Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 180 179: Neon Marketing Plan

"So what business do you have for me?"

Sitting on a large white couch were Anon and the Terror Queen, both sitting comfortably on a large white couch, each with an exquisite glass of wine in their hands.

Anon swirled the glass in his hand, his briefly reflecting a pondering glint before it vanished just as fast as it came.


A soft sound escaped his lips as he mused. Then a few seconds later, he took a sip from the glass in his hands, and a soft clang resounded moments later as he placed the glass cup on the glass table in front of him.

As Anon took a much longer time than normal to reply her simple question, the Terror Queen had slightly furrowed brows, wondering just what it was that the enigmatic and annoying Anon was up to. Her brows raised slightly when she saw him slide his left hand into the lower pocket of his hoodie.


A soft clang resounded once again, and the Terror Queen's eyes were drawn to its source which was a glass vial placed on the glass table by Anon.

"What's that?"

The Terror Queen asked as she shifted her gaze from the vial to Anon's calm visage, her eyes and tone containing visible curiosity.

"Neon… a narcotic."

Anon replied simply and the brows of the Terror Queen furrowed deeply in confusion. Without waiting for the Terror Queen to express her confusion, Anon continued speaking:

He crossed his legs by placing his right leg atop his left leg in a vertical position, and with his back comfortably resting on the backrest of the couch, his lips parted open and he spoke:

"Neon is a narcotic which just like other narcotics, does what other narcotics do, granting the consumers a state of euphoria…"

Anon paused, deliberately creating a state of suspense as his tone and manner of speaking captured the attention of the Terror Queen.

"…But what sets Neon apart from other narcotics is its unique ability to permanently increase a person's stats after consuming it."

Silence filled the penthouse as soon as Anon finished speaking. The Terror Queen wore an expression of disbelief as her parted lips and unblinking eyes, displayed the level of disbelief she had for Anon's words.

She looked at Anon who had a calm expression as he picked up his glass, from which he took a sip. Her gaze then shifted from Anon to the vial on the glass table, her eyes still containing doubt, skepticism and disbelief.

Some seconds later, she exhaled a deep turbid breath and after giving her sleeping daughter in the distance a glance, she turned her attention back to Anon and spoke:

"If what you're saying is true, do you know how you'll shake up the markets. You'll be stirring the hornets nest and if the hornets have so much an inkling of curiosity towards this… it would not end well."

Her words containing a deep warning towards Anon's future actions despite her still being shaken up by Anon's words.

And why was she so disturbed by his words?

It was due the ability of Neon to permanently increase an individual's stats.

In the Underworld, consumables that permanently increased an individual's stats were extremely rare and extremely desired, so rare and desired to the point that whenever the public hears about a consumable like that appearing in the Underworld, what they would hear would be the news of the individual or group that bought the consumable, not news of the consumable itself.

From her knowledge, consumables that increased an individual's stats were fiercely contested for by powerful groups of the Underworld, and just the thought of her being the leading seller sent chills throughout her entire body.I think you should take a look at

Countless ravenous wolves would come knocking on her door, seeing her as prey.

She shivered slightly thinking about the danger of the words of the mad man before her. Her eyes moved to the drink in her hands, and without wasting a single moment, she gulped down the whole drink, placing the glass on the glass table afterwards.

"Don't worry about the hornets. I don't plan on stirring their nest immediately, it would be a subtle process…. Also…"

Anon replied with a calm tone and expression, his eyes gleaming with a calculating light.

"The higher the tier of an individual, the less effective the abilities of Neon becomes. It mainly works on tier 0s and tier 1s. It does work on tier 2s, but the slow rate of improvement would definitely be frustrating for the impatient."

Confusion clouded the eyes of the Terror Queen as her brows furrowed deeply.

"So, the narcotic doesn't affect tier 3s and above?"

She inquired and Anon gave a nod in response.

"For now."

A breath of relief was released from the Terror Queen's lips, her expression visibly easing.

"I want you to introduce Neon discreetly to the tier 1s and tier 0s in the Outer Area. Introduce it to those that are suffering, those who have lost hope. Let Neon alleviate their pains for a while, bringing them a glimmer of hope."

"Use these individuals to spread the word about Neon, expanding our customer base. And do it in such a way that by the time the hornets catch wind of Neon, it would be too late."

"Make sure you target most of the tier 0s and tier 1s in the Outer Area, making them regular customers of Neon. You can also target the tier 2s. After we've accomplished all of that… we move to the inner area… and that's where shit would probably go down."

The Terror Queen looked at Anon with incredulity and astonishment, her eyes widening in the process.

"Do you plan on building an empire in the Underworld?"

She asked as this thought came to her mind. Her mind thinking of how Anon planned on subtly gaining control of the outer area by using hope, a clever strategy, but one which could also be utilized in an insidious and cruel manner in the future.

"I don't plan on building an empire…."

Anon paused, his eyes moving to the glass wall of the penthouse they were in.

"I plan on leaving this wretched place. I have someone to find and someone to kill."

Although his last words were softly spoken, barely audible as a result, the Terror Queen heard it but decided not to say anything on it.

Her gaze shifted to her daughter who was still slumbering on a different couch in the distance. She closed her eyes and a soft sigh was released from her lips.

Turning her attention back to Anon, determination sparked in her eyes.

"I have a request."

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