Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 229: Its Not Necessarily Me!

Chapter 229: Its Not Necessarily Me!

As everyone guessed that only Igor would choose “no,” even Igor himself wagered on five people during the guessing round. Everyone guessed correctly, so the question was immediately invalidated.

“You all…” Igor gritted his teeth.

Harvey spread his hands: “Can’t help it, Igor. I’m bound by the Contract and can only answer truthfully. I don’t want to fail you, but my conscience won’t allow it. Even in my view, only a slim figure in a short skirt and the solemn dignity of black stockings can match up to your Corpse.”

“Annan, I think someone is lying!” Ashe raised his hand and said: “How could anyone choose ‘no’? Even Igor himself couldn’t possibly choose ‘no’. He must be cheating!”

“How do you know it was Igor who chose ‘no’?” Annan shook his head: “Don’t go seeking the truth now.”

Lise frowned tightly at the six coins on the table.

The session was still hosted by Igor. He drew a slip of paper from the black box, showing obvious surprise on his face.

“Your question.”

“Would you give everything for the one you love?”

Ashe abruptly raised his hand: “Objection!”

“You didn’t object to the previous question, what are you objecting to now?” Igor cursed.

“Because the ones I love are not in this world, the question is too hypothetical for me. I don’t even know my own heart,” Ashe said, clearly very proud of his single status: “How about a question that’s a bit more single-friendly?”

Suddenly Annan said: “Just because your loved ones are not in this world doesn’t mean you don’t have loved ones.”

“But if they’re not here, how can I give anything?”

“Then why not make them exist?” Annan smiled: “Those who are gone, bring them back to life; those who left, bring them to your side. If they don’t exist, then let them exist. The Divine Master’s Wish can fulfill all your thoughts.”

Ashe was taken aback, a bizarre idea suddenly dawning on him: “Suppose I fell in love with a virtual character in a video game, and I wish she could appear in reality and be with me—”

Annan shrugged. “I think your wish is far easier to fulfill than raising the dead.”

Ashe blinked, having never considered using a wish in such a manner. Summoning a Swordswoman or a Witch to start a shameless, fantastical journey together? Engaging in adventurous escapades thrice in the morning and four times at night?

However, this thought vanished as quickly as it appeared in Ashe’s mind. Using a wish to find a wife felt too embarrassing, and if he ever dared to do such a thing, the Swordswoman’s first deed upon arrival might be to chop him into a situation where only the Retrograde Day spirit could save him—wasting a Divine Master’s Wish on finding a woman? Even for me, that’s too extravagant! I’ve never seen such a foolish Small horn!

But Annan’s words did remind Ashe of something.

The people he loved in his past life were naturally not present.

But did he truly have no loved ones in this world…?

As the guessing round began, Ashe pondered and first concluded that Banjeet and Annan, being somewhat normal individuals from a civilized society, would at least produce one “yes.”

Then, considering Harvey’s escape from prison and his vendetta against Fernand Snow stemmed from the death of his lover, he would likely choose “yes.”

As for Igor, it wasn’t that Ashe was projecting the mindset of a victim onto a Con Artist; rather, the idea that “Igor would give up everything for someone else” was as unimaginable as Freya practicing abstinence.

And Lise, at her age, was in the ‘what’s mine is mine’ phase. There might be sweethearts in the world, but recalling Lise’s divisive behavior the night before, she was at best a black-hearted cotton.

Thus, Ashe bet 2 Silver Coins on Igor and Harvey each, Banjeet placed 3 coins, and, most shockingly, Annan and Lise: they bet 4 coins!

Ashe wondered if they had given up—how could there possibly be so many romantically selfless individuals among the six of us?

But when the handkerchief was lifted, Ashe was stunned.

4 “yes” and 2 “no”!

Without a doubt, Ashe had chosen “no,” which meant that aside from him, the self-pitying singleton, there were four hopelessly romantic, kind-hearted individuals among the remaining five!?

“An interesting number,” Igor raised an eyebrow. “In the first question, exactly two selfish individuals from the evil alignment emerged; in this one, four selfless individuals from the good alignment appeared, which is precisely the total number of us.”

“Could it be that the ones who chose ‘no’ this time are the same as the potential traitors who chose ‘yes’ before?”

“You’re not allowed to inquire about others’ answers,” Annan reminded. “Guessing is what makes this game interesting.”

If Ashe hadn’t chosen “no” himself, he might have agreed with Igor’s speculation. But he is just an ordinary Human who is neither willing to give everything for his loved ones nor to do whatever it takes for a Divine Master’s Wish!

Do all you Sorcerers have some serious sickness? To love so recklessly, to hate so fiercely, as if all of you are mad beauties?

“Daddy, you would give up everything for me, right?”

Lise cooed while shaking Ashe’s arm, making him think how this girl had just been so cold, and now she was clinging again. Human children really are incomprehensible creatures. He answered perfunctorily, “Of course… of course not.”

“Daddy, you won’t even indulge a child. I feel sad for my future mom.”

“Let’s not assume you will have a mom in the future. Are there really no girls in this world who don’t need pampering?”

“Dad, you look so cool with that confidence!”

“Ah? Hahaha, indeed, you have good taste.”

“You see, even a big man like you needs coddling, and you have the nerve to ask if others need it?”

“The final question.” Igor pulled out a slip of paper from the black box and said calmly, “If there were no Contract restrictions, could you sincerely cooperate with the other five?”

What a meaningless question, thought the Con Artist.

Without the Restriction of a Contract, who would dare to sincerely cooperate with others? Not to mention that several of them are foreign Prison Escapees; it’s not just that others can’t trust them, but there is also a deep-seated mistrust among themselves. And both Annan and Banjeet are veteran kidnappers. There’s hardly a single lawful individual among the six; when they come together, it’s like a trash can meeting a dung bin—even if they’re not exactly in cahoots, they’re at least worthy adversaries.

They could work together, but they must always be prepared for betrayal, keeping a close watch on their allies’ actions. If everything goes smoothly, fine, but at the slightest sign of trouble, they must be ready to betray before being betrayed.

Igor had five partners in the past; two died in the gutters, and three were locked up in Feimeng City’s Blood Moon Prison. If it weren’t for Igor’s knack for disguises and sacrificing them early to divert attention, he would have been implicated long ago.

An important reason why Igor had to leave for Kaimon City to expand his market was that there were too many acquaintances of his in Feimeng City’s Prison. Those three former partners were probably rubbing their hands together, eagerly awaiting his incarceration. Thus, Igor decided to strike out on his own in Kaimon City, where even if captured, he could start anew in Prison—without partners to sacrifice, he was indeed clumsily caught.

Annan and Banjeet couldn’t possibly trust them, and they couldn’t trust each other, so everyone would choose “no”… No, that’s not right, there’s the unpredictable factor of Lise.

But in Igor’s view, Lise was clearly a very sensible little girl, and ‘sensible’ here is the antonym of ‘naive’.

The answer session ended, and it was time for everyone to enter the betting phase.

“Zero,” Igor declared succinctly.

Harvey, Annan, and Banjeet also bet zero. Just when Igor thought this question would be invalidated too, Lise pulled out a Silver Coin—

She bet one.

Everyone looked at her, and the little girl proudly raised her head, showing off a smile brighter than the sunshine.

Even if it might be an attempt to curry favor, even Igor was moved by the little girl’s innocence.

Lise’s bet of one had only one possibility—she answered “yes”. With her cunning, she must have guessed that everyone else would answer “no,” so the only person who answered “yes” was her alone.

As a lonely girl with amnesia, she still managed to trust others. That kind of sincere honesty, devoid of any deceit, felt somewhat blinding to the hearts of Con Artists, so calloused they could grow mushrooms.

It seemed the others shared a similar sentiment with Igor; the Necromancer voluntarily stubbed out his Catnip Cigarette, the Purple Moth’s eyes brightened, and the Butler Youth’s gaze softened.

As for Ashe—

He bet two Silver Coins.

Everyone was stunned.

Then, they checked under the handkerchief and saw four “no’s” and two “yes’s.”

Now, everyone stared at Ashe, Lise included.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed under their gaze, Ashe protested, “What? It’s not necessarily me who voted ‘yes’!”

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