Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 195 194: Battle Of The Two Giants


As soon as Triple X spoke, the nine foot giant released an extremely loud roar that caused both its undead allies and the androids to tremble.

Even Corey who was far away from the nine foot giant, felt his skin tingle as the roar reverberated throughout the Amphitheater.

Divine took in another puff of his Cuban cigar and with a smile, he spoke:

"And the battle… begins."


Coincidentally or not, Triple X spoke at the same time as Divine, but unlike Divine's tone which contained intrigue, Triple X's tone contained nonchalance and a tinge of boredom.





As soon as both Divine and Triple X spoke, a cacophony of sounds resounded from Triple X's undead army, and in the next second, every undead ran, jumped or flew towards the army of androids in an unorganized manner.

"Androids! Attack! Kill every single Undead!"

Automaton shouted as he waved his hand to the incoming undead army and in the next second, his army of androids moved towards the undead army, their movements much more coordinated compared to that of the Undead Army.

The two armies ran towards each other and just as they were about to collide,



A loud bang shook the battlefield and with a surprised expression, Corey gazed at the mini dust cloud in the battlefield which was formed by the landing of the nine foot undead.





A roar resounded from the dust cloud and in the next instant, a whooshing sound could be heard from the dust cloud followed by a series of loud bangs.

A few seconds later, a large figure emerged from the mini dust cloud and as soon as it left the mini dust cloud, Corey's eyes briefly glanced at the dispersing mini dust cloud.

As soon as the mini dust dispersed, multiple body parts appeared in Corey's vision. Body parts of X's undead and Automaton's androids were strewed all over the floor.

'He also attacked the undead?'

Corey's brows raised with slight surprise as he gazed at the strewed body parts. Just as he was about to move his eyes from the strewn body parts, his eyes caught sight of something unusual about the body parts.

"Well, well, well. This is certainly going to be more interesting than I thought."

Corey turned towards Divine, and his lips parted open, wanting to speak, but…



The sound of continuous collisions reverberated throughout the entire Amphitheater, causing Corey's gaze to move from Divine to the ongoing battle.

(Meanwhile in the battlefield)

After the nine foot giant destroyed both it's allies and enemies, it charged towards the remaining army of androids, and if one observed the path the nine foot giant was taking, he or she would realize that the path of the nine foot giant was in line with the location of the leader of the androids- Automaton.

It's speed was so fast that Corey, sometimes saw an after image of the nine foot giant, or the after image of its attack.

Numerous androids tried to stop the nine foot giant. Bullets, laser beams, arrows, spears, swords and so on. So many attacks were unleashed on the nine foot giant, but whether it be a magical attack, physical attack or any other form of attack, the nine foot giant just kept on running towards Automaton, it's great sword cleaving apart whatever it was that was in its way.

Seeing the charging nine foot giant which was akin to a Berserker, Automaton had a calm expression on his face. He gave an order for the androids to stop the nine foot giant then he spread out his right palm, and two extremely black metallic balls appeared.

His gaze shifted from the black balls to the charging nine foot giant, and with cold eyes, he threw the black balls towards the nine foot giant.


As the black balls whooshed through the air, they underwent an extremely fast and shocking transformation.

For every rotation the balls underwent, the balls changed and from their previous palm sized clones, they became humanoid androids.

As they became humanoid androids, they ran towards the nine foot giant and with every step they took, their sizes increased.

From the size of an average sized human, to the size of an adult elephant, then to the size of a duplex building. Their sizes just kept on increasing and increasing, and with every increment in their sizes, the damage caused to both armies kept on increasing.

Corey's widened as his pupils just kept on going higher and higher until a few seconds later, his pupils finally stopped moving upwards.

"What the?"

Corey subconsciously mumbled as a visible expression of shock appeared on Corey's face as he gazed at the 30 feet and 38 feet mecha giants which were running towards the nine foot tall giant.

"Hahahaha. Now X's favorite undead is like an ant to those two mecha giants."

Corey gave a brief glance towards Divine, but this time around, he quickly turned back to the ongoing battle, not wanting to miss the battle between the three giants.

Undeterred by the appearance of the two giants which were much bigger than him, the nine foot giant kept on charging towards it's path, a flicker of excitement appearing in its dark blue eyes for an instant as its gaze which was previously on Automaton, moved to the two… real giants.



The nine foot undead roared and in the next moment, it jumped towards the 30 foot mecha giant with the great sword raised upwards, but just as the nine foot giant was about to reach the 30 foot mecha giant,



A translucent energy barrier appeared around the mecha giant, and as soon as the nine foot giant instinctively attacked the energy barrier, a repelling force sent the nine foot giant flying.

The mecha giants without wasting time stretched out their hands, and a few seconds later, their hands became gun like.

Seconds later, multiple bullets, laser beams, explosives and so on, were released from the mecha giants, causing the battlefield to tremble and a large dust cloud to form in the location of the Undead giant.

The entire Amphitheater went silent as the entire audience gazed at the dust cloud, waiting to see the condition of the Undead giant, each and everyone of them ignoring the fights between the other undead mobs and even the aerial undead beasts.

"Automaton is gon regret bringing out those two mechas."

Divine's voice once again, shifted Corey's attention from the ongoing battle to himself.

"What do you mean?"

Corey asked while still giving a subtle glance at the dust cloud which was beginning to disperse. His eyes also moved to the mecha giants which were standing with a focused expression as they also gazed at the dust cloud.

"Causing harm to that undead is the worst mistake you could ever make."

As Divine spoke, the dust cloud swirled and Corey felt his skin tingle, and alarm bells rang in Corey's mind.

A surprised expression appeared on his face as he felt an unfamiliar but at the same time familiar energy emanating from the dust cloud.

'Mystic Energy?'

Corey raised his brows as he noticed the appearance of mystic energy in the dust cloud. His brows later furrowed as a confused expression appeared on his face.

'But how's that possible? Didn't the undead only have tier 3 strength like X?'

"The more harm that's caused to the undead, the stronger it becomes."


As soon as Divine spoke, a roar resounded in the entire Amphitheater and a heavy gust of wind blew on the battlefield.

Corey gaze shifted from Divine who spoke, to the source of the roar, which was the undead giant which was much different than before.

The most recognizable difference, was its height. The undead giant which was previously nine foot, was now a fifteen foot giant.

Not only that, the black armor of the undead giant had multiple red lines and magical symbols around it. These lines and magical symbols emitted pulses of mystical energy at various intervals.

Also, apart from all these changes, an intense amount of heat was emitted from the undead giant. The air around it was wavy, and visible smoke could be seen emitting from the undead giant.

"It looks like a bomb that's about to explode."

Corey mumbled as he observed the new state of the undead giant, and just as he spoke, Divine's voice flowed into his ears.

"Well… you're not technically wrong."

Corey turned towards Divine, and his lips parted open, wanting to speak, but Divine raised up his palm, then he gestured towards the undead giant.


Corey's gaze moved to the undead giant, and seconds later, the undead giant ran towards the mecha duos.




The ground trembled as the three giants ran towards each other, but due to the undead giant's physique, the undead giant reached the mecha giants at a much faster speed.


The undead giant slashed at the 30 foot mecha giant once again, and just like before, a translucent energy barrier appeared around the 30 foot mecha giant.


But unlike before, the energy barrier broke apart, though the repelling ability of the energy barrier sent the undead giant sliding backwards.

The hands of the 38 foot mecha giant transformed to different guns, and a few seconds later, the head of the gun rotated and multiple bullets rained on the undead giant.

Uncountable number of large bullets dropped unto the ground causing the already destroyed ground to break apart the more. Meanwhile, the undead giant stumbled backwards as the bullets hit its armor.

Some seconds later, the gun stopped rotating as a huge amount of smoke was emitted from the muzzle. A few bullets dropped unto the ground and the eyes of Corey and almost every other person was on the undead giant which had its head down.

A few seconds later, the undead giant raised its head and to Corey's surprise, the giant's head moved up and down, its movement resembling a chuckle, though no sound was emitted from its lips.

Just as Corey was wondering about the peculiarity of the undead giant, he saw it jump towards the 38 foot giant.

The 38 foot giant shot at the undead giant, but the undead giant being undeterred, kept on moving towards the 38 foot mecha giant.

"You might want to cover your ears kid."

Divine's words flowed into Corey's ears as the undead giant got closer to the 38 foot mecha giant. Corey glanced at him, and when he did, he noticed Divine blocking his two ears while giving Corey a small smile.

"Too late kid."



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