Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 119: Silver Wings!

Chapter 119: Silver Wings!

Why cant sorcerers find any trace of the theoretically massive golden fish?

Why does the virtual world say the golden fish is in the ocean and can be seen without any rituals?

Theres only one answer.

Ashe murmured, Were inside the golden fish, and the time spirits are above the white fog.

Sonya instinctively wanted to nitpick, but when she matched the information she knew with this conclusion, she found that everything fit perfectly, explaining the truth about the golden fish!

And, she suddenly recalled, The only Sorcerer Handbook Ive read mentioned that after explorers found the golden fish, they climbed over 800 layers but still couldnt get to the top of the golden fish, right?

Carefully thinking about it, if the golden fish really had over 800 layers, even with the white fog obscuring it, sorcerers wouldnt be completely unable to find any trace And in the sea of knowledge, the only place that explorers can climb hundreds of layers without reaching is

The sky.

The two stared blankly at the white foggy sky.

After a good while, Sonya asked in a daze, But how do we climb up there?

Yeah, how could they climb up into the sky?

Even knowing the time spirits were right above them and climbing up would make them two-wing casters, butwhere was the path?

There is no ladder hanging down from the sky, there is no tower on the ground, and there is no natural landscape more than one meter above sea of knowledge.

They werent adept in the earth element like the explorers, unable to build tall structures from flat ground. Their only way to gain height was having the doppelganger stand on top, the swordswoman on the doppelgangers shoulders, and Ashe on the swordswomans shoulders.

Could Ashe summon thousands of doppelgangers to stack himself up? No, because he only had the doppelganger spirit, not the multiple doppelgangers miracle, so he could only summon one doppelganger.

If he summoned a second doppelganger, the first would disappear. To summon two doppelgangers, the best method was finding a second doppelganger spirit and activating them together, combining into the double doppelganger miracle.

So spirit use was a skill very versatile in some ways yet conservative in others.

Are there any flight miracles? Ashe asked.

Very few at the one-wing level, Sonya shook her head. One-wing movement miracles are basically swift ground movement. Even if they can briefly go airborne, its just to cross obstacles, not actual flight.

This doesnt improve at two-wings either. At most, the movement is faster, costs less, and changes direction more flexibly. True flight miracles are common only at the three-wing saint level.


Because reaching three-wing saint requires fully unfolding the silver and golden wings. Sonya flapped her arms like wings. You dont think a casters virtual wings are just for show, do you?

Huh? Arent virtual wings for intimidating opponents? Everyone compares virtual wings before fighting more and more complete wings means stronger.

Thats just the sociological use. Actual virtual wings represent a casters knowledge accumulation and each grants tremendous aid

Tremendous aid? Ashe was startled and unfolded his silver wings. Other than not needing a light to pee at night, what other help do they give?

The silver blessing. Sonya shrugged. Didnt I tell you before? Fully unfolding the silver wings only proves our silver arcane energy has peaked. When we successfully advance to two-wings and leave the sea of knowledge, reaching the time spirits, the silver wings will shine thats when theyre in perfect form.

Shining silver wings bestow eternal blessings based on the casters specialty. Even a newly advanced two-wing casters silver blessing grants over 20% more power, sometimes up to 100% with luck.

Ashe realized, No wonder you insisted on finding the golden fish tonight despite the exhaustion

A 20-100% power increase would be decisive for his prison break plan tomorrow. It was worth going all out for the silver blessing.

Sonya felt drunk again, her cheeks slightly flushed. I told you, I just want to see the scenery of the time spirits as soon as possible And you did promise to help me achieve my dream finding the golden fish is part of that dream, so of course Id drag you along.

Thats true. So when will you sing for me, I could according to your skill to judge if Ive accepted a dirty job against my conscience?

You just cant let that go huh. Then Ill start Im light as a feather, floating without any weight'

Im sorry, that was arrogant of me. Lets talk flight miracles, flight miracles.

At this time, Ashe also resolved a doubt in his mind. He had felt his silver wings looked a bit inferior to Valcas back then not as bright or majestic. He thought it was a lighting issue before, not expecting it to be a developmental problem.

Without opening the new worlds gate even once, his silver wings were not mature virtual wings.

Sonya paused. After obtaining perfect dual wings, casters not only get the silver and golden blessings, but because the dual wings bring qualitative change, they can directly soar through reality with their wings. For this reason, most flight miracles require three-wing saint minimum, at least two-wing completion.

In short, flight miracles were like luxury cars and yachts, only accessible by rich guys who have three-wing, and who had no intention of developing budget versions for the poor.

She looked up at the grey sky. Even if we find a flight miracle one-wings can use, the explorers built an 800 layer tower and still couldnt reach the top. Even if we exhaust our arcane energy, we probably cant fly that high.

The easiest flight for casters is definitely virtual wing flight, no doubt about it. Knowledge is our lightest wings.

Ashe stood and flapped his silver wings, only rocking the boat slightly without any lift.

Sonya said helplessly, Even without wind element training, you should know you need actual wings to fly right?

She also looked puzzled. Flight miracles cant go that high, earth magic cant build a stairway to heaven How did those legendary casters who found the golden fish and crossed over do it? Did we think wrong, or is there a ladder in the sea of knowledge, or some way to prematurely get wings?

If we just need a pair of wings Ashe said softly. We have them too.


Sonya was startled. Ashe pointed at his silver wings, then at hers.

Thats too crazy


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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