Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 704: Apology

Soon, Charles and Gordon arrived at a door guarded by soldiers. Entering the room, Charles could see a massive screen. Behind which was a towering four-meter-tall brass mechanical box adorned with various exhaust pipes.

As Gordon typed away on the keyboard, black smoke billowed from the pipes on the box.

A computer powered by coal? Doesn't the Subterranean Sea already have electricity? Or is this a different developmental direction? Charles pondered as he stared at the gigantic machine before him.

"Ah~ Found it, Governor. That person is currently in basement three. Shall I bring him up for you?" Gordon asked humbly.

"No need. Take me to him," Charles replied.

"Alright, this way, please."

Entering basement three required passing through several heavy gates and undergoing multiple security checks. The exterior security of the Relic Research Institute was already strict enough, but it was several times tighter internally.

As they descended level by level, Charles could feel the temperature dropping. Even his exhaled breath was white in the cold. The air was also damp with moisture. Clearly, the place was not suitable for human habitation.

Under Gordon's lead, Charles continued walking. However, as they passed by a door, his keen sense of hearing picked up the sound of water within.

Without saying a single word, Charles turned and entered the room. What greeted him was a glass wall blocking out water. Within the water, two groups of people, consisting both men and women, were slowly moving. Meanwhile, some people in white lab coats were taking notes in front of the glass wall.

"What's going on here?" Charles asked, curiosity piqued.

"Uh… just an immature experiment," Gordon answered as he followed Charles into the room. "The Foundation has a technology that could modify a human's lungs to allow them to survive underwater."

Charles' pupils narrowed slightly. His guess had been spot on. The Foundation indeed possessed technology that could save the humans of the Subterranean Sea, but they chose to sit by idly and watch! Regardless of what their motives were, it was clear that they weren't acting entirely for the sake of humanity any longer.

While Charles was submerged in his thoughts, a man in the water suddenly doubled over and erupted into a coughing fit. Gradually, a look of agony appeared on his face as he began to cough up blood; the crimson hue swiftly stained the surrounding waters.

The unexpected event made Gordon a little embarrassed. "Uh… as I mentioned earlier, this is just an immature experiment. After all, it would take us more than a hundred years to be able to master the Foundation's vast knowledge."

Watching the white-robed researchers scurry about in panic, Charles thought for a moment before asking, "Where did you get these people for your experiments? There shouldn't be that many death row inmates on Hope Island."

"People from other islands. As part of a deal to let them in, they volunteered to become experimental subjects," Anna answered as she walked through the doors with her arms folded across her chest.

"Why? Does that bother you, too? This isn't any different from you using Western Sea mages as living bombs. It's the end of the world, Charles. Don't tell me you want to interfere with this too." Anna's elegant brows arched slightly in annoyance.

Instead of pursuing the issue of the experimental subjects, Charles wore a complex expression as he approached Anna.

"Anna," Charles began. "Previously, it was my mistake for not considering you and Sparkle's feelings. I'll do my best to avoid that from now on."

The corners of Anna's lips lifted slightly but she quickly suppressed them and pursed her lips. She then adopted a mocking tone and jested, "Oh, look at that. Charles is actually apologizing. How rare is that."

Anna turned to leave but Charles immediately reached out and pulled her into his embrace in one swift motion.

Anna struggled violently in his arms but Charles held on. He knew Anna's strength surpassed his; if she truly wanted to break free, he wouldn't be able to hold her.

Charles pressed his lips against Anna's, and as their kiss deepened, her resistance gradually softened. After three minutes, Anna withdrew her tongue from his mouth.

The next moment, Anna wrapped her arms around Charles' neck and planted a passionate kiss on his lips once more. She then effortlessly lifted him up and carried him out.

Three hours later, A panting Anna's chest rose and fell with Charles breathing as she rested her head on the latter's chest.

"I'm telling you," Anna said as she flipped over to the other side of the bed. "This isn't over that easily. If you want me to forgive you, you have to stop going to the surface."

Charles turned to his side and pulled Anna into his arms. "Things on the surface aren't ending so easily, Jiajia. Someone needs to take charge up there."

"And what are you taking charge of? Taking charge of dying? If you were to stay at the Colossal Hole Fortress to manage everything, I wouldn't say anything," Anna retorted.

Charles lowered his head and buried his nose into Anna's hair before slightly taking in the fragrance. "Everyone has their strengths. I'm good at exploring, and the explorers need a leader, too."

Anna immediately sat up and glared at Charles. "So, everything you just said a few hours earlier was a lie?"

Charles hastily tried to defend himself. "No! I meant that I would make it up to you in other ways. You know Lilly is still in the Pope's hands!"

"Argh! You're driving me mad!" Anna exclaimed in exasperation. She attempted to rise from the bed but Charles grabbed her by the arm.

"Give me some time to think, alright? I really need to think this through."

Seeing the troubled look on Charles' face, Anna sighed and lay back down.

"Do you really think I don't want you to go up there for my own sake? I'm worried about you. It's too dangerous up there."

"I know, I know," Charles said and planted a kiss on her cheek.

After sharing a few moments of intimacy, they got dressed and stepped out of the room. Anna clung to Charles's arm; her entire body almost leaning against his.

"Let's go. Sparkle is waiting for us outside. We haven't been speeding time together as a family for so long," Anna said with a smile.

Charles had only taken a step when he halted. "Wait a minute. You distracted me and I almost forgot why I came to the research institute."

He turned toward Gordon who had been patiently waiting outside the room and instructed, "Take me to see that man."

Gordon cast a brief glance at Anna before nodding. "Alright, please follow me."

As they followed after Gordon, Charles briefly explained the situation to Anna.

Soon, the three of them arrived at a damp, musty-smelling cell. Inside, a disheveled prisoner was moving his hands rhythmically as he kneaded a piece of metal.

"His name is Hanks," Gordon explained. "His ability is to reshape objects. Thanks to the enhancement method from the Foundation, he is capable of transforming anything into putty; it doesn't matter how hard the target object is."

Charles took a step forward and brushed aside the filthy hair covering Hanks' face. A pair of striking blye eyes were revealed, but they were now dull and lifeless.

"A woman told me that you're innocent. Is that true?" Charles asked as he gave Anna a gentle pinch, signaling to her to watch for any signs of deceit.

Charles had to repeat his question three times before Hanks finally reacted. His sluggish gaze found Anna and sheer terror slowly suffused his face.

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