, who possessed anti-army Noble Phantasms, Lancer, with his anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, was easier to deal with.

"Hey, Lancer, do you want to take a gamble at this moment?"

"Although it sounds like you're afraid, it's not like we can keep playing with this trash forever. Alright, I'll follow your lead, Saber."

After Lancer agreed without hesitation, Saber carefully assessed the terrifying flesh wall, staring at it until Caster's presence. She estimated its thickness and density.

Her "instinct" told her that her idea was feasible and that a decisive strike would be worth unleashing.

"I'll create an opening, but we only have one chance. Lancer, can you walk on air?"

"Heh, I see. Leave it to me."

Although it was only one chance, they were opponents who had fought with their lives on the line. Both of them remembered all the secret techniques they had used in their life-or-death battles. Lancer, without needing much explanation, already understood Saber's intended skills and plan.

"Have you finished your final prayer?"

Caster calmly mocked the two Servants. It wasn't him who fought against them, but his Noble Phantasm, Prelati's Spellbook.

He watched the battle like an audience in the stands, elegant and composed, at most taunting to stimulate his enemies' nerves.

"How terrifying! How despairing! The number that can be overturned by mere force is limited. Hahaha, do you feel the humiliation? Soon, you will be overwhelmed and suffocated by these monstrous creatures. There is no greater humiliation for heroes!"

Even though she was being mockingly ridiculed by her opponent, Saber remained dignified and composed, wielding her sword with a resolute and calm expression.

Her unwavering gaze focused only on the victory she must achieve!

"That beautiful face of yours will soon twist in anguish, Jeanne!"


Caster's taunting mixed with the roars of the monsters, urging them to press on and crush their opponents.

Now is the time!

The King of Knights shouted the true name of her released Noble Phantasm.

"Excalibur: Invisible Air!"

Amidst the swirling atmosphere, a brilliant golden light shone.

The super-high air pressure concentrated around the sacred sword was unleashed like a fierce dragon's roar, bursting forth with a thunderous explosion.

It was a secret sword capable of killing with a single blow, a modified use of the Noble Phantasm, Invisible Air. In the battle against Lancer the previous night, she had released this incredibly powerful wind pressure to accelerate her charge. When unleashed against the enemy, it would become a storming iron hammer that could sweep away an army.

Due to the monsters being densely packed together, they suffered a devastating blow from the extraordinary power.

The super-high pressure hurricane, condensed like a solid, pulverized the monsters, mixing their flesh with the sand and wood chips affected by the wind pressure. It stirred up as if a giant unseen hand swept across the land, creating a straight path. In that instant when the pressure blew them away, the monsters' encirclement was completely pierced through.

In contrast, the destructive power of the Invisible Air was neutralized by multiple layers of monster defenses. By the time it reached Caster, it was reduced to a strong wind that only blew away the hem of his robes. The pierced hole became the passage.

However, considering the density of the summoned monsters, this temporary gap could be immediately filled.


Despite this, Caster still exclaimed in astonishment because the encirclement was not only breached by the force of the wind.

When an object moves at a super-high speed in the atmosphere, it tears the air in front of it, creating a vacuum behind it. Then, the vacuum is filled by the surrounding air, forming an airflow that chases after the object that passes through.

The release of pressure from Saber's Invisible Air caused the same phenomenon. While it decimated the army of monsters, it also created a vacuum behind the rushing wind.

Lancer was waiting for this opportunity. Without hesitation, he plunged into the reverse airflow, like a super race car driver taking advantage of the slipstream to accelerate.

This was a technique that not only required superhuman skill but also perfect coordination with his companion to execute.

Lancer leaped through the passage filled with swirling blood and flesh, as swift as a wind-chasing swallow folding its wings. By the time his feet touched the ground again, he was less than ten steps away from Caster, with no barriers in between.

"Prepare yourself, Caster!"

Yes, he did it. With just one observation of Saber using Invisible Air, he achieved this exquisite coordination.

The monsters, sensing their master's crisis, turned around and extended their tentacles to attack Lancer from behind.

Lancer didn't look back. The short spear in his left hand spun like a windmill, striking down the pursuers. The long spear in his right hand thrust forcefully towards Caster.

"Pierce through for me, Gae Dearg (Red Rose of Exorcism)!"

In the critical moment, Caster's decades of battle experience allowed him to quickly dodge to the side, avoiding a direct hit from the magic spear. The tip of the red rose spear merely grazed the cover of Prelati's Spellbook, leaving behind an inconspicuous scratch.

However, that was already enough.

It didn't need to cause a significant wound. Lancer's red spear would take effect upon contact. This red magical spear, which had once pierced through Saber's Invisible Air and ignored Saber's magical armor, was the nemesis of anything woven with magical energy. (It was the greatest reliance for one to break into the ranks of the Four Heavenly Kings, a spear that pierced through the origin.)

The spells attached to Prelati's Spellbook failed. The large-scale continuous summoning, the control of monsters, and the maintenance of their physical forms—all the spells lost their effect.


The sound of waves crashing against rocks echoed through the forest.

The countless grotesque monsters on the ground instantly liquefied together. Deprived of the supply of magical energy, the monsters born from the sea of blood lost their existence and reverted to their original forms.

Caster stepped back, and the forbidden tome immediately activated its skill as a magical energy furnace, swiftly regenerating the damaged cover.

The blade of the Red Rose of Exorcism only severs magical energy upon contact, without damaging the Noble Phantasm itself. However, the magic that has been dispelled once must be rewoven, and that takes time—a luxury that Saber and Lancer cannot afford to give him.

"You bastard, you bastard, you bastard, you bastard, you bastard!"

The plummet from heaven to hell contorted Caster's expression as he cursed vehemently.

Lancer paid no heed to his outburst, passing by with the smile of a victor.

"Do you understand now? If Saber's left hand hadn't been injured, this would have been the outcome for you long ago."

"Are you ready to die? Wicked heretic."

The King of Knights calmly uttered an angry voice, raising the golden sword in her right hand, its tip pointed directly at Caster.

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