Chapter 191 Unexpected Blow(2)

Chapter 191 Unexpected Blow(2)

Edgar is floating in the air under a sky with full moon and stars. His white hair and coat are swaying as he looks at the gorgeous lights of Metro Manila.

"Tonight, a change will happen that will spread to the world," thought Edgar with a smile.

At a prime-time news show, the news about Jemson is shown on TV.

A member of PHA and CIU are talking in an interview.

They reported everything that they found out.

"The hyperbeing that Jemson accuses was not responsible for his family's tragedy. He was not on the scene. A hyperbeing could disguise a look, but not the gait and behavior. We have a video of the hyperbeing that committed the crime. He tried to hide it, but he is different from the real hyperbeing," said Rico. He was saved from Don's mansion.

"Listen carefully, don't be fooled if a hyperbeing approaches you. Those men are probably the criminal themselves. You will only be their chess pieces for their own interest. Look at what happened to Jemson. The bomb is automatic, and the blood bug will still kill him if he changed his mind or the bomb failed. If they put an injection into your blood, do not ever take anything that they gave you to avoid activating the dormant bug. Contact the number below the screen. We will help you remove the bug. Do it immediately because they might kill you,"said Rico.

The investigator of CIU name Gary looks at the camera with a serious face.

"People from the Origin, the hyperbeings ypu hated are secretly helping the organization. WAKE UP! You are only being use! The crimes committed by a few hyperbeings are deliberately done to spread hatred and the top members of the organization are probably aware of it! Who save your city when a world's burst happened?! Who saves burning buildings when fire fighters cannot immediately arrive?! Hyperbeings are saving lives daily! Your place is safe because hyperbeings are risking their lives in restricted area! WAKE UP PEOPLE AND STOP BEING FOOLED!!!"

The video is shown on all stations, videos, and social websites in the country. The whole country is shocked.

Edgar is standing on top of a tall building.

"If the man behind Origin in the country wants to attack and cause terror, Metro Manila is a good target. Melody and I could only detect one to two kilometers of circumference if we were to look at the bugs in the heart. The terrorism could have started before we finish detecting a few cities," thought Edgar.

"Now, we don't need to do that. The victims will tell their locations themselves, and I'm sure the minions of the man behind the Origin are near them," thought Edgar with a smile.

Melody is also standing on top of a building.

"Melody, we have a first caller," said Oscar, then he marked the location.

Melody floats and flies. She arrived at the location and used her detection. She detected a teen with a blood bug and a hyperbeing in a car near the house of the teen.

The hyperbeing is snoring in a car.

"Should I capture the hyperbeing?" asked Melody.

Edgar thinks as he flies.

"Just incapacitate him. Leave it to PHA. I am currently moving to a location that has a foreign man guarding a kid. I am sure that man has a lot of information," said Edgar.

Melody looks at the car on the ground. She took out her zither, then strummed the strings.

BANG! An aura blade cut the car into two.

"Ahhhh!" screams the hyperbeing as his feet are cut off.

Edgar landed on the ground and walked to a car that parks on the road. His body emits the energy of ordinary human.

A foreign man named Bram is looking at a house.

"This monitoring job is tiring. Poison Guild is still screening the members that will replace me. I need to endure this for a few more days," said Bram,then he chuckled.

"That Jan knows me well. He allows me to stage the play of a crime scene to keep me entertain," thought Bram with a smile.

Edgar approaches the car's window and knocks it.

Bram looks at the mask man with a frown.

"I heard that there are many youths who are trying to impersonate the vigilantes," thought Bram as he looks at Edgar with sharp eyes.

"Ahhh, I want to twist that neck, but this is not the right place," thought Bram. He chuckles as he looks at Edgar, who is still standing in front of the window.

"The dumb boy does not even know that he is very lucky to keep his life," thought Bram, then he put his attention on the house of the teen.

"The boy will be used in a few da-" Bram's thought is cut off.

A sound blockade shield suddenly appears.

BANG! The car's window is broken as a palm clad with aura strikes the head of Bram.

Edgar's right hand holds Bram's hair and pulled him out of the car. He floats in the air as he holds the hair.

A little consciousness of Bram returned.

A white shield covers Edgar and Bram in the air.

"Ahhhh!" screams Bram as lightning electrocutes his whole body, then he passed out.

The shield disperses, then Edgar flew to the yard of an empty house. He threw Bram to the ground and put him into an illusion.

"Jan? Is he the man behind the Origin in the country or is he just a middleman?" thought Edgar, then he looks in the southwest. The man name Jan is in an island.

"I am right, only him, Poison Lord,could help Origin," said Edgar, then he looks at Bram. His eyes are turning sharper as he stares at the man.

Bram committed the crimes and put the blame on a hyperbeing. He brainwashes the relative of the victims and turned them into suicide bombers. It is the routine of hyperbeings that are secretly helping Origin. A hyperbeing needs to carry the magic bomb. The bomb causes a huge fluctuation of mana. It will be discovered before it explode, so it needs to be kept in a storage space. To keep the maximum power of the bomb, it must be taken out of the storage space. Fortunately, the bomb is very difficult to make.

Bram is floating in the air with fire chains tied on his body. His face is full of fear. There are fires all around him. Fire tornado is forming below his feet.

Edgar is floating in the air. His eyes are cold as he stares at the man.

"You enjoy toying with lives, then enjoy playing in my illusion space of fire!"

On Palawan Island, a man with the alias Jan is standing in the balcony of a hotel. He looks flustered as he tries to call the number of Gerrit.

"Damn Gerrit! Why can't I reach him?!!" shouted Jan. He does not have an aura or magic. He is responsible for communication with the hyperbeings and team leaders of Origin. He doesn't have the authority to mobilize the hyperbeings to kill the suicide bombers.

Meanwhile, Poison Lord has a look of shock as he listens to the report from Vistal.

"Boss, the news is all over the TV stations and social websites in the country," said Vistal.

"What the fuck are those families thinking?! They should have some ideas who is behind Origin! Are they going to become enemies of the world?!!"

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