Slice Of Life In Fantasy World

Chapter 156 156. Golden Bloodline

Chapter 156 156. Golden Bloodline

[Halo: Fated Person

Type: Unique

Introduction: The host would be loved by the world. It didn't matter whether the host is a demon who slaughter all races or the saint who save all races. What matters is that host will be the most fated person in Endora world. The host would be loved by the world.

Note: If the fate value increases then this halo can be used in other world's too.]

Yes that's what he is talking about. In long term it's very useful. After all he would be loved by the world.

"I would be fated person. No matter whether I am a demon or saint. Hahaha." He couldn't help but laugh.

After some seconds he got silent while still in the good mood.

"Even though it's only one thing, that is halo but it's probably best. Since it can help me in long turn." He muttered and said "System open the status panel."

[Ding, generating the status panel...]

[Ding, generated successfully.]

[Infinite Plundering System

Name: Liam

Race: Human

Halo: Fated Person

Mage Realm: Initial Level's Mid Stage

Normal Spell: House cleaning

Special Spell: Healing, Lighting Ball, Lighting Whip, Lightning Manipulation, Water Blade, Water Ball, Lighting Manipulation, Water cannon Dense Fog, Thunder, Electric Shock, Fire Break, Weak Hurricane, Sandstorm, Earth Gun, Rock Bomb, Flash Fire, Fire Bomb, Blasting Earth Fortress, Frozen Field, Deterioration, Memory Reading, Soul Reading, Lighting Manipulation...

Forbidden Spell: None

Taboo Spell: Breath Of Destiny

Resistance: Lightning, Ice

Awakened Element: Lightning, Ice

Talent: Lightning, Ice

System Points: 100,000

System Storage: Element Awakening Card.]

Liam looked at the name then at race. He nodded his head and continued.

Looking at the Mage Realm he smiled after all he is already a monster genius not to mention even Leah Realm is below him.

"The gap between us in the future will only get bigger and bigger. But I will help her." He said and continued looking down.

He looked at th spells and nodded his head.

Normal Spell can only used in home or daily life.

Special spells can be used in combat.

Forbidden spells can be used when the life is in danger. This spell do deadly attack at enemy but using this spell you will also injure yourself.

Taboo spells can be only used when you get to know that there isn't any chance to Live. Using this you can harm many people's as it's powerful and this spell consume life force and kill it's owner after getting used.

"But how can the breath of destiny is taboo Spell? Forget it. System tell me about Resistance, Awakened Element, and how can I have this much System Points?"

[Ding, host resistance is which you can resist elements.

Awakened Element are same as talent but it tell that you have awakened this element. Like many foreign race will awaken different categories talent. Fir example they awakened space eyes then they had awakened space element.

The host has this much points because the system grab some fate and destiny value when it was secretly forging this halo using this world's fate. The system give you 1000 as a Intial package and another 1000 points for killing bandits and destroying the village.]

"Okay" He nodded his head anyway the more system points he had the more the merrier.

He took a deep breath and asked "System, I can make anything by using system points?"

[Ding, as long as it's within the capability of system, yes host.]

"Okay then make a spell bloodline talent or anything but make something which I can use to solve incest relationship problem. Also I should be able to choose which gender to give birth. No... You do this you simply remove the sperm count which make the male gender. You can use as much as points are needed but you must make it perfect." This was his one of goal that he was researching but couldn't get any inspiration because to create that he needs to see same situation child.

Now he thinks that no one is disgusting as him who pregnant his mother or close relatives and he can't simply research on his children's.

That's why he was thinking how to start but now that he has system and enough system points. He can simply ask the system to create something that could solve this problem.

[Ding, analysing the host question. Please ask the host to wait for a minute.]

Liam waited and after some minutes later the system give a promot.

[Ding, it's possible and the best solution is to have bloodline inside your body. By this it can solve all the future problems.]

[Ding, is the bloodline created? And if yes how many points should the system can use?]

"It's really possible!!! Take as many as you want but make it perfect as possible. Also start the bloodline creation now." Liam was too excited that he stands up and started strolling in the room after giving system the order.

[Ding, Creating the perfect bloodline for the host...]

[Ding, in the process...]

Soon 3 hours went by,

3 hours later,

[Ding, In the process...]

Liam was still strolling around while looking at the status panel.

Soon another hour went and only then he heard the system ding again.

[Ding, the bloodline has been successfully created. The host can name the bloodline.]

Liam got immediately happy and replied "The bloodline name should be... Golden Bloodline."

Even though random but he like this name actually.

[Ding, the name has been successfully set.]

Hearing this Liam hurriedly checked it's introduction.

[Golden Bloodline: You can have baby with your blood relatives without worry about having any genetic disease or physical deformities on baby. As long as it's your baby the more close the relationship the more beautiful your child will be.

Note: You can freely choose whether to have a boy or girl. But because the host asked the system had removed the sperm which make boy. So the host can have only girl.]

Liam nodded his head delightfully.

He couldn't contain his excitement.

"The more close the relationship the more beautiful child? System it's mean that if I pregnant my daughter then the child born by my daughter will be more perfect and beautiful and if I pregnant her then even more perfect and beautiful child!!! Is that it?" Liam asked he was confirming this.

[Ding, the host is right!]

"Good, good, good, hahahaha!!!" Liam laughed and looked at the golden Bloodline introduction again.

He nodded his head and said "It's tailer made for me. By using his I will create my incestuous family. Where I would be the only male. Hahaha."

Then he said "Open status"

[Infinite Plundering System

Race: Human

Bloodline: Golden Bloodline

Halo: Fated Person

Awakened Element: Lightning, Ice

Talent: Lightning (S), Ice (SSS)

System Points: 15,000

System Storage: Element Awakening Card.]


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