Soul-swapping:Imperial concubine rebirth

Chapter 624

Xiaojin was impatient and frowned. "Can you stop talking so much nonsense when you kill people?"

People, "..."

Before Qin and Chu had done something about it, the Dragon King conscientiously implemented the principle of "don't talk too much nonsense when killing". The sword pointed at Qin and Chu, and a domineering force rushed forward. With the momentum of overwhelming power, Qin and Chu also sent out a force. The silver light, noble and holy, formed a round ball to resist the power of the Dragon King.

The Dragon King is shrouded in a golden sphere, and Qin churu is enveloped in a silver sphere. The two spheres constantly resist, and the power is constantly output, with the roar and roar of the Dragon nationality.

At the moment, long Fen also solved the dragon city. Like long Yue, he fell into a coma. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the air to see who could win the final victory.

A black gem on the Dragon King's sword suddenly sent out a black power. It attacked Qin and Chu, and the matchless sword turned into a white light, which broke the black power. Qin Chu roared, and all the forces swarmed out in an instant. The Dragon King just felt a force pressing on him, and he flew out and landed heavily on the ground.

Qin Chu also exhausted his strength. His face was pale and his whole body was sweating. All the dragon people were quiet.

The Dragon flies down and controls the Dragon King.

A war, the victory or defeat is clear at a glance.

Qin Chu didn't know that she had become so violent. It was incredible that she became a strong person for a time. It was so cool that she could not feel happy any more.

The most sincere to the Dragon King belongs to the three brothers and sisters of the dragon family. They only have long Wanru who has fighting power. She will not fight against her again. She will not be so arrogant.

Long Wanru looks at Qin Chu and another person, shocked.

The Dragon King was imprisoned by Xiaojin. It is true that there is a penalty hall in the palace, or a penalty hall specially set up for the Dragon royal family. It has not changed for many years. Xiaojin puts a jade ring on the Dragon King and imprisons him in a palace.

Qin Chu curiously asked, "so he won't escape?"

"I can't go." Xiaojin said, "the jade ring was made by the first generation of the Dragon King. Wearing it, his strength is equivalent to invalidation. It is difficult for him to get out of the palace, let alone escape."

Nangong lvluo can't wait to ask, "Qin Chu, how can you become so powerful?"

This is something that everyone doubts except matchless and Xiaojin, including long Wanru.

Matchless did not tell Xiaojin in detail, but she also guessed that he was too familiar with the power of Qin and Chu just now, and even his eyebrows were a little like the former princess. It seems that she inherited the former princess's power safely.

Qin Chu said, "Oh, I was quite surprised. I got a artifact, and my skill increased greatly."

As for the question about how to increase her skills, Qin Chu didn't want to answer. Matchless didn't want to make this matter known to everyone. So Qin Chu had to hide it. Of course, she didn't want all the dragon people to know about it. According to matchless's statement, this method was very dangerous. The princess didn't know how to do it.

It would be bad for others to learn from others.

Even if she knew that matchless did not tell the truth, Qin Chu was not angry, matchless would not harm her.

Now, more worrying is what the Dragon King should do with it.

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