Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 363: Ashe Will Be on My Household Register

Chapter 363: Ashe Will Be on My Household Register

Vamora, Senhaeser Building, 72nd Floor.

At this moment, the Red Hats were already covered in wounds. ‘Deadshot Red Hat’ Leite and ‘Weeping Sand Red Cap’ Cleos were panting heavily, struggling to even gather the power of the Sanctuary, indicating that their spellforce was nearly exhausted.

The battle had actually ended long ago. Under the overwhelming suppression of absolute points, Sanctuary sorcerers couldn’t break through the blockade of the Six Heraldry patriarch.

Even if the Six Heraldry patriarch could only borrow a fraction of the Omniscient Weaver’s power, it was not something mere mortals could overcome.

It was precisely because of the immense utility of Gospel points that successive patriarchs of the Six Heraldry family would spare no effort to strengthen and perpetuate their family. Even Sanctuary sorcerers were willing to split their souls as family insurance, and legendary sorcerers would go to great lengths to design the Beauty Houttuynia Farm for the family—not just out of family loyalty, but because the prosperity of the family significantly enhanced the patriarch’s personal power. The points of the entire clan could be directly converted into the patriarch’s personal combat strength.

In other kingdoms, or even in another city, such a family system would be unworkable. How could ordinary clansmen willingly surrender their Gospel points? Only those who were muddled by the Beauty Mist would unreservedly hand themselves over to the family.

This shows that the founding Six Heraldry sorcerer who pioneered the Beauty Houttuynia industry did not have good intentions. It could be said they were ‘selfish to the point of hoping everyone else would be selfless.’

However, as time passed and the dreamscape expanded, the patriarch, while leading the family, couldn’t help but be swept along by it—the dreamscape consolidated the clansmen’s cohesion and replaced the individual will of the patriarch.

Every Six Heraldry patriarch was immersed in the blessings of the clansmen from a young age, and combined with the subtle influence of the Family Rebirth Dream, regardless of whether their personalities were rebellious, lazy, diligent, or playful, the most important thing in their hearts would inevitably be the family. They could be described as being ‘selfless to the point where they couldn’t be selfish.’

Though it was bizarre and appeared to have many flaws and problems, the existence of these selfless patriarchs and selfless clansmen indeed allowed this strange system in Vamora to function positively, even representing the advanced productivity of the Gospel Kingdom.

The Six Heraldry patriarchs didn’t even exert themselves. They merely had Vamora, this colossal entity, move a finger, and its imposing presence alone was enough to leave the Red Hats gasping for air.

However, because the patriarchs always prioritized their family, they wouldn’t kill the Red Hats even in anger.

As an official imperial department, the Red Hats represented the dignity of both Yisuo and Gospel. Even Qenna, who was infuriated by the death of her clansmen, only severely injured Leite without delivering a fatal blow. The other Red Hats suffered merely superficial wounds—after all, killing a Red Hat with one’s own hands would mean never appearing on any ranking list again.

The Six Heraldry patriarchs only intended to exhaust the Red Hats. Coincidentally, Leite and his team had the same thought.

When Ashe left, Leite knew it was impossible to catch this apocalyptic fugitive.

Yet he still led the Red Hats to tangle with the Six Heraldry patriarchs.

Leite also wanted to keep these Vamora leaders occupied.

Ashe, now exposed, couldn’t remain in Vamora. If he did, once the Yisuo Royal Family’s orders arrived, even Senhaeser wouldn’t be able to protect him. Qenna’s audacity was merely a matter of timing.

If Ashe attempted to escape by car, the Happy Family Firm on Vamora’s perimeter would come into play. At this point, the goal was to prevent these patriarchs from reclaiming him. So even if he couldn’t win, Leite had to hold them off.


“Sigh.” Leite plopped down, laying aside his several-kilogram sniper gun. “I’m done fighting.”

“Fine,” Qenna said coldly. “I’ll detain you immediately and hold you accountable—”

“No, you can’t,” Leite replied, pulling out a pair of handcuffs and linking himself to Cleos. “I’ve already been apprehended by Red Hat Cleos. If you want to transfer the prisoner, you’ll need to apply to Red Hat Azura.”

“She can’t protect you either,” Qenna countered. “You committed murder in front of us, killing two civilians. Even if we let you go, Gospel will declare you a criminal—not just a royal warrant, but despised by Gospel itself. You’ll be socially isolated, hunted by Red Hats, loathed by Gospel, never able to find a place to stand, never able to hear the Gospel again.”

Cleos looked at Leite, hesitant to speak. She didn’t understand why Leite had handcuffed himself to her. The Six Heraldry patriarchs thought Cleos would privately release him, but this was actually the first time they had met!

Privately releasing a prisoner would lower her Gospel rating. There was no way Cleos would do that.

In fact, Cleos had been full of doubts for over two hours.

Why was Leite so determined to hunt down Ashe that he would shoot innocent civilians? Didn’t he know this would make him lose his Red Hat status and be despised by Gospel? Was he here to hunt Ashe or to commit suicide?

Cleos couldn’t make sense of what was happening. She pursued Ashe for Gospel points, ranking list placements, and imperial rewards, but Leite’s actions had no benefits and only dragged him deeper into trouble.

Compared to Ashe, Leite actually terrified Cleos more-she couldn’t understand his motives at all. His image in her mind had suddenly become abstract.

“It’s not that serious,” Leite said calmly. “As a Sanctuary sorcerer, there are still ways to survive.”

“But why?” Qenna asked the question Cleos also wanted to ask. “I really can’t understand why you would go to such lengths.”

“Didn’t I just say? For the Gospel.”

“Isn’t that just a slogan?”

“For you family-brained people, it might seem like just a slogan,” Leite said. “But I actually want to ask you, Qenna: why are you protecting Ashe?”

At this moment, the other five patriarchs also looked at Qenna.

Although they believed that the actions of the Heraldry patriarchs were always for the family’s benefit, they couldn’t understand why Qenna would protect a fugitive wanted by the Royal Family. Defying the empire was absolutely the worst strategy.

Qenna said, “It all started with my daughter, Annan, twenty years ago…”

The man with glasses interrupted, “Please fast forward to now, Senhaeser.”

“To put it simply, Annan has mastered the Dolan Family’s legacy, and she has the ability to influence the Weaving Festival. She knows the second ranking list is crucial for the family. To get her companions on the list, she decided to use Senhaeser’s Family Rebirth Dream to deceive and influence Gospel’s judgment,” Qenna explained.

“As long as nothing unexpected happens, Ashe and his companions will appear on the second ranking list. But alongside them in the Weaving Festival, there will also be us, the Six Heraldry—because Ashe and his companions will become a part of Senhaeser.”

Leite asked, “Are you so sure that Ashe Heath will join Senhaeser?”

“Of course. Ashe’s fiancé is my daughter, Annan,” Qenna said, raising her eyebrows. “And even if something unexpected occurs, I have a backup plan. In any case, Ashe will definitely be on Senhaeser’s household register.”

Everyone now understood Qenna’s intention: to continue the family lineage!

In the past, the Six Heraldry families didn’t pay much attention to the Weaving Festival.

After all, for the Six Heraldry with their millennium of accumulation, the Weaving Festival’s rewards were just a bonus—nice to have but not essential.

But now things were different. The Art Ranking foretold a future of apocalyptic chaos, a disaster even the Kingdom of Gospel couldn’t withstand. Vamora would be left with no choice but to await its doom.

How to protect the family had been a question lingering in the patriarchs’ minds since the appearance of the Art Ranking, and now Qenna had provided an answer—she didn’t know how to ensure continuity, nor did she need to know. Let the Weaving Festival reveal it.

Gospel is an omniscient and omnipotent wish-granting machine, and the Weaving Festival is an inevitable future. As long as the Senhaeser family appears on the Future Ranking, it means Senhaeser can survive the apocalyptic disaster and continue safely for fifty years.

Therefore, Qenna had to protect Ashe and his companions. These people from the exotic land were the tickets to the future. Binding them meant boarding the ark to escape the apocalypse!

The other Heraldry patriarchs nodded, showing their strong approval of Qenna’s plan.

If Senhaeser really makes it onto the Future Ranking and is recognized by Gospel as being able to last for fifty years, then by tomorrow, the Six Heraldry will become One Heraldry, and Vamora will be left with only the surname Senhaeser.

“But don’t you think it would be better to kill Ashe now?” Leite suggested. “Maybe that way we could prevent the future disaster…”

“That’s impossible!” the man in the trench coat immediately countered. “That’s the future foretold by the Weaving Festival. How could it be changed? And a sorcerer alone couldn’t create a disaster capable of destroying the Kingdom of Gospel, not even a legendary sorcerer!”

“Rather than plotting against Ashe Heath, it’s better to make him our beacon to the future,” the man with glasses nodded in agreement. “Senhaeser is absolutely right.”

Leite lowered his eyelids, letting out a light scoff, though it was unclear what he was mocking.

At the very moment the Vamora clock tower struck, a Gospel Book appeared before everyone, with a shining bookmark tucked inside.

They immediately realized what had happened-the Weaving Festival had updated right on schedule!

The man with glasses opened his book, his usually stoic face unable to hide his joy. “It’s really the Family Ranking!”

The man in the trench coat glanced at it and couldn’t help but sigh. “It looks like we’re really going to change our surname to Senhaeser this time…”

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