Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 203 202: The Director & The Clown (3)

Chapter 203  202: The Director & The Clown (3)


Extreme disbelief crept into the director's eyes as he looked at a black dagger which glowed with a red light as it passed through his left chest.

Just as he was looking at the black dagger with disbelief and confusion, a clown mask appeared in front of his face.

"Peekaboo. I see you. Hahahahahaha!"

The clown laughed as he poked the forehead of the director playfully, but despite the clown's actions, confusion and disbelief remained in the eyes of the director.

He tried to speak, but then he realized that just as his lips parted open, it stopped moving entirely and no words could come out from his lips.

The Clown chuckled and with a small smile on his lips, he spoke:

"I can see the confusion and disbelief in your eyes Mr. Director, so you don't have to worry. I'll explain everything to you later."

As the clown spoke, he walked past the director to a fridge which was at the far end of the room. The director tried to turn his neck, but no matter how much he tried, he could not move an inch.

"First of all… The reason why you can't move, is actually really obvious. But, since you're the biggest fool I've ever met, I'll explain it to you in the simplest way possible."

The clown spoke with disdain as he opened the fridge, and after giving the fridge a few taps, he looked into the fridge.

The clown muttered and a few seconds later, he took an apple from the fridge, took a bite from it and dropped it back into the fridge. "Let's see what we have here."

The clown muttered and a few seconds later, he took an apple from the fridge, took a bite from it and dropped it back into the fridge. He then took a bottle of milk out of the fridge, took a long gulp from it and returned it.

His eyes looked around the fridge and a few seconds later, his eyes lit up.

"This will do."

He spoke with a chuckle, then he continued his previous words to the director.

"Now, as I was saying. The reason for you inability to move, is due to the poison on my dagger. It's a type of poison that causes paralysis."

The Clown's voice flowed into the director's ears who had been trying every method to escape his paralysis, but no matter what he did, nothing worked. Because…

"As for the reason why you're feeling weaker and can't use any of your mana or abilities? It's because my dagger has a sort of sealing ability which I myself don't really understand."

"And if I don't get it, then there's no way you'd get it since you're the biggest fool I've ever met… and I've met quite a lot of people."

A few seconds after the clown spoke, he appeared in front of the director and the gaze of the director moved to the object in the clown's right hand, and as soon as the director saw the object, a confused light appeared in his eyes.

"As for the million value point question of how I'm still alive even after you totally destroyed my body, and how I was able to penetrate the barrier you put up after I exploded those corpses?"

As the clown spoke, he placed his free left hand inside his blood red suit and in the next second, he brought out a knife. He gazed at the director who still had a confused light in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his lips.

The playfulness in his eyes disappeared and the aura of a king, an apex predator, a higher being filled the entire black box.

"The answer to those two questions is invincibility. I am invincible and none is above me."

With a deep, prideful and calm tone, the clown spoke and the pupils of the director shook slightly. But a second later, the aura disappeared and…


A loud laugh resounded in the black box for some seconds.

"I'm just playing with you Mr. Director. The reason why I'm still alive and was able to penetrate your barrier is…"

The clown paused as he looked at the director who had a tinge of curiosity in his gaze. A smile emerged on the clown's lips and a second later, a soft chuckle escaped his lips.

"Did you really think I was going to tell you Mr. Director?... You are really the biggest fool on this planet."

The clown chuckled, then he moved closer to the director while looking at the knife in his left hand and the velvet cake in his right hand.

"Time for a make-up Mr. Director. But before that, I gotta taste this cake first."

The clown spoke with a smile, then he cut a piece of the cake and ate it. A few seconds later, he looked at the cake with slight regret.

"What a waste of good cake."

The clown spoke with a slightly regretful tone, but a second later, he shrugged nonchalantly. He once again cut out a piece of the cake, but this time, instead of eating it, he placed it in the director's open mouth.

"Much better. At least the cake should make your breath much better."

The clown mumbled then he threw the knife away and with a smile, he took a part of the cake and rubbed it on the face of the director while humming a song.

(A few minutes later)

"Ah. This is much better. You look much more handsome than before Mr. Director. Your beauty even makes me jealous."

The clown spoke as he gazed at his work of art, which was the face of the director that looked like a low quality clown.

The clown nodded a few times with a satisfied expression, but then he felt a minute killing intent being directed towards him, and he raised his brows with an amused expression.

He looked into the eyes of the director, and when he saw a tinge of anger in them, he chuckled and smiled.

"Hmm. Are you angry Mr. Director?"

The clown asked, but a second later, he frowned as he noticed that the gaze of the director was not on him, but behind him.

A confused expression appeared on his face, but a second later, a light of realization flashed in his eyes and in the next moment, he turned to his back.

"Well that's bad. Your dog escaped its chains."

The clown spoke nonchalantly as he gazed at the previous location of Tristan. A confused light appeared in the clown's eyes as he pondered briefly as to how Tristan escaped his chains of shadows, but a few seconds later, he shrugged and turned back to the director who had a calm gaze.

The Clown's lips twitched, then he brought out a dagger which was similar to the dagger in the director's chest, and to the director's shock, the clown slashed the dagger at his neck without saying a word.

For the second time since he met the clown, disbelief appeared in the eyes of the director as his blood spilled unto the blood red suit of the clown and the clown's mask.


A soft thud resounded in the room as the director fell unto the floor, his blood forming a small puddle beneath the clown's feet.

The clown not bothering to give the fallen director a glance, brought out a white handkerchief from his blood red suit, which he then used to clean the blood on his dagger.

As he cleaned the blood on his dagger, the clown spoke:

"In case you're wondering why I killed you immediately. It's because I got bored and pissed. So, uhm… Sorry not sorry I guess."

The clown's nonchalance filled voice echoed in the ears of the dying director and a few seconds later, the light in his eyes died down, and The Director of The Underworld… died.

"Hmm. He's dead? That was quick."

The clown spoke as he placed his dagger in his suit. He then knelt and removed his other dagger, cleaned it with the another white handkerchief, before placing it in his suit.

He then looked at the corpse of the director and a contemplative light appeared in his eyes for a few seconds before he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Having the ability of creation should be good for me. Although, it would be of a lower quality than the director's."

The clown mumbled, then he raised his right arm and a second later, his nails elongated to the length of a bear's claws. He placed his nails on the left side of the director's chest, and a second later, he pierced through the left chest of the director and his nails entered the director's heart.

A few seconds later, blood red lines appeared on his right hand and some moments later, the corpse of the director resembled that of a mummy.


A satisfied sigh was released from the clown, then he removed his claws from the director's chest and looked around with a slight frown.

"I guess it's time to cull the Underworld of officials that wouldn't support me. Then I'll make the Underworld a much more interesting place."

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