Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 368: Celestial Fox Palace

Chapter 368: Celestial Fox Palace

Of course, it wasn’t like this approach didn’t come with its own issues, the most significant being the excessive concentration of fortune, which led to an imbalance in the planet's development. Indeed, from a long-term perspective, this was not conducive to the evolution of the planet's civilization. Of course, this was just how Tang San saw it, from the perspective of someone who had ruled over a divine realm.

However, this method was undoubtedly the best for the demon and nymph races, ensuring their prosperity and longevity.

Tang San realized he had a new task: to determine the exact nature of the relationship between the Celestial Fox Demon Emperor and the planar ruler.

At the same time, if humans were to rise truly, then the mountain before him, Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain, had to be destroyed. Only by dispersing the fortune to every corner of the planet would humans have a chance to ascend. In other words, he was destined to stand against the Celestial Fox Demon Emperor.

“Little Tang, are... are we still going?” Du Bai asked, still shivering.

His feelings differed from Tang San's; to him, Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain seemed like the embodiment of the Celestial Fox Demon Emperor himself, and his bloodline was drawn toward it, as if ready to burst forth at any moment. It felt like there was nowhere to hide.

"Of course, let's go." As he spoke, Tang San placed his hand on Du Bai's shoulder, and Du Bai felt a warm current flow from Tang San's hand into his body. Instantly, his restless bloodline seemed to be soothed and quickly calmed down. The trembling within him also noticeably vanished.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked surprised at Tang San before relaxing and following him toward Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain.

Upon reaching the mountain base, they looked up at the Celestial Fox Palace. They found that the number of people ascending Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain was more than ten times greater than those climbing Sword Saint Mound. The steps of Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain were nearly filled with demons and nymphs.

Seeing this, Du Bai immediately felt relieved. The large number gave him a sense of safety; there were many auras mixed there, so it was much more difficult to pinpoint a single one. He understood that Tang San was right; with his level of cultivation, he wasn't significant enough to attract the attention of the Celestial Fox Demon Emperor.

They had to queue to pay, simply because there were too many demons and nymphs climbing; the steps were so crowded that even as wide as they were, they could hardly contain the climbers. The Celestial Fox clansmen were hard at work, controlling the flow of climbers.

Suddenly realizing something, Du Bai couldn't help but ask Tang San, "How much profit are they making?"

Tang San blinked in confusion, but when he looked at the stairs...

They were about fifty meters wide and five hundred meters long; they were nearly packed in the lower half and the crowd was only thinning out toward the top. Even calculating at a rate of five naturae coins per climber, the sum was simply astronomical.

With a meaningful look in his eyes, Tang San said, "It's different here. Coming here isn't necessarily about an increase in cultivation level, it’s about being blessed by fortune. If there’s any good investment, that’s it."

The Celestial Fox Demon Emperor was a master of destiny, a controller of fate. Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain itself was forged from what Tang San called Fortune Stone, containing the densest fortune power on the whole of Falan Planet. Here, without a doubt, was the best place to enhance one's own fortune. Being imbued with this fortune made any endeavor more successful for anyone.

After paying ten naturae coins each, they finally queued up to go up the stairs.

Du Bai and Tang San exchanged a look, and Tang San patted his shoulder again before stepping upon Celestial Fox Sacred Mountain.

As they took their first step and climbed the first flight of stairs, both of them shivered simultaneously.

Du Bai felt like he had entered another world; an incomparable sensation of wonder filled his heart, intoxicating him. His bloodline power flowed naturally, and his Celestial Fox Transformation was about to activate directly—he could even feel three fox tails about to burst forth from his body.

Just then, Tang San's grip on his shoulder suddenly tightened, and a warm current flowed in again, accompanied by a sharp sensation within his sea of consciousness.

Du Bai was startled and quickly snapped out of it, turning to see a purple-golden light shimmering in Tang San's eyes.

Instantly, cold sweat broke out on his back, soaking his clothes. That was close! If it hadn’t been for Tang San, he would have been exposed.

Tang San's voice echoed in his mind. —Have you been training your spiritual power? Use it to envelop your bloodline power. Don't let your bloodline's aura directly absorb the aura of Celestial Fox Palace; keep them separate.

After arriving at Celestial Fox Palace, Du Bai realized that he had forgotten the basic countermeasures Tang San had taught him the day before. Hurriedly, he gathered his spiritual power to cover his entire body, instantly isolating the pleasant aura.

Tang San finally released his shoulder.

—Focus and perceive the aura here.

Tang San had long since set up a spiritual barrier within himself, enveloping the Discerning Eye of Heaven and preventing any contact with the fortune aura.

This fortune aura originated from below, rising upward from the Fortune Stone—pure fortune from the very core of the planet!

The Celestial Fox Demon Emperor was truly formidable! And indeed, overwhelmingly powerful. It was hard to imagine how such a feat had been achieved.

This was undoubtedly great news for the demon and nymph clans, as it formed the basis for their rule over the world. However, it was a different story for the entirety of Falan Planet. The fact that such a massive amount of fortune was concentrated here affected other races, including those inhabiting the vastly larger ocean, causing them to develop more slowly. Such imbalanced development would produce side effects that would be more and more pronounced as the planet evolved.

Indeed, the demon and nymph races had grown stronger over countless years, even reaching the level where they could touch the divine realm. However, for a plane to evolve into a divine realm, it was not enough for just a few races to reach this level. More crucial was the evolution of the plane itself, and the mark of that evolution was the birth of a child of the plane. When this child of the plane grew to the level of a God King, it would be the moment for this plane to evolve into a divine realm.

Although the Falan Planet was powerful, evolving into a divine realm still seemed challenging. And as Tang San was now finding out, the strength of the demon and nymph races came from forcibly aggregating fortune, and such unfairness had impacted the planet's balance.

Could the Celestial Fox Demon Emperor achieve this? No, it was unlikely that this was the result of one single being’s powers. It had probably been done by those Demon Ancestors and Nymph Ancestors with great powers.

Of course, while the rising fortune beneath Tang San’s feet impacted the plane as a whole, it also greatly benefited Tang San. This immersion in fortune affected all his senses and even aided his overall fate.

However, this was merely a boost in fortune and likely wouldn't last long. It was sufficient for those demons and nymphs who came to be imbued with fortune, but it was somewhat lacking for Tang San and Du Bai, who had the Celestial Fox bloodline. There would be a certain purifying effect on their bloodline, but for this alone to cause evolution was just not possible.

"Senior brother Du Bai, you must learn how to utilize the power of fortune here. Feel the various changes of fortune."

"Mmm." With his eyes closed, Du Bai slowly climbed upward, following Tang San, quietly sensing the changes in the surrounding fortune.

The light of the Purple Demon Eyes flickered in Tang San's eyes. Here, he dared not use the Discerning Eye of Heaven, lest his possession of the Celestial Fox Transformation be discovered.

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