Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 174 173: Ominous

Step by step and without saying a word, the Terror Queen walked to right side of the corridor, and Anon released an internal sigh, before following her.

Anon's gaze lingered on the doors, his eyes emitting a reminiscent light as his mind recalled his past experiences with doors.

"If I may ask. What's behind these doors?"

Unable to reign in his curiosity due to the corridor being longer than he expected and also much, much quieter than he expected, Anon inquired:


Anon raised his brows hearing the indifferent tone of the Terror Queen and with a slightly curious light, he glanced at the black doors as he followed the Terror Queen.

'Perhaps that's why she's known as the Terror Queen?'

Time passed, and to Anon's surprise, the Terror Queen just kept on walking in the never-ending corridor. Anon frowned and he tried to figure out why the corridor appeared much longer than what the exterior of the building suggested.

"Don't waste your time pondering over the length of the corridor Even I don't know the reason for that."

A confused expression appeared on Anon's face hearing the words of the Terror Queen.

"How come you don't know? Don't you own this building?"

Anon asked, confusion apparent in his tone, and the Terror Queen shook her head in response.

"The building is not mine. Also don't bother asking me about the true owner, I can't tell you that… If you want, find it out yourself."

Anon's brows furrowed deeply as he heard the words of the Terror Queen. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had an uneasy feeling regarding the words of the Terror Queen.

Setting aside his suspicions for the time being, Anon decided to ask a question which had been on his mind for some time now.

"By the way, why did you choose to attack me out of nowhere? It's not like I've ever had any contact with you."

Although Anon had his guesses and suspicions regarding the answer to his question, he wanted to hear it directly from the Terror Queen since they had the time to converse.

The Terror Queen gave Anon a brief glance and for a few seconds, she did not reply, a slight contemplative light in her eyes.

"You were in my territory and I know the faces of 99.9% of the people in my territory… You were a new face, you passed by me and you went to the location of one of my top underlings... That was already suspicious enough for me to look into you and observe your subsequent movements…"

"But what truly made me attack you was when one of my spies died…"

"Your spy?"

Anon interjected, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Yes my spy. He was one of the two bodyguards of that greedy bastard named Oscar."

'Oh…. So the fucker is the one that's actually behind my current situation… Wonderful.'

Anon clicked his tongue in frustration as he promised himself to punish Oscar the next time he met him. Coincidentally, at that very moment, Oscar from nowhere, felt an inexplicable chill creep up his spine.

"This feels… familiar."

Oscar who was sitting on a massage bench surrounded by five beautiful ladies muttered with a frown. He didn't know why, but he felt fear creep up into his soul.

'I need more bodyguards.'

Oscar thought to himself as he tried to rid himself of the unknown creeping fear in his soul.

"After my spy's death. I contacted my other spies and they told me about you, so I knew I had to either capture you or kill you… and Oscar, so as to interrogate you both… most likely through torture."

"Speaking of which…do you enjoy being tortured?"

A strange intense light exuded from the eyes of the Terror Queen as she paused to face him, and Anon had twitching lips hearing the absurd question of the Terror Queen.

"Who in their right senses would enjoy being tortured?"

Anon replied with a question of his own, not expecting a serious response. But to his surprise…

"People like me, who are not in their right senses, would enjoy being tortured."


An absolutely baffled, gobsmacked and utterly dumbfounded expression appeared all over Anon's face the instant he heard those words. He paused, even subconsciously taking a step back as his brain processed her words- an unfortunate realization he didn't desire but had to confront.

"Hahaha!!!... I'm just joking, I'm joking…"

A loud laugh escaped the lips of the Terror Queen, her expression completely different from her title.

"I obviously don't enjoy being tortured, I derive pleasure from inflicting torture on other instead… It's much more… thrilling."

A strange light and expression could be seen on the face of the Terror Queen, her body imperceptibly trembling at that moment.

But despite her attempts to dismiss her previous words as a joke, Anon couldn't shake off the feeling that there was some truth to them.

Deciding that silence was the best course of action to take, Anon kept his mouth shut, not speaking a single word as he waited for the Terror Queen to wake up from her moment of ecstasy.

'Maybe the reason she's called the Terror Queen is more frightening than I thought.'

Anon thought to himself, and just as this thought crossed his mind, the Terror Queen snapped out from her momentary ecstasy and with a soft clear of her throat, she spoke:

"Let's keep on going, we're almost there."

Anon glanced at the Terror Queen for a few seconds then he shifted his gaze to her sleeping daughter and a sigh escaped his lips.

'I hope I don't come to regret this.'

After walking for another two minutes, Anon was relieved when he spotted a set of stairs in the distance. The Terror Queen ascended the stairs and he followed suit.

Some seconds later, Anon and the Terror Queen stood at a corridor once again, but this time, only a single door could be seen in the corridor.

The Terror Queen walked towards the door and as she did, the door automatically opened, granting her entrance into the room.

Anon also walked into the room and with a mildly awed expression, Anon observed the room. The room was large, and it resembled a penthouse apartment. A room of luxury and comfort.

'I definitely did not expect this.'

Anon thought with surprise, and just as he had this thought, he heard the sound of something heavy being moved.

He looked at the source, and he saw a bookshelf sliding to the side, revealing a thick black metal door embedded in the wall.

The Terror Queen placed her right hand on the door, and as soon as she did, the door lit up in a deep red hue, and various deep red ominous symbols appeared all over the door, giving Anon an ominous feeling.

A few seconds later, a loud screeching noise resonated throughout the room as the door slowly opened, releasing a blood red mist as it did.

The Terror Queen removed her hand from the door and she noticed Anon's gaze. He noticed that her breathing was slightly irregular and her expression slightly pale, but despite that, she showed no outward weakness.

"Before we delve into business, I need you to follow me down there. You have my word that I won't harm you."


[A/N: Third bonus chapter. I'll see if I can release two more chapters before sleep catches up to me. Then I'll try to release another five tomorrow, though I have to go out again tomorrow... Important stuff.

More strength to me!]

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