Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 493. Gordon

Chapter 493. Gordon

"Treat them well," Charles instructed the person in charge of the sanatorium.

"Rest assured, Governor, my team and I will spare no effort in caring for your crew," replied a middle-aged man in a white coat and glasses, his head bowed in respect.

"They're not just my crew; they're also my family." With that, he and Anna turned to leave the place that harbored so much sorrow.

Charles didn't head straight for the car that would take them back to the Governor's Mansion. Witnessing the aftermath of the tragedy that had befallen his crew was like a heavy boulder weighing down on his heart, and he felt the need to take a walk to clear his mind.

Anna reached out to wrap her arms around his before resting her head gently on his shoulder.

"So, have you made up your mind about going up? When are we planning to go up? I'll accompany you," Anna offered softly.

Charles extended his right arm and wrapped it around her slender waist.

"It's not that simple," Charles said as he contemplated their next steps. "We don't know the situation up there, whether the military has already sealed off the exit, or even where exactly we would emerge. Since we decided to go up, we must make thorough preparations."

"Is there a need to complicate things this much? Why don't we send Sparkle up first to scout the surface?" Anna suggested.

"Absolutely no way!" Charles dismissed the idea immediately. "If there's indeed any danger above, sending her directly up there is far too risky. Didn't you mention previously that she was fearful of something above?"

"What's there to fear? Even if the sky falls, there are others to catch it. The Light God has already gone up there and if there are any threats, Him and his followers would have to deal with them before we do," Anna retorted.

"That's our daughter we're talking about. Can we not put her at such risk? No matter what, we ought to be fully prepared before we head up," Charles insisted.

Just then, an idea lit up in his mind. Grabbing Anna by the hand, they headed toward the Relic Research Institute.

Passing through the heavily guarded entrance, Charles and Anna entered Hope Island's most secluded, fortified, and secretive sector. Soldiers stood guard in high towers wrapped in barbed wire, with gleaming Gatling guns positioned within. Those daring enough to approach unauthorized would meet a deadly hail of bullets.

Not all of the towers were equipped with guns. Some were manned by soldiers with black helmets and various detection-type relics in their hands. This was to ensure that no one could infiltrate the restricted zone with the effects of any relics or special abilities.

James was absent today. In his stead, Gordon had come out to greet them; he was the man who had brought the analytical engine.

"Esteemed Governor, your subject, Gordon, welcomes your arrival," the man with a golden tooth bowed respectfully to Charles.

"Why are you still here? Haven't you managed to establish contact with the chamber of commerce?" Charles asked as they made their way toward the exhibition room.

"Governor, the entire Telegraph network of the Subterranean Sea has collapsed. Disregarding regional communication, even establishing communication with other islands in the same sea region is impossible. Judging from the situation with the lethal rays, it's likely that they had met their creator," Gordon replied with a hint of resignation in his voice.

Charles picked up the subtle change in nuances in Gordon's manner of addressing him. He posited that the merchant had realized the significance of the drastic changes out there. Without the backing of the Royal Treasure Chamber of Commerce, the merchant's intuitive senses had prompted him to shift his allegiance to pledge loyalty to Charles

"Governor, please take a look at this," Gordon said as he gestured toward a display. "This is a monitor made from the latest cathode-ray tube materials, utilizing magnetic tapes for storage. Though there are still gaps in the technology, my efforts have enabled its sale and profitability on the island."

Having accompanied Charles to the exhibition room, Gordon spared no effort in showcasing his skills to his new boss; he was eager to impress and demonstrate his value.

Anna unwrapped her arms around Charles'. She curiously reached out a finger and poked it into the bulky magnetic tape slot and gave it a twist.

"Using magnetic tapes for video storage is quite unique, isn't it?" Anna remarked with a chuckle.

"Things have got to start somewhere. What else were you expecting based on the technological level of this subterranean place?" Charles retorted.

He then moved toward the curious contraption beside the magnetic tapes. It appeared to be a sort of furnace, but smaller and more refined.

The Relic Research Institute seemed to have come up with numerous innovations during his absence.

Anna eyed the assortment of gadgets spread across the table with wonder.

"This place of yours is truly remarkable. Remember our deal previously: you agreed that I'm in charge of the island now," Anna said.

"Sure, you are the new governor of Hope Island from now on," Charles responded.

Anna let out a chuckle. "I just love your generosity. All the affection I showered on you has been worth it," Anna said and pulled Charles close for a peck.

Pushing Anna gently aside, Charles turned his attention to Gordon. "These new gadgets look somewhat familiar. Weren't there similar devices on Albion Isles previously?"

A hint of embarrassment crossed Gordon's face, but he hurriedly composed himself and explained, "Indeed, but all inventions start with imitation. However, the next thing I'm about to show you is something that has never been seen even on the Albion Isles."

Gordon then led Charles to a model that was close to the size of a table.

It was a scaled model of a transportation network with carriages and railway tracks. However, contrary to the conventional trains, the carriages of this particular model were suspended below the tracks and not designed to move above the tracks.

"Governor, this is a prototype for a new mode of transport developed by the institute. The project was shelved previously due to material constraints, but with the plethora of new alloys at our disposal, we can kick start this project again."

As the miniature engine emitted a puff of white steam, the carriages began their slow revolution along the underside of the tracks.

Charles extended a hand to touch the model. His voice was laced with hesitancy as he questioned, "Are you planning to suspend this thing on the dome overhead?"

Excitement filled Gordon's eyes. "Sir, you hit the nail on the head immediately! You are truly worthy of your reputation as the Governor. With this innovation, we no longer need to fear the creatures in the sea. It will also greatly enhance convenience and efficiency in the transportation and trade between islands.

Furthermore, the tracks will establish a link between all islands, eliminating the isolation previously felt between them. Your reach and control will no longer be confined to Hope Island. Your territory will extend to whichever island this track reaches!"

A myriad of emotions appeared on Charles' countenance as he studied the miniature transport network before him. This was essentially a variant of the human invention known as the train, proving once again that history tended to repeat itself.

He was supposed to be overwhelmed with joy that Hope Island's technological advancements had taken another leap forward. However, for some reason, he was reminded of the Light God.

"The Light God didn't even attack us. He merely revealed Himself in the Subterranean Sea and obliterated everyone. Anna, say, what is our human technology to them? Even if we were to invent hydrogen bombs or atomic bombs, would they even be of use against such beings?"

Charles paused and allowed his gaze to wander over the array of relics and innovations within the exhibition room. Hope Island had seen significant technological advancement, thanks to the Relic Research Institute, stirring a technological explosion in the Subterranean Sea.

However, all these advancements seemed meaningless and trivial before the overwhelming might of the Light God.

"And let's not forget, that's just the Light God. What about the slumbering God Fhtagn? Compared to them, what are we? What does all of this amount to?"

Anna glared at Charles with palpable dissatisfaction. "What's the use of making those useless comments? If they are that powerful, why don't we find a way to obtain the same power?"

"Obtain their power? You mean to recreate another Light God? Look at what has become of the being that was supposed to be the Divinity representing mankind. They had changed into an entirely different existence the moment they acquired the power of a Divinity."

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