SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 114 - Shadows Rising (Pt 2)





In a flash, faster than the young boy’s thoughts could process, numerous spikes came from underneath the room’s flooring and rose at remarkable speeds.

Like blades, they easily pierced the wooden platform, tore through the ceiling, and shattered the whole thing entirely.

Now having an awkward look, the massive wooden house—more like a hall—hung on the several dark spikes that poked out of it.

A few seconds elapsed, and soon after, the black spikes retracted, seeming to shrink in an instant, and returned to what could only be a shadow on the ground.

The Shadow zoomed and raced in the direction of one who had already exited the village and now moved to another location—Kahn!

He didn’t even bother taking a look back at the sight of carnage he had left in his wake and the house which he just decimated with his shadow spikes.

As for those within the house, who had a brief moment of hope that they were saved… their mangled bodies, riddled with holes from countless spikes, filled the room. Blood splattered all across the wooden structure.

Jack, and everyone else… were most certainly dead!


Kahn’s eyes were fixated on a particular house, a considerable distance from the settlement he had just left.

Compared to the thatched huts and rural environment, the area he looked at belonged to a completely different world. From his distance, the Shadow Demon observed the terrain well, even as he trod upon the grassy plains to get there.

His destination had well-advanced fences that encircled the glorious area that was within. A large mansion, tall and beautiful, stood erect within the vast compound that was lush with life and beauty.

The village he had just left looked nothing like this.

Still, Kahn was unfettered. It didn’t change what he had to do. He moved his shadowy body that hadn’t experienced rest ever since he left his homeworld. How could he stop now?

He was on a journey, a path to redemption… searching for what could restore his honor to him. However, all he was doing had nothing to do with his quest. Being frank with himself, Kahn knew he was only acting out in a fit of rage.

Still, he pressed on.

Before long, he reached the entrance of the large and lovely area he had sighted from afar. Welcomed by a massive gate, tall walls that stretched so high he had to raise his head to see the top, as well as soldiers stationed atop the walls and in front of the gates—Kahn knew he would be met by more resistance.

Still, this only meant there were more humans to kill.

“What a chore…” He grumbled.

The guards, who were engaging in discourse, did not even notice Kahn’s presence. He blended perfectly with the evening ambiance around. The armed men were busy talking amongst themselves.

The owner of the mansion, as well as their boss, usually had no visitors during this time in the evening. Plus, no one would dare to attempt attacking the mansion of the Lord of this domain, a noble of the Kingdom.

Sure, the lord in question didn’t have as much territory as the higher-ranked nobles, and his status was at the lower level. That was why his land was at the edge of the kingdom. However, that didn’t remove the authority he possessed.

The village of Urich, as well as several other bordering settlements, all paid their dues to him as the Lord in charge of the land. The man in question was not hard on his subjects, and they also gave him his dues at the appropriate time. Needless to say, the entire region was peaceful and without incident.

This made the guards stationed around his mansion nothing but mere decorations. No harm had ever come to them, and no harm ever would.

Or so they had thought.



Kahn wasted no time in his execution. Several spikes appeared from beneath, as an extension of his body, and surged forth. They cut through the guards who surrounded the mansion from atop the walls, and the few who were stationed by the gate.

In a flash, the blades of darkness cut through flesh and sent blood scattering across the walls of the noble, sullying it. The bodies fell to the ground, now nothing more than corpses.

“They’re all dead. Next… let’s go in…”

Kahn went into the compound, not minding the closed gate that stood before him. He simply passed through the gates by turning into a shadow. By bending his body, he could enter any location as long as openings existed.


Kahn returned to his original state, now inside the beautiful compound of the lord’s home. He could spot lovely flowers in gardens on both sides. The walkway was nearly paved with luxurious tiles, a surprise to the Shadow Demon.

To think such luxury could exist in the boonies.

Kahn decided to keep walking, though. The one he had followed—the surviving villager he had intentionally let go— was inside the mansion standing a distance from him, and that was where he wanted to go.

He saw a fountain standing before him, gushing out clear water that reflected the orange light of the evening skies. Kahn ignored it.

As it took one more step forward, he sensed a presence he hadn’t perceived ever since he saw the humans.


Quickly, Kahn leaped backward in response to the ‘thing’ that was coming.


Lightning struck the area had just been standing on. A split second wasted and he would have been struck by it.

“Hm… is that… Magic…” Kahn mumbled to himself, seeing the residual sparks of the blue lightning that fizzled on the ground.

Raising his head, he looked at the elevated platform where three people stood.

One was clad in a luxurious outfit, casual and expensive—the Lord of the manor

One was a sharp contrast to the noble and had very poor shod cloth trembling as he laid eyes on the monster—the runaway villager.

Finally, the last one was dressed in a robe, having a dark purple hue decorate it. This man was the one responsible for the lightning magic from earlier.

And he… was a Mage!

“You… I’ll kill you next!”

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