Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 195: Negotiating Life

Chapter 195: Negotiating Life

Blasphemy against the Gospel, deception of the Divine Master!

Setting aside Igor and Harvey, the pan-Followers who grew up basking in the blood-red moonlight, even Ashe, a species with no faith to speak of that invaded from the outside, felt his temples quiver at the thoughtthis was akin to brewing trouble in the Bewitchers own house, where getting caught meant certain death!

Though Ashe had never seen any Divine Master take action, he knew their influence on reality was immense. The chips of the Blood Moon, the Gospels of the Gospelthey were all extensions of the Divine Masters power, merely entrusted to mortals to manage.

To the Divine Master who had controlled the Blood Moon Kingdom for over 1600 years, Ashe and his companions prison escapes and involvement with the Blood Moon Tribunal were like insignificant insects fighting, not even worth a glance.

But the Weaving Festival that Annan spoke of was an event that even the Omniscient Weaver paid personal attention to, and might even reward with a wishan event held in as high regard as a spring outing to a primary school student.

Under such circumstances, Annan was prepared to involve these insects in her schemes, which was tantamount to a cockroach leaping at ones face, with their likely end being a rebirth in the Virtual Realm.

Annan had been ready to psychologically strengthen this group of new recruits. However, after a brief moment of astonishment, instead of fear, the new recruits showed eager expressionsand the most excited of them all was Igor, whom Annan had high hopes for!

His ears were so red they were nearly transparent, as he grabbed Ashes shoulder, his lips curving uncontrollably: Ashe, being with you really does drag one into dangerous Whirlpools.

How is that my fault!?

They were not ignorant of the danger, yet it was the high risk and high reward that stirred their anticipation Annan raised an eyebrow: Looks like you were quite the dangerous talents in your original kingdoms too.

Isnt that exactly what you desire, Miss Annan? laughed Igor: What you need are us daredevils who act boldly and fear not death, right?

Dont speak for me, you male Bewitcher! Ashe protested: And weve got three people here; not all of us need to be involved, right? I volunteer to be the Captain and supervise them.

First off, its not three, its four, Annan said, reaching out to pat Lise on the head. Secondly, while you are People from the Exotic Lands and possess the prime foundation for exploiting loopholes, whether you can truly deceive the Gospel depends on whether my method is viablethe more participants, the higher my margin of error.

Even though we talk about deceiving the Gospel, you still need to meet the basic conditions for deception. For instance, if one of the future Rankings is the Beauty Ranking, then among the four of you, only Lise and Bukin are likely candidates to fool the Gospel

Lise immediately chimed in, I think Sister Bukin is much prettier than me!

Ashe! Igor flashed a sweet smile. You really need to educate your child properly.

Yes, Lise! Ashe called out robustly, Youre being very rude. Igor is of the same generation as me; you should be calling Bukin Auntie!

Lise pinched her face, as if she couldnt control her own mouth, Bukin, Auntie Bukin

What if theres a Ranking List that were all unqualified for, but it has the highest hidden score? Harvey asked while biting his finger and looking at his Gospel.

And even if we can make it onto the list, does that guarantee first place? Being People from the Exotic Lands might give us a high chance to become Echoers, but what list we make and what rank we attain cant be precisely manipulated by you, right?

Thats correct, Annan nodded. But this hidden score isnt calculated independently; its cumulative.

Cumulative? Igor, who had been wrestling with Ashe, paused in surprise. Are you suggesting

As long as each of you gets on multiple Ranking Lists, your hidden scores will definitely be higher than those Echoers who can only make it onto a single list, Annan explained with a smile. Generally, people specialize in their craft, and being included on one future list already signifies you have a remarkable Talent in a certain area. Its rare to be on multiple lists.

But you are People from the Exotic Lands. If you can deceive one future list, why not several? Like three, five, seven, or even nine?

Igor squinted his eyes: Honestly, if its as blatant as this, instead of calling it deception, Id rather call it kidnapping.

You want to use us to kidnap the Weaving Festival and force the Divine Master to pay the ransom you want in order to maintain the credibility of the Gospel.

Mr. Bukin, you are as cunning a rogue as I am. Annan drained his wine glass: If you were in my shoes, would you miss such a once-in-fifty-years opportunity?

Even if the opponent is the Divine Master who governs reality?

Even if the opponent is the Divine Master who governs reality.

Igor took a deep breath, his face flushing with excitement: Indeed, its an irresistible temptation. Ashe, oh Ashe, it looks like I have to collaborate with you once again.

Ashe responded with resignation: No, but Igor, since when did you like me so much?


Otherwise, why would you think of dragging me into this kind of risky deal first thing? The roommate who was the closest to me back in the day, when he got into a pyramid scheme, he thought of me first just like you

But I still dont understand. Harvey asked: Since we are so important, why would you think of selling us to the Four Pillars Cult? Arent you afraid that the Four Pillars Cult will destroy us, these important pieces?

Because she wants to completely subdue us. Igor sneered: Compared to the current employment relationship, she would prefer us to be purely loyal to her. If it werent for her and Red Caps acting being too clumsy, we might have actually become wholly devoted to her out of gratitude.

Theres also this. Annan fiddled with her new earring: This is what the Four Pillars Cult paid as compensation to purchase youMagus Quartz. If you die, I wont lose out, at least Ill get an earring; if you dont die, then its a win-win for me, I get the earring and I get to snatch you guys up.

Igor looked at the amethyst earring, which was worth as much as the three of them: Whats so special about it?

Magus Quartz is produced in the depths of the Burnsteel Abyss in Boyesia, embedded in the steel layer walls and is nearly impossible to extract. It can only be collected by the Bluebeard squadron responsible for Suppressing the Abyss under special circumstances. Its extremely rare, with an annual yield of less than three pieces.

Mhm, Igor nodded. So it comes with a permanent Miracle? Something like eternal dust repellence, moisture retention, complete sun protection?

I think its about enhancing spirit and Miracle effects, Harvey speculated.

Its so rare, it must be quite valuable, right? Ashe affirmed confidently. Is it meant to be exchanged for an even larger penthouse?

Only Lise tilted her head, looking at Annan and exclaimed in awe, Sister, you look so pretty, and with that earring, you look even prettier! Dad, dont you think so?

Ah? Ashe took a closer look at Annan and couldnt help but nod, Indeed, its very fetching, makes one cant help but imagine what youd look like blushing

Annan raised her eyebrows. Mr. Bukin, please cover Ashes eyes. Ashe, allow Mr. Bukin to cover your eyes.

Ashe, Ive told you before your gaze is too dirty

Loosen up, my nose is getting squashed! I can cover my own eyes, why let him do it!

Shut up, the fact that I didnt dig out your eyes and replace them with mechanical ones is already a big act of mercy from Miss Annan.

Igor, youve turned traitor just like that!?

Blinking, Harvey asked blankly, So, the effect of this earring is, it looks good?

No, Annan corrected, It makes me look even better.

Just to make you look better, you sold the three of us to the Four Pillars Cult!?

Igor wasnt overly surprised. While suppressing Ashe, he asked, Is it because of the Ranking List?

Yes, Purple Moth propped her chin and said, With this earring, Ive moved up to third place on the Azura Beauty Ranking and to eighth place on the General Ranking of beauties. If you die, or if my plans dont work out, then at least this earring will slightly make up for my losses.

Is it guided by the Gospel? Igor inquired, Can it even tell you how to advance further?

Of course, it cant be that direct, but if you ask how to deepen the Mind Faction Realm or how to become more beautiful, the Gospel will give you the most fitting advice based on the resources you can currently access, Annan explained. The Gospel is the best guide.

Ive been feeling this the whole time, doesnt the Gospel sound like the reward from Destinys Inquiry in the Virtual Realm? Ashe suddenly said.

Thats right, but now you can enjoy similar services just by spending some Points, services that are rare finds in the Virtual Realm. Arent you starting to envy the residents of our Gospel Kingdom?

Ashe remarked, Its like that first love you could never catch up to, now mass-produced by an evil Sorcerer into clone dolls, and you only need to spend a little money to rent a girlfriend and relive the old dreams.

Bukin, please

Ive already covered his mouth, Igor said. Ashe, behave yourself, or Miss Annan will stuff a sock in your mouth next.

Wha~a~ts thi~i~s?

Annan watched their interaction with interest, deepening her understanding of them. She didnt ask Ashe to shut up directly but had Igor do it, eager to gather more intelligence through their exchanges.

Igor, with his handsome appearance, was the most composed and carried himself with elegance, clearly a successful figure in his original Kingdom, but his excessive caution sometimes led to indecisiveness; Harvey was constantly biting his finger, and based on the eavesdropped content from the dressing room, he harbored a heavy desire for revenge, a cold flame lurking beneath his eccentric exterior.

The only one Annan couldnt see through was Ashe. He seemed lazy, slow, easygoing, with a weak rebellious spirit, clearly someone who could easily be manipulated, theoretically the weakest link in this trio.

But Annan remembered clearlyat the time of signing the contract, although it was Igor who led the negotiations and Harvey who supervised, when it came to the actual signing, they all instinctively waited for Ashe to sign first.

The most likely reason was that they saw Ashe as expendable, waiting to see if anything happened to him after signing before they would commit.

Perhaps there was another possibilitywhen facing an unpredictable future, they all subconsciously chose to rely on Ashe Heath.

More observation is needed.

But dont think I havent paid a price, Annan said. You can open Azuras Quest Ranking and see for yourself; the name of the Funeral Firm is no longer there. Not only did we not keep the commission secret after completion, but we also reported to the Red Cap and led people to eradicate the Four Pillars Cult. Even if I stand on moral high ground, this kind of winning twice behavior will greatly reduce the firms rating. Banjeet and my social credit has plummeted, and no one will commission us, betrayers, again.

For you, I have gambled the name of Dolan.

She stood up. Its getting late, and I should head to the Virtual Realm. Breakfast is at eight in the morning; I hope you all keep a good routine. Mr. Bukin, you can stop now.

When we open our eyes tomorrow, our firms only goal is to deceive the Omniscient Weaver.

With that, the Purple Moth left briskly, and the Scarlet Gold Dragon Lizard leaped onto her shoulder.

The Butler, young Banjeet, bowed slightly, handing out four access cards, These are your room cards, each room has an en-suite bathroom, and there are snacks in the cabinets. If you need anything else, you can find me in room 3. I wish you all a pleasant night.

After Banjeet left, the Trespasser trio exchanged glances. Harvey was the first to take an access card and stand up: Im going to explore the Virtual Realm. Ive barely accumulated any Gold arcane energy since I stepped onto the Time Continent.

Same here, said Igor. I havent been to the Virtual Realm since my escape from prison; Ive almost forgotten what the reverse Golden Rain looks like.

The Swordswomans Soul had not yet recovered, so Ashe, who had hitched a ride, naturally couldnt explore the Virtual Realm.

However, after two consecutive days of high-intensity eventsbeing trafficked, sacrificed, signed into servitude, and joining a high-risk fraud grouphe was also extremely tired, yawning before entering his room.

He pushed open the door and entered, not even pressing the light switch when he heard the door automatically close and lock behind him.

Is it that smart?

Ashe turned around and noticed a little devil had silently followed him in.

Daddy. Lise stood by the door, blinking at Ashe. Lise has come to have a life consultation with you.

The Werewolf character card was uploaded

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