Star Gate

Chapter 123: The Qiaos (II)

Chapter 123: The Qiaos (II)

Most supernaturals could fly after they reached Sunflare. Not too far, of course. The limitation in distance was mitigated only after reaching Solar. With sufficient mysterious power, there was no difficulty in flight.

Wang Ming naturally placed high importance on a supernatural adept in clandestine operations and investigations. This might be a presence that not even his superiors were aware of! At the same time, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

Li Hao was... such an honest boy. He talked freely about everything. He would be in enormous trouble if Liu Long learned of this. But naturally, Wang Ming wasn’t the type to waggle his tongue.

“I can’t tell you specifics,” Li Hao murmured. “I just know that this person can supply a lot of intelligence for us! Don’t ask too much, Ole Wang. I told you this only because we’re friends and you’re a warrior of justice. I’ll be in hot water if you let this get out.”

“Don’t worry!” Wang Ming nodded, but was still uncertain. “Are you sure about the accuracy of this intelligence?”

“One hundred percent!”

“Fuck!” Wang Ming took a deep breath. Just one Galaxy Inc. was hiding three Darkmoons, and one of them a Fullmoon! What the hell!

When Huang Yun sent him to Silver City and said that there might be a bit of trouble, Wang Ming dismissed the notion. Now, however, the city suddenly seemed very dangerous.

“Sunflares are senior executives at all of the major factions and won’t take unnecessary risks! Plenilunes are preoccupied with rising to Sunflare, so the strongest of active powerhouses these days is Fullmoon!” He quickly brought Li Hao up to speed on the supernatural landscape. “If there really is a Fullmoon among them, then there is much more to Galaxy than meets the eye! They only need one Darkmoon if they’re concerned with protection. No one would attack a company with a Darkmoon in residence!”

Li Hao nodded his understanding. Wang Ming finally fell silent and Li Hao said nothing else as well. Their car rolled to a stop as they’d arrived at the Qiao Mining headquarters.



In order to prevent Li Hao being denied entrance, a phone call from the receptionist quickly brought Qiao Peng and a few employees downstairs.

“Commissioner Inspector Li!” Appearing to be in his thirties, Qiao Peng didn’t look too old. If one ignored how bedraggled he’d been when handcuffed yesterday, he rather seemed to be a promising, young person.

He wore a suit on his tall and muscular frame, greeting Li Hao with a smile. He turned pleasantly toward Wang Ming. “Might I know this officer’s august surname?”

“Director Wang!” Li Hao answered brusquely without the affable manner he’d shown at his previous stops. “Person of note from White Moon City! VP Qiao, surely Qiao Mining already knows given the extensive intelligence network you have!”

Wang Ming was slightly surprised. Li Hao was a friendly person and had been very polite at their previous locations. He hadn’t expressed anything even when Galaxy Inc. concealed the truth. Why was he suddenly being so unpleasant?”

Qiao Peng didn’t mind the curtness. “Commissioner Inspector Li, Qiao Mining has foundations only in Silver City. White Moon is a large city and we are run-of-the-mill there. How could we know much about a supernatural organization like the Night Watchers? You think too highly of us.

“There’s a misunderstanding between me and Commissioner Inspector Li,” he quickly explained when he saw that Wang Ming was perplexed. “It has to do with Vice Captain Liu. I’m in my thirties and my father keeps pushing me to find someone to marry. I have... slightly high standards and to be honest, only the vice captain catches my eye in all of Silver City. But while dropping flowers pine for love, the heartless brook babbles on! She expressed some dissatisfaction toward me yesterday and the commissioner inspector probably thinks I’m an irritating pest. It’s all a bit embarrassing, really.”

Wang Ming understood certain things after the candid recounting. Liu Yan and Li Hao... There’d seemed to be something unusual between the two at dinner yesterday. Liu Yan often spoke in a suggestive manner that led one down ambiguous paths. He could understand why Li Hao seemed out of sorts.

Li Hao, ah Li Hao. Heh, you’re really something eh? Liu Yan’s at least thirty and you’re only twenty... That’s some kinda appetite! But yeah, that’s what men like. Young married women are the best.

“No worries, VP Qiao!” Wang Ming smiled knowingly, having grasped the crux of the issue. “So long as your courtship is standard and sensible. Of course, I’m sure that VP Qiao won’t do anything inappropriate. Vice Captain Liu is the prettiest flower of the Inspectorate and we won’t let things rest easy if anything over the line occurs!”

He pushed his colleague gently. That was enough!

Li Hao was still put out with the situation. “Alright, that’s between you and Sis Liu, I won’t involve myself with it! But I warn you, don’t give yourself airs just because you’re the vice president of Qiao Mining. We’re all well aware that this is no longer an era in which cash is king. Make sure you behave yourself!”

“Now we really have a misunderstanding.” Qiao Peng spread out his hands with resignation. “Of course, if the commissioner inspector finds it inappropriate... I can withdraw? But... but this wouldn’t be the thing to do, would it? I feel that equitable competition is most ideal when it comes to love.”

“Who’s engaging in equitable competition with you?” Li Hao replied frostily. “I’ll show you no mercy if you keep blathering nonsense!”

“Then take it as pure nonsense, don’t be angry!” Qiao Peng chuckled. “Commissioner Inspector Li has already attained great achievements in your youth and we’re all of Silver City. There’s no need to have strained relations between us. If there’s anything I’ve done wrong, let me take you out when you have time. There’s nothing that can’t be discussed over a drink!”

“We’ll talk about that later!” Li Hao barked. “I want to register all superhumans at Qiao Mining—all martial masters and supernaturals. You’re a massive corporation, don’t you dare say you have none! I’m also going to make a round of all of your storefronts, mines, and offices! I’ve already called for a supernatural probe, so don’t think you’ll get away with hiding anything!

“Everyone needs to be registered and anyone not will be viewed as a criminal!”

“......” Qiao Peng cursed inwardly. You’re using a chicken feather as a warrant to issue orders! I know about your previous stops! Those were just formalities, but now you want to make rounds at my place and even brought in a supernatural probe!

Granted, this also seemed normal for a hot-blooded young man who’d come into power overnight. And there was the complication of Liu Yan!

As to be expected, young men like these found it hardest to withstand mature women like Liu Yan. Perhaps the sordid duo had already taken each other to bed! How tawdry!

This kid doesn’t have an ounce of cunning to him! It’s written all over his face! But people like him are the easiest to handle.

On the other hand, Qiao Peng would be unsettled if Li Hao showed him a smiling face today and forgot their previous scuffle. As a man, he was all too familiar with his own gender. If another man pursued his woman and didn’t know how to take a hint... He wouldn’t be friendly to them either!

The more Li Hao was thus, the more at ease Qiao Peng could be and the more it demonstrated that Liu Yan really didn’t know anything. If she did, she would’ve long talked to Li Hao about not butting heads with Qiao Peng, that making moves in the dark was the way to go.

None of his thoughts reflected in Qiao Peng’s expression—only slight resignation crossed his face. “There’s no need to be thus, Commissioner Inspector Li. We’re from the same roots and I hear that when you visited Galaxy...”

“Galaxy is Galaxy, Qiao Mining is Qiao Mining!” Li Hao cut him off. “VP Qiao, I have reason to suspect that you are harboring fugitives after your continued excuses! As a local, I am all too familiar with mines. Being underground for years and a closed community, places like mines are a perfect shelter for criminals!

“If you keep running your mouth, I’ll immediately place Qiao Mining under close surveillance!”

Since he now grasped the reins of power, Li Hao showed open hostility to even someone who was the heir to a massive corporation.

Qiao Peng was familiar with intelligence regarding the young man and couldn’t help but curse inwardly. He’s turned into a bully because of the authority that comes with his position! This kid was dumbly honest before, but a different side comes out as soon as he sniffs a hint of power. He’s actually a dog, isn’t he!

“Very well, as you wish!” Qiao Peng displayed the barest hint of dissatisfaction that could barely be detected. “But I also want to remind the commissioner inspector that Silver City is not a place where one person calls the shots. Don’t tarnish the Night Watcher reputation!”

Li Hao snorted contemptuously and headed for the elevator without another word.

“Director Wang, keep an eye on things down here and don’t let anyone leave! I'm going to sweep each floor with the supernatural probe. We’ll go through their headquarters first, then probe their mines and storefronts!” Li Hao turned to Qiao Peng. “You’re with me!”

The man frowned, but didn’t say anything. He waved his men into the elevator.

Qiao Mining’s headquarters stood at thirty stories tall, making it one of the tallest buildings in Silver City. There weren’t that many skyscrapers in the city; buildings of five to six stories were the norm.

They rode straight to the top floor. Li Hao took out a bulky supernatural probe that was bigger than a watermelon. Red dots would appear on its display panel if supernatural ripples were detected.

Li Hao flicked it on—the probe consumed mysterious power during operation and wasn’t easily activated under normal circumstances. He frowned as soon as it whirred to life. “It’s giving a reading!”

“Commissioner Inspector Li,” Qiao Peng said with resignation. “We didn’t say that we don’t have any supernaturals. We do, and more than one. We have three Starlight—I wasn’t going to conceal that. You just didn’t want to listen to me.”

Li Hao accepted these words awkwardly, but quickly regained his cool. “What are you so worked up for? I only said that a reading.” He furrowed his brows when he looked at the display screen. “Three Starlight, did you say?”


“But there’s eight dots on here...”

“Do you think I don’t know anything, commissioner inspector?” Qiao Peng burst out laughing. “This probe can only sense ripples within its range of detection, it’s not so accurate as to pinpoint how many supernaturals there are. What eight dots, are you seeing things?”

“And what do you know?!” Li Hao lost his temper. “This is the Night Watcher’s latest supernatural probe! If I say there’s eight, then there’s eight! Stop laughing and joking, Qiao Peng, I’ve got my eye on you!”

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