Star Gate

Chapter 60: An Eager Little Inspector (III)

Chapter 60: An Eager Little Inspector (III)

Li Hao was resigned. It’s true! Why don’t you believe me?

The office phone rang; it was the front lobby.

“Vice Captain Liu, there are two visitors here to deliver a silk banner to Li Hao. Classified Affairs say that he’s at Law Enforcement and the team says he’s with you. Can you send Li Hao out here for a second?”

Liu Yan: ……

She stared dumbly at the young man. What the heck was going on?

Liu Yan hung up and frowned at Li Hao. “Are you sure that the ones with the banner are the ones following you?”

“One hundred percent!” Li Hao brimmed with smiles. “They’re so fast! I only just got here. This efficiency with a silk banner… tsk tsk, how amazing! Sis, I’ll head downstairs. Where do you think is a good place to interrogate them? I’ll bring them there.”

“……” Liu Yan really was at a loss. Kid… you… you had them walk up to a place you selected and lay their heads down for you to chop off?

Was something wrong with the brains of those tailing Li Hao? How would they present themselves for target practice otherwise?

“I’ll go with you…” A mystified Liu Yan rose to her feet.

“Don’t!” Li Hao shook his head. “Sis, just think of a place for me!”

“Then… take them to the basement!” answered a baffled Liu Yan. “Do you really not need me to go with you?”

“Nah, that’s too much trouble. They can walk themselves in!” Li Hao chuckled. “Sis, you have to hold down the fort for me. This is my first time doing something like this so I’m a little scared. You know I was a good student before, and that I had a desk job at Classified Affairs after becoming an inspector. I really think that I’ll vomit or lose control of my legs when I see blood!”

Though he exaggerated, it was the truth. His notion of seeing blood was the blood from harming or killing someone, not the typical type of blood from otherwise caused injury. Under such circumstances, it was normal to go weak at the knees, feel guilty, afraid, or horrified unless one was a psychopath with homicidal tendencies.

Li Hao did indeed wish to get some practice in before encountering the scarlet shadow. He was afraid!

He was afraid that he’d cower at the sight of real battle, that he’d sag bonelessly to the ground and shake with dread. It was only to be expected!

The young man hardly thought that he had nerves of steel, that he could remain unmoved at the sight of corpses. He’d been so terrified when Little Yuan died that he couldn’t move. His legs had trembled like a leaf and strength receded from his being. He hadn’t even been able to shriek with dismay.

Thus, a sudden thought popped into his mind when he passed by the two in the car. Maybe it’s time to train my courage.

Liu Yan was reassessing her impression of Li Hao. Here stood a shy little boy until now. Although possessing some natural talent, he was a rookie who didn’t know or understand anything. She even felt that he’d be a burden in the real battlefield and it was hard to say whether or not he’d survive.

It seemed that certain conclusions needed to be updated in this moment. Finding some targets to practice with and wanting to improve his courage… was this the Li Hao she knew?

The vice captain had conducted a thorough investigation of their newest member when he joined, finding him to be an honest person, the resident good guy. He reported to work early, left late, cleaned the offices, fetched water and tea. But now what was he talking about?

What a surprise and shock! Had a supernatural invaded his mind?

“Li Hao…”

“I’m going to head downstairs, sis. Wait for me in the basement?”

Liu Yan gave up what she wanted to say. “Be careful!” She nodded.

“Don’t worry, this is the Inspectorate!” Li Hao grinned. What would two minor characters dare attempt in the Inspectorate? If they possessed any degree of pluck or daring, they wouldn’t be henchmen assigned to follow him!



The man and woman really had come with a silk banner. Being that it was their first time in the Law Enforcement building, it was very natural that they looked around with avid curiosity. Ordinary people couldn’t enter a place like this. They were blessed with a legitimate reason thanks to Li Hao.

The front counter didn’t bother with them as they were here to deliver a silk banner. The law enforcement team was unfamiliar with Li Hao, simply knowing him to be an incoming transfer. Classified Affairs, however, was wondering what Li Hao had done to result in a banner of thanks.

“Big sis and big bro!” Li Hao bounded downstairs with excitement. “You really are here! I thought you were joking as it was a small task!”

“Inspector Li!” The man rose with a smile. “How could I joke about that? Inspector Li is a kindhearted soul who extends a helping hand to those in need. My wife and I were nearly in a traffic accident this morning. It’s all thanks to the inspector that we are here safe and sound…”

He casually upgraded Li Hao’s feat! Didn’t the young like a heady mix of flattery and accomplishment?

“Hahaha, you’re too polite, big bro!” chuckled a merry Li Hao. “Let’s not stand in the lobby! It’s a bit embarrassing since I haven’t officially transferred here yet. Why don’t you come with me and we’ll grab a cup of tea. As for the banner… I thank you two greatly for the silk banner! Since you’re here, let’s sit and chat for a bit before you go!”

The man and woman smiled at each other. How courteous! How enthusiastic! They might as well broaden their worldview since they’ve come.

The two nodded and followed Li Hao out of the lobby. He kept up a litany of explanations as they walked to the end of the first floor hallway.

“I’m a rookie and there’s a lot of veterans here. They might be a little… if everyone sees us. You know what I mean! We’ll have some tea in the basement, there’s not that many people there. I can’t thank both of you enough!” Li Hao babbled happily as they climbed the stairs. “I forgot to ask your honored names?”

“Oh, I’m simply Zhou He and my wife’s surname is Yuan.”

“Big brother Zhou and big sister Yuan!” Li Hao repeated warmly, quickly shortening the distance between the two parties.

They soon reached the basement and approached the Demon Hunters headquarters. Not only did the lower level not appear gloomy, but it was very well lit and welcoming.

“We’re just up ahead, not that many people come here. I can tell that Brother Zhou and Sister Yuan are big bosses who do a lot of business. Please let me know if there’s anything you need in the future. I love taking care of people’s troubles!”

Zhou He nodded with a faint smile. What a simple and honest child!

The woman frequently chimed in with the conversation. It was quite rare to meet such an ardent inspector. What a pity!

Li Hao pushed open the door and brought the two to where the Demon Hunters normally took a break. Fervently welcoming them in, he closed the door.

It was a very uncommon door! Outfitted with premier soundproofing and protection, a bomb would be hard pressed to blast through it, to say nothing of people. It was secured by a fingerprint lock. No egress was possible without the appropriate authorization.

Slight unease prickled at Zhou He when Li Hao shut the door.

“Let me close it so other people don’t think I’m slacking off!” The young man smiled.

Zhou He said nothing; his eyes widened slightly when he took in the decor around the room. This wasn’t a reception room or a visitor’s lounge. It was more… more like a large assembly hall! There was fitness equipment, guns, ammunition, and everything that one might think of. It was like an armory!

Where is this place? Zhou He shifted uneasily. Could an outsider come here? The woman next to him also changed expression when she caught sight of a miniature cannon among the weaponry.

Fuck! Are ordinary people allowed to be here?

The two were abruptly seized by apprehension and fear. We’re just here to get closer to Li Hao, how are we suddenly in a place like this?

Li Hao fully closed the door with a great deal of joy. These two were such good sports to come to the basement without any resistance. Lovely! So this was how it felt to turn someone’s scheme back on them. What a splendid feeling!

Li Hao patted Zhou He’s shoulder from behind while the man reeled from his circumstances. “Big brother Zhou, it’s quiet here because there’s no one around…”

He raised his knee and shoved it forward!


A crisp impact sounded as Zhou He twisted his body to protect his vitals. Li Hao, however, smashed into the small of his back and sent incredible pain through his body!

Damn it! This was a trap! And I put myself in it!

Eyes wide open, the woman fished out a dagger from the depths of her pants and tried to stab the young man!


Several people watched silently in the depths of the basement—Liu Long was among them. His gaze was a complicated mix of peculiarity. What a strategy of blocking the enemy’s retreat and destroying them! It was… this was… rather unbelievable.

Was Li Hao really the cowardly sort? He was more audacious to the point of stepping on a tiger’s tail! Was this anything that a regular person would dare do?

“If the kid survives upcoming events… he’s gonna grow up to be a vicious character!” sighed the thin and reedy Wu Chao.

The portly Chen Jian chuckled with some restraint. The kid… was such a villain!

Yun Yao and Liu Yan didn’t say anything; they watched in silence.

“He’s met a good match,” Liu Long whispered after a while. “A Slayer of Tens and one who’s versed in martial arts despite not being a Slayer. It looks like the other side is quite strong to send two Slayers just to shadow someone!”

While Slayer didn’t sound all that strong, Liu Long knew that there might not be one hundred Slayers and Starlights together out of the million-strong population of Silver City. That made for less than one per ten thousand!

Yet, there was one in front of them and simply assigned to keep an eye on their target. Would Li Hao be able to handle both at the same time in his first combat exercise? Despite his successful plotting, it was clear to see that they were both old hands.

All five Demon Hunters keenly watched the fight.


Within the premises.

Having the advantage of surprise, Li Hao continued his attacks without hesitation!

Tiger Pounce!

Hands mercilessly curved into claws, the young man treated the fight as his coming-of-age present. This was no practice session, it was the congratulatory gift for him advancing to Slayer of Tens!

Since the scarlet shadow wants to kill me, I’m not going to just sit around and wait to be killed! Imma kill you two first and give you guys a taste of defeat through your small fry!


His hands sunk into Zhou He’s arms and clawed a massive chunk of flesh out. Li Hao grimaced when blood sprayed from the wound. His own blood agitated out of his spleen, but he wasn’t afraid!

Am I supposed to be afraid of you guys? You’re only human, I’d do the same thing to the scarlet shadow!


Tiger Roar Through Mountain and Woods.

The basement turned into a battlefield—Li Hao’s first ever battlefield.

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