Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 162 161: Things That Should Not Be Seen

Unaware of the danger… or dangers, that were approaching him, Corey kept on screaming in extreme pain and agony. His screams, though could not be heard, but it's effects, could definitely be seen.

An unknown amount of time went by and just as Corey was on the verge of losing his sight and consciousness… a familiar feminine voice spoke into his mind.

'Deactivate your Eyes of Omniscience and activate your Tri-Pupil Eyes.'

Despite the immense amount of pain Corey was going through, his desperate desire to be rid of this pain was higher than even the heavens and without further ado, his teeth ground against each other and he did as the voice instructed him.

The pure… dimming whiteness in Corey's eyes vanished and his sclera turned silver while his circular pupils were no longer circular, but was now in the shape of a triangle… a golden triangle to be exact.

As soon as Corey's eyes changed, the pain he felt in his eyes, disappeared, and a soothing sensation permeated his entire eyes. His vision which was already blurry and dim due to his deteriorating eyesight restored at a visible pace.

Corey panted heavily, fear lacing his heart heavily, his expression fully showing the amount of fear he, Corey Junior Zane, felt.

His eyes moved warily and anxiously, hoping that there were no more symbols around… His fear towards those symbols was at its all time peak.

And luckily for him… he could see none.

'What did you do? How did you reach here?'

The same familiar feminine voice resounded in Corey's mind, calming Corey by a minute amount… though small, was immensely helpful.

Corey had a slightly startled expression hearing the voice in his mind, then his eyes brightened.


'Don't speak out loud you fool. You've already attracted their attention.'

Confusion washed over Corey's face, drowning away most of the fear he had in his heart, and with a soft turn of his head, he spoke… mentally:

'What do you mean?... What or who is coming after me Nina?'

Corey looked around, a vigilant, wary… and slightly fearful light in his eyes, as he tried to locate the source of Nina's warning.

But no matter how much he looked… he found nothing.

'The creatures of the void you fool… those abominations… those… #$*∆§ creatures.'


Corey frowned.

'What happened?'

Nina asked and Corey's brows furrowed slightly.

'What was the last thing you said? It was broken and I didn't get it?'

'…Oh. I forgot you're still a mortal.'

Corey's furrowed brows deepened the more hearing Nina's whisper. Various thoughts and various possibilities appeared in his mind and with a soft turn of his head, he spoke… mentally:

'What do you mean?'

For a few seconds, he received no response, an unnerving and dangerous silence permeated his dark, viscous environment causing him to shiver slightly. But the instant he shivered, Nina finally responded:

'There are some things one should not see, hear nor speak until one reaches a certain level.'

Though her words were brief and basic, not going into depth of the exact reason behind him not being able to here her previous words, it was a warning and a new piece of knowledge which Corey did not know.

'How did you get here by the way?'

Nina spoke once more and as the time went by, Corey felt unease… he felt danger.

'Why don't you tell me what is coming for me and how I can keep myself safe… or at least keep my life… I think that would be rather helpful.'

His tone containing a little bit of impatience and worry. And his curiosity towards the unknown creatures of the void were totally non-existent… unlike that of the creatures of the void.

'You don't have to worry about that… Queen Mother is on her way here.'

With a tone containing calmness, pride and respect, Nina spoke and Corey's brows were raised.

'Queen Mother?... The wife of the Paragon Ancestor?'

Corey thought, not communicating with Nina and his posture and tensed nerves relaxed to an extent.

'Now tell me how you got here? What did you do?'

Nina's voice rang out inside of his head, and as Corey thought of the answer to her question, he could not help but frown.

Did he not just try a simple teleportation skill?

Was teleportation meant to be so dangerous?

Why was his life in danger after he tried a 'simple' spatial spell?

Corey looked down with a frown, and just as he did, he noticed something new.

His clothes.

His clothes were different from how he designed his Nano machine clothes to be like. He was now in a black tightly fitted suit with a black helmet on his head. The black helmet had a see through glass around his eyes and a circular device around his mouth which had numerous tiny holes in it.

'What is this?'

Corey voice had an expression of confusion and surprise as he looked at the black suit which covered every inch of his body. He looked at his legs, and he was surprised to see that he was standing… or should he say floating, in this extremely dark and viscous liquid… which was definitely not normal when Corey thought about it.

'So this is what kept me from mistakenly drinking this ominous liquid and every other unknown danger of this liquid?'

Corey thought with a slightly awed expression, and just as he had this thought.

'Will you answer my question and stop diverting away from the answer!!'

A feminine shout filled with anger and frustration resounded in Corey's causing Corey to grimace. He instinctively tried to move his hands so as to block his ears, but the liquid was just too difficult to move in.

'Alright, alright. Just calm down.'

Corey tried to calm the almost indistinguishable human-like Nano Machine in him, but Corey felt the anger radiating from Nina in him, and his lips twitched.

'I tried to teleport on my own but instead of teleporting to my desired location… it brought me here.'

Trying to gesture towards the black viscous liquid he was in, Corey failed, due to the immense difficulty of movement in the liquid.

Corey's lips twitched, and just as it twitched… Corey felt fear and… danger grip his heart. His pupils constricted and with a soft turn of his neck, he tried to locate the source of the danger…

But all he saw… was nothing.

Corey's heart pounded intensely due to the fear and danger he was feeling. His breathing became slightly erratic and sweat dripped down his forehead.

His lips parted open, but once again, just as he was about to speak, something happened:

"The reason why your teleportation failed was because you forgot to impose your will unto the magical formation… You forgot to place a rune of destination in the magical formation you made."

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