Spirit Ruin, Sword Coffin, Blind Swordsman

Chapter 31 Ill Give You Three Chances

Chapter 31 Ill Give You Three Chances

In the main hall, nearly all the elders of the Great Xia Sword Sect had gathered.

The reason for this meeting was simple. The sects only Saint-Grade Spirit Root disciple had plummeted from the fifth layer of Qi Refinement to the first layer in a single night. Even with Lu Kangnian and Qin Xians experience in handling various situations within the sect, they couldnt figure out how to handle Li Guanqis situation.

Li Guanqi, on the other hand, remained indifferent.

Seeing this, Lu Kangnian furrowed his brow and said, Can you explain again what happened at that time?

Li Guanqi, feeling helpless, told the elders about how his cultivation had fallen again. However, he didnt mention anything about the Sword Spirit. Even from a young age, he understood the principle of concealing ones trump cards. He still didnt know if all of the elders were fully trustworthy.

So, he only mentioned that as he was cultivating, his cultivation begun leaking out without a way to stop it.

Qin Xian, as the sects Head Law Enforcer, had witnessed many ups and downs in the sect. But Li Guanqis sudden loss of cultivation was beyond his comprehension. Seeing Li Guanqis nonchalant expression, he curiously asked, Arent you worried? Why does it seem like you dont care at all about this matter?

Upon hearing this, Li Guanqi shrugged.

He said softly, Even if the waves are surging, just a smile is enough to dispel worry.

Since its already happened, should I still agonize over it?

Even if I regret it until death, nothing will change.

Its meaningless to think too much about it.

Qin Xians eyes brightened, and he exclaimed good three times in a row.

I didnt expect you, at such a young age, to have such a mindset. Well done!

The words of the young man didnt sound like something someone his age could say. Rather, they sounded more like something an elderly person who had experienced the hardships of life could comprehend.

The peak elders and the sect master praised the young man for his words. However, Li Guanqi alone noticed a hint of heartache in Li Nantings eyes. Li Guanqi looked at the elder and couldnt help but comfort him with a laugh, Master, dont worry.

Its just losing a bit of cultivation. Ill recover soon enough.

In fact, after examining Li Guanqis body, everyone found that aside from his cultivation, everything was perfectly normal. He would still be able to cultivate without any issues.

But even after Li Nanting heard the young mans words, his eyes stayed red. Immediately, the elder asked Li Guanqi to go back first. After the doors of the main hall closed, Li Nanting, seeing the young man had already walked far away, turned to the others with a sharp gaze and said solemnly,

I understand that we wont be able to hide my disciples loss of cultivation today.

But! If I hear any disciple spreading rumors or gossip tomorrow, backstabbing and stirring trouble behind my back, dont blame me, Li Nanting, for not considering our past relationship and seeking an explanation!

The elders voice was resounding and authoritative, catching everyone off guard. The atmosphere in the hall instantly became heavier.

Lu Kangnian then tried to ease the situation by saying, Rest assured, its just a drop in layers, not an inability to cultivate.

Tell your disciples not to gossip about this behind our backs, He warned the other elders.

Seeing the furious Li Nanting, the peak elders nodded with a smile, indicating they would go back and inform their disciples.

The next day, when Li Guanqi arrived at the sects dining hall, he noticed strange stares from the other disciples. Their gazes seemed to be questioning why he was still among the inner disciples at this time.

However, he paid no attention to their stares, carrying his sword coffin and looking for an empty seat. Finding one nearby, he went to sit down. Unexpectedly, a disciple from the Heavenly Metal Peak stole the seat before he was able to reach it.

The disciple provocatively stared at him. Li Guanqi just smiled slightly and turned to find another seat. Just as he was about to sit down again, another disciple snatched the seat.

You blind fool, falling to the first layer of Qi Refinement. When the first entrance assessment comes, youll be demoted to the outer sect.

What qualifications do you have to sit with us! The disciple stood up and shouted loudly, immediately grabbing everyones attention.

At the same time, a disciple from Thunder Peak, noticing the situation, quickly rushed towards the scene to help!

Li Guanqis voice turned cold and slowly resounded in the cafeteria. Have I done anything to offend you?

Upon hearing these words, the disciple treated burst into laughter, treating him as a joke.

He sauntered towards Li Guanqi, grabbing his collar and said, Youre just some first layer trash now. Ive already advanced to the second layer of Qi Refinement! What right do you have to be here?

Shut up!!

Several stern shouts rang out! Lin Dong, who had suddenly stood up, and the other Thunder Peak disciples came from a distance with dark looks on their faces! Li Guanqi slowly put down his meal and, with his left hand, grabbed the disciples wrist.

Immediately, the disciples face turned red with strain. Li Quanqi exerted more force into his grip, staring as the disciple squirmed to escape.

Ah! Let go!!

Li Guanqi let loose a fierce kick to the disciples chest, sending him flying several meters away, his chest almost caving from the force of the impact. Before the opponent could land, Li Guanqis figure was swift as the wind, approaching the disciple in an instant! His right hand was firmly grasped against the opponents neck, keeping him suspended into the air!

Everyone watched, shocked at what had just transpired. Even the senior brothers from Thunder Peak were stopped in their tracks. The speed and strength Li Guanqi had just displayed were simply terrifying. Even a disciple at the third layer of Qi Cultivation wouldnt have such power and speed.

The disciple flailed his hands and feet in the air, looking at those white eyes in terror, unable to say a word. Li Guanqi looked him in the eyes and said, Ill give you three chances.

The first offense, Ive decided to forgive.

The second offense, Ive taught you a lesson.

As for the third, youre more than welcome to fuck around and find out.

After saying this, he swung his right hand, throwing the opponent about ten meters away. Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked calmly towards the approaching Thunder Peak disciples, clasped his fists, and saluted, Thank you, senior brothers, for your concern. I can handle these minor issues by myself.

Ye Feng had been quietly eating his meal from a distance, muttering to himself, A bunch of fools. Why provoke someone when you could avoid it?

At the second layer of Qi Refinement, they already think theyre invincible. That idiots lucky it ended with just one kick.

He knew about Li Guanqis drop in cultivation, but he didnt think the other party would be defeated so easily. Lin Dong, on the other hand, walked directly to Li Guanqis side, sat down, and ate with him. He also asked about his situation.

Li Guanqi smiled and said, Ill be fine.

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