Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 127: Staying in Prison to Die

Chapter 127: Staying in Prison to Die

Shattered Lake Prison, mens restroom.

In the dozens of square meters of restroom, more than thirty people were crammed together. Only seven were guards, the rest were death row inmates wearing classic black and white striped suits.

Angus! Come out! Dont hog the stall without taking a dump!

Amanro! I remember you dont have much contribution left. How dare you offend me like this?

Desmond, come out! Ill owe you a favor, okay? Come on out!

Guard Nago squeezed his thighs together as he banged on five stalls, but not a single stall opened its door. The death row inmates around him laughed mockingly, the ridiculing laughter making Nago flush with shame and resentment, wishing he could bite his teeth to pieces.

These bastards who deserved to be fish food had occupied all the stalls!

Charvik, how much longer?

Another guard whose face was extremely ugly as he squeezed his legs together opened his light screen: 13 more minutes. According to the Restroom Usage Regulations, the same user cannot stay in a stall for more than 60 minutes. Just endure 13 more minutes!

Nago squeezed out between gritted teeth: But I cant hold it anymore

What, no way, dont tell me a guard is going to wet his pants? How disgusting!

Shhh, shhh-

That whistle is no good. If you want to make someone unable to hold their urine through sound, you should use a sharp, urgent sound to make them tense up, causing the bladder to contract and the urge to pee to increase dramatically. The reason people may involuntarily urinate when in danger is the same principle, so we should scrape stainless steel mirrors to make a sound like this!

A sharp, piercing sound echoed through the restroom. Nago instantly straightened his waist and scurried to the urinal. Before he could even unzip, seven or eight heads were already there watching. Other guards who wanted to help were blocked by a wall of people.

Because of the restrictions, the death row inmates could not touch or attack him, but they had no intention to either. They simply watched Nagos next actions with the gaze of watching a circus performance, without violating any rules.

Nago really did not want to unzip his pants, but he steeled himself and unzipped!

Tsk tsk tsk

Thats it?

Compared to when I was a kid

Waves of disdainful comments made Nago so angry he almost burned a hole in his belly. Gritting his teeth, he said, What do you know! You bunch ofyou bunch of

Bunch of what? Go on, curse me, Mr. Guard.

Louder, yell it out. You want to be a guard with that tiny voice?

The guards going to curse me, Im so excited!

Nagos face turned red with rage. After a long pause, the only thing he managed to squeeze out was: ill-mannered guys!

Ah, the guard called me ill-mannered, Im so angry, so unsatisfied!

Ill-mannered, such a dirty word. Nago, how could you curse so viciously!

Wah wah wah, Im crying from being scolded! Oh, just kidding, Im actually laughing.

The death row inmates guffawed loudly. The other guards who saw Nago being humiliated also turned red with rage, but they didnt dare rush over to help Nago either they also couldnt hold it in, and would leak if they moved violently.

By the way, Nago, have you blocked it? How come youre not coming out yet?

One inmate realized: Dont tell me youre the type who cant pee when people are watching?

No way? Then Id rather stare until my eyes bleed without blinking.

Its time to test everyones stare! Nago, 10 minutes left, well help you hold it!

If not for the urge to pee assaulting his soul, Nago was sure he wouldve passed out from rage. Just then, the restroom door was shoved open forcefully!


Nagos expression instantly relaxed, his whole body easing up.

What are you guys doing? Ashe looked at the large group of people gathered around the urinal.

Watching Nago. The death row inmates replied very obediently.

Why? Dont you need to go? Whoever doesnt, tell me and Ill take her to the womens room peeing is nothing to look at, turn around, I dont like people watching me pee!

The inmates and guards looked at each other. Someone bravely spoke up: If you can

If I can make you lick the restroom clean then youll be willing to turn around? Fine, Ill go get the Register of Sinners right now


Everyone turned around simultaneously, submitting to Ashes demon

might. Ashe shook her head helplessly at them, and patted Nagos shoulder as she passed by: No need to thank me, consider it repayment for the boots you gave me back then.


Ashe, you really are a

Thank you for your help! Since he wasnt done peeing yet, Nago could only endure the humiliation and say through gritted teeth.

Ah, youre too polite. Ashe went to the furthest urinal and carried out small metabolism: Is the accommodation still comfortable? Feel free to provide feedback.

Now Nago completely lost control: You locked us in the restroom, and youre asking if were comfortable with the accommodation?

No choice, the restroom is the only place that allows excretion in the prison. If I locked you somewhere else, you could explode internally from holding it in without polluting the environment.

Private rooms

That wont work. You have to be detained together, and the guards must stay with the inmates. Although these scumbags wont help me, theyll be happy to see you suffer and wont let you sabotage my plans.

Nago said coldly: You think you can get away with this?

The fact that youre starting to care about my future means youre quite satisfied with the living conditions here, right? Ashe zipped up her pants: Well, Im off.

Demon! Some death row inmates immediately rushed over to surround Ashe: Take me with you! Im willing to follow your orders!

Me too! Im very good at licking, in every sense of the word!

Im a two-wing caster, Annoying, you can definitely use me!

And me too

Before, when there was no chance or hope, they could let it go. But now there was suddenly a chance to escape, those desires suppressed deep in the death row inmates hearts ignited like kindling, and they scrambled to join Ashes gang.

Ashe raised both hands to calm everyone down: Stop, stop, Ive heard your wishes already. Dont worry, Ill do my best to satisfy your desires and leave not a single one of you

The death row inmates faces lit up, while the guards expressions turned solemn.

all staying in prison until death!


Ko-Fi: /hoxionia

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