Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 387: Time to Hunt

Chapter 387: Time to Hunt

Of course, this was all part of the conversational strategy. Whether Xu Ziran believed it or not was another matter, but there was no doubt that Asura's importance had significantly increased in his eyes.

"Brother Asura, please bring your team over tomorrow. The timing is just right. I've already arranged things for the team battle, and rest assured, our Aetherhorn Merchant Association has put much effort this time to ensure you can pass safely. Stay here for dinner tonight. Let's discuss the details, and as long as nothing goes wrong, your safety is guaranteed."

"Thank you very much, Brother Xu," Asura said with a smile.

The following conversation went much smoother, as the Aetherhorn Deers had indeed arranged a retreat for them. However, there was no doubt that the Shrek Squad could no longer continue in the Great Beast Fighting Arena. Their disappearance was inevitable.

Xu Ziran explained in detail the Great Beast Fighting Arena rules in the Ancestral Court. After listening to him, Tang San understood that the arena here differed completely from those in the major cities. The cultivation of the participants was on average much higher, and more importantly, the degree of freedom was also greater.

The Great Beast Fighting Arena in the Ancestral Court was divided into two main parts. One part was similar to the arenas in the major cities but on a much larger scale. This arena was not for killing for amusement but, more importantly, for selecting strong individuals within the powerful clans to spar with each other. While casualties could and did still occur, it was far less brutal than in the main cities. After all, those who could enter this arena were nobles of the demon and nymph clans, and many were prodigies. This place was the best training ground for them.

In addition, the Ancestral Court had a unique secret realm called the Hell Garden. It was said that a blood sacrifice had to be made once someone entered the Hell Garden. Of those who entered, only half at most could make it out alive; the others were destined to become fertilizer for the Hell Garden.

The Hell Garden was so mysterious that even Demon Emperors couldn't see through it, and god-level powerhouses couldn't enter it.

Within the Hell Garden, there were countless dangers. Those who entered would face the perils of that world and threats from not only their opponents but also their own companions—the hard rule was that only half could survive, but it did not matter whether an entire team died or half of both teams. In the end, if the death toll wasn't enough for the exit to open, mutual slaughter was inevitable.

However, there were many opportunities in the Hell Garden as well. It was said that those who survived the Hell Garden would find the path to godhood much smoother. As for the specific benefits one could gain inside, the Ancestral Court had never publicly disclosed them.

The team battles of the Ancestral Court took place in this Hell Garden. It was more of a full-scale war than a team battle.

The Hell Garden could be opened once a month, accommodating up to a hundred beings at a time. And only half could come out alive; whether they were a full hundred or just ten, that stayed true.

The Hell Garden was one of the Ancestral Court's most significant sources of income. All entrants received a detailed introduction before entering, and then enthusiasts could place bets on who would come out alive. There were many ways to place these bets, including the order in which they would emerge.

As for the restrictions, besides the cultivation level, the Ancestral Court had clear regulations prohibiting members of first-tier bloodline clans from entering.

The team battle that Tang San and his group were about to face was in this Hell Garden. Their names had already been submitted to the Great Beast Fighting Arena of the Ancestral Court.

When they parted ways right after reaching the Ancestral Court, Xu Ziran had asked them to return on the seventh day, but in reality, they would enter the Hell Garden on the ninth day. That was to give Asura and his team three days to prepare.

The Hell Garden was known as the fairest and most free battleground. Those who entered would be sent to random places, and there was no theoretical limit to the number of members in a team. There could be a team with three people and one with fifty. However, the problem was that with only half able to come out alive, large teams would undoubtedly be targeted by others, and maybe even be forced to fight among themselves. No one was foolish enough to form a large team given that only half could survive.

After countless attempts, it was said that teams consisting of five to ten members had the highest survival rates in the Hell Garden.

Xu Ziran provided Tang San with plenty of information about the Hell Garden and their path to survival. And once they entered the Hell Garden, the Shrek Squad would cease to exist. Their noble status was not an issue; as the Aetherhorn Merchant Association would cover for them, allowing them to remain nobles.

Tang San even suspected they had bribed the allegedly incorruptible Ancestral Court's Great Beast Fighting Arena. After all, while money might not be omnipotent, it’s close enough for all practical purposes.

With three days and some definite information, it was time to prepare.

Returning to the White Tiger Hotel, Tang San contacted Zhang Haoxuan again, asking him to purchase some items. Then, he began setting up a perfect soundproof array in his cultivation room at the hotel, an array that blocked out even the most minute vibrations. With this, no sound could either enter or escape.

Zhang Haoxuan quickly brought the items to Tang San and discussed the situation in the Hell Garden with him. Then, Tang San began his preparations.

When Wu Bingji and the others returned, night had already fallen. The four members of the Shrek Squad returned with weary expressions, some mentally exhausted, others physically.

After dinner, Tang San gathered them all in his room and explained the situation about the Hell Garden.

Wu Bingji sighed with relief after hearing Tang San's explanation. "If things go according to the Aetherhorn Merchant Association's arrangements, we should be relatively safe."

Tang San smiled slightly and said, "It's not about whether we're safe now, but whether the opponents entering the Hell Garden with us are safe. Since we're entering a team battle, we must find a way to gain some advantage. As for what can be gained in the Hell Garden, there's no information, but we’ll find a way to benefit from it."

Du Bai's eyes lit up, and he asked, "How do we do that?"

A cold glint flashed in Tang San's eyes. "It's hunting time!"

"Hunting?" The other four exchanged glances.

Tang San nodded. "The greatest advantage for us in the Hell Garden is that no one can spy on us from the outside. Whatever we do inside, as long as no witnesses come out alive, no one will know. Our opponents will undoubtedly be vicious, and to enter the Hell Garden, they must also be extremely powerful. Their essence blood will be a valuable asset for us. Even if we don't use it ourselves, we can give it to other students at the academy or sell it at auction for a good price."

Gu Li gasped. "That's brutal!"

Cheng Zicheng gave him a sidelong glance. "If I didn't know better, I’d think you’re some kind of old monster."

Tang San appeared to be in his late teens or even early twenties. And while he wore his Asura mask, he gave everyone the impression of being an adult.

Before Tang San could speak, Wu Bingji said, "As humans, we have no privileges, so we must take every opportunity we get. We have to give up our hard-earned position as spiritual leaders in Kali City, so we might as well profit from it. I agree with Tang San's plan. Since we're going in, we need to gain something."

"No problem. Luck is on our side," Du Bai said, patting his chest confidently.

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