SSS-Grade Cafe in Front of The Dungeon

SSS-Grade Cafe in Front of The Dungeon — Side Story 8

SSS-Grade Cafe in Front of The Dungeon — Side Story 8

Translated by cabinfourtranslations.

At that very moment, when Kwon Rieul was about to spend the first day of vacation doing nothing, but she got interrupted by the system.

A young man and woman had just arrived at Gangneung Station.

Both were dressed in casual clothes, carrying large bags and wearing dark sunglasses. They looked like tourists on a late summer vacation, but their expressions looked very different. The woman was full of energy and enthusiasm, while the man looked like he wanted to go home right away.

The woman looked around with a sharp eye and said, “Fufu, hohoho … coming, it’s coming!”

“What is it?”

“I smell a scoop!”

“I don’t smell it…….”

The woman’s name is Choi Sera. Her profession was a reporter. As a reporter from Hunter TV, she was quite famous in the Hunter industry. She was so passionate that she never failed to show up at the scene of important incidents.

And the man’s name was Lee Jikyung. He was a cameraman who has worked with reporter Choi Sera for a long time.

The reason they suddenly came to Gangneung was due to a tip they had received by chance. The information was that a number of S-Classes and A-Classes were gathering in Gangneung.

Choi Sera said as she walked quickly toward the exit of the station with her bag, “The S-Class and A-Class hunters suddenly gathered in Gangneung, this has never happened before. There must be some kind of secret.”

“But Burning Seat hasn’t made a move. Since even Burning Seat is staying still, isn’t it probably nothing serious?”

Crunch! Choi Sera took a handful of almonds from her pocket, shoved them into her mouth, and chewed them hard. It was a habit she often did whenever she was stressed.

That damn Burning Seat, Burning Seat, Burning Seat! Why is everyone only looking for him

Reporter Choi Sera of Hunter TV was formerly the most famous reporter in the Hunter world. If she just said she’s doing a report, she would get a free pass from most guilds, except for the Cheongna Guild. Her news segments were also given the best time slots. A weekly magazine journalist like Burning Seat couldn’t even come close to her.

But at some point, Burning Seat changed. There were absurd rumors that he suddenly became a good person, and after that, every article he published was an exclusive. At first, she thought it was just luck, but luck alone couldn’t produce results. She wasn’t the type to belittle her rival’s achievements as mere luck.

She didn’t know what happened for him to change like that, but she didn’t like it. She really really didn’t like it

….Crunch! Choi Sera chewed on the almond again. After abusing her teeth, she felt her stress ease a bit.

“Are you working as a reporter just to chase after Burning Seat? We have to surpass Burning Seat to become independent.”

“What? Independent?”

“Yeah, how long are we going to be tied to Hunter TV? Let’s do something big and go independent.”

“I just want to be a salaried worker.”

“Uh-huh, that’s such a small dream. I’ve confirmed it through reliable sources. Several S-Classes have come here. This is not an ordinary situation.”

“Wait, Sera-noonim1, wait a minute!”

Choi Sera started walking again. Lee Jikyung hurried after her, pulling out his phone and showing it to her.

“Sera-noonim, look at this.”

“What’s this?”

“This is Cafe Rieul’s instagram. Here, it’s written here.”

“Is there anything worth reading about? They’re on summer from August 28 to August 31. So, why?”

“You know that the owner of Cafe Rieul is dating Ki Yoohyun, right? Look, they’re all on summer vacation together.”


As Choi Sera’s silence prolonged, Lee Jikyung became more anxious. Based on years of experience, whenever Choi Sera made that kind of expression, it always meant that something ridiculous was about to happen.

“Let’s look into this.”

“Huh? What? Who?”

“Aren’t they suspicious? Hunter Ki Yoohyun and Hunter Kwon Rieul.”

“What? No?”

Lee Jikyung frowned. The topic had veered off into an unexpected direction. He repeatedly said that there was nothing suspicious, but Choi Sera had already gotten lost in her own line of reasoning.

“Ki Yoohyun, who had been hiding his identity for a long time, suddenly revealed himself, and Kwon Rieul, who jumped from F-Class to S-Class. These two are dating … Isn’t that too well-crafted of a story?”

“Noonim, you need to stop watching conspiracy theory movies.”

“And let’s say the two of them came for summer vacation. Why are Choi Cedric, Choi Yichan, and Ju Noeul come together? I’ve never seen these S-Classes move together for no reason. Isn’t it possible that this is a fake story to cover up some huge conspiracy?”

“I think it’s just because they’re all free ….. the Hunters are said to be idle these days because the number of Rifts has decreased.”

Choi Sera hailed a taxi without even acknowledging Lee Jikyung’s response.

“Let’s go. Scoops are found on the scene.”

“I don’t think it’s real…….”

“What are you doing? Hurry up and come.”

Well, Choi Sera’s reasoning was absurd, but information about the top Hunters was always highly sought after. Lee Jikyung got into the rattling taxi, wishing they could find something. even if it was trivial.



[Sub Quest: For a Perfect Summer Vacation

Big trouble!

Something has gone wrong with the vacation plans of the guests staying at this resort.

If this continues, their precious summer vacation will be ruined.

You must help everyone have a satisfying summer vacation.

1. Rescue a Cat in Distress

……(read more details)

Reward: ???]

“That’s a big trouble. I have to do the quest right now……!”

……I tried to stand up, but then I stopped myself.

What’s the big trouble? After reading it carefully, it’s not a big trouble, isn’t it?

Everyone probably had their own vacation plans, so why should I interfere? Wouldn’t they have fun on their own?

Furthermore, when I checked the quest details, it was too long and had many stages. If I tried to complete all of it, the day would quickly pass by. I couldn’t waste the first day of my monumental summer vacation on a quest.

I closed the quest window and went back to bed. This time, I closed my eyes for an undisturbed nap.

…….I eventually opened my eyes again.

It was because of this content of the quest window.

[1. Rescue a Cat in Distress

Your cat is currently in distress.

Rescue the cat and let her have a wonderful vacation.

Check the cat’s location ☞Click]

Ugh, really. I told her to play with Lime, but where is this cat and what is she doing?

The quest window displayed a simple map of the surroundings and the location of the target. Currently, Mieum was in the resort lobby.

This is bothersome, it’s really annoying, but…….

I was worried about Mieum being alone, and since the vacation was for four days and three nights, I thought maybe I should give it a try.

I ended up giving up on the nap, got dressed, and headed to the resort lobby to find Mieum.

The lobby was spacious with lots of tourists coming and going. Mieum was wandering around there leisurely. Just as I was about to approach her, I heard a voice nearby.

“Oh, that cat! I’ve seen it before!”

Flinch. Mieum stopped moving and perked up her ears. She pretended not to, but it was obvious she was paying attention to the voices around her.

“Really? Where have you seen it?”

“t’s on the 7 o’clock drama right now. It’s super cute.”


Mieum let out a cry, as if to be heard, and sat down on the lobby sofa. Her mouth was twitching. A friendly tourist approached Mieum and handed her a piece of paper and an ink pad.

“Hello. Kitty, can you leave just one paw print for me?”


Mieum, in a proud manner, dipped her front paw in the ink and stamped it on the paper.

“Uh, me too, me too!”

“What’s going on over there?”

“They say there’s a cat that appeared on TV!”


It didn’t take long for a line to form in front of Mieum. Mieum looked satisfied and excitedly stamped her paw.

What, rather than being in a distress, she seemed to be happily enjoying her celebrity cat life? Surely there’s no need for me to save her?

But at that moment, a group of children who appeared to be elementary school students entered the resort lobby, spotted Mieum, and rushed over to her.

“Whoa! Look at this, it’s a cat!”

“Waeoooong (this guy, don’t pull my tail)!”

“It’s so cute. We should take a picture.”

“I want to have a cat! Can I take this cat home?”

“Waeoolgh (put this body down)!”

“Kitty, stamp it for me. Stamp.”

“Waeoooong (you shouldn’t apply so much ink like that)!”

Like bulldozers, the children surrounded Mieum, petting her and chatting while playing various pranks. Mieum, who had been feeling pleased with the attention directed at her, soon became overwhelmed. The children were so energetic that they were reckless.

“This cat pattern isn’t pretty. I’ll color it for you.”


Oh no, if I waited any longer, it could be dangerous.

“Excuse me. I’ll just pass through for a moment.”

I pushed through the group of children and reached inside. Then I grabbed Mieum, who was just about to become a black cat, and pulled her up.


“Waeoolgh (pu-put me down! you little brats … uh)?”

“Mieum-ah, have you been waiting long?”

[Congratulations! You have completed ‘1. Rescue a Cat in Distress’.]

I set Mieum down in a secluded spot away from the crowd of children, and a quest completion notification popped up.

“Celebrity life is hard, isn’t it?”

“U-uh, how could you leave me alone! Waeolgh!”

Mieum jumped up and began to wildly swat at me with her front paws. Feeling apologetic, I calmly took the attack.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I won’t go to sleep anymore, so let’s go play together.”

“It’s too late. Go back to sleep!”

“I’m bored without Mieum, so it won’t do. Please play with me. Okay?”

“Heu-heung … If you want to play with me, I will play with you.”

[2. Spend Time With Your Animals

Your animals are bored.

Take them to a place where they’ll be entertained.

Check the location ☞Click]

Tiling! The quest information was updated with a sound. I checked the location and told Mieum.

“Call Lime and Corong too. Let’s go out.”

“Waeong? To where?”

“Hoho … you’ll know when you get there.”

If you enjoy this translation, you can buy me cup of coffee through Buy Me a Coffee!

Translator’s Corner:

  1. Noonim (nunim) (누님), it’s Noona + the honorific suffix -nim. ↩︎

I didn’t know why Lime back to get categorized at “animals” now, but well. Maybe the system is the slime is animal team.

omg HAPPY THE 200TH CHAPTER!!! can’t believe I did 200 chapters … time is not real….. if you reached this chapter, thank you for bearing my rants this far sjkdhkjsdhfdjkfd

anyway, please always check out the weather forecast these days! i think i’m going to get sick due to the weather changing from hot summer to rainy days … i already started feeling the fever. I wish I would get bedridden starting tomorrow so I will be healthy in two weeks (my graduation!)

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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