Star Gate

Chapter 78: The Inspectorate of Silver City (III)

Chapter 78: The Inspectorate of Silver City (III)

“We will naturally withdraw, Inspector General Mu!” snorted the one in the distance. “We didn’t mean to cross your path either. Liu Long overreached and killed three supernaturals. Our fury will not abate unless we kill him! I think the inspector general doesn’t wish to see this kind of scene either!”

Liu Long had long fled the premises. He propelled himself to safety as soon as the Inspectorate appeared to sweep the area with guns, filling the guy who could travel through earth with holes. He knew that Mu Sen couldn’t get carried away by sentiment.

This eruption of force raised the fatty’s stock in Liu Long’s books. This was the limit of what the fatty could do. Safe in the distance, Liu Long threw his head back with a roar of laughter.

“Mu Sen, I’m heading out of town first! Guard the city well! I raise my estimation of you tonight! Let’s sit down for a drink in the future if we have a chance to!”

He jumped, leaped, and ran for the northern outskirts.

Out of seven supernaturals, one was dead from the random barrage of bullets, the flying one was surrounded by one hundred inspectors, some were pursuing Liu Long, and the rest were staring rapaciously at Mu Sen.

Let go of the flying supernatural or they would not retreat!

As for the one dead, their organization could collect on that debt. Caution marked this group of Ghostfaces as they hadn’t received orders to slaughter Silver City citizenry. They didn’t dare truly erupt in open hostilities. If the Night Watchers were goaded into mass mobilization, it would lead to untold casualties on both sides.

Mu Sen sprayed water in all directions when he landed heavily on the ground. He stood up rubbing his bottom, eyes glittering with killing intent as he looked at the fallen supernatural not far away. Let’s kill this guy!

If it hadn’t been for an unexpected attack forcing the supernatural to the ground, it would be very hard to kill him! This was a perfect opportunity. Otherwise, Liu Long would find no safety no matter where he ran. The ability to fly was terrifying—one could follow and lock onto a target, track and conduct surveillance, take shelter…

Do we kill him?

What if that spurred the supernaturals into a killing spree?

“Step down, let him go!” Mu Sen ultimately gave up on the idea. He needed to protect Silver City!

Later vengeance from the Night Watchers was useless if Silver City suffered immense casualties tonight. So what if the Night Watchers gave the enemy hell later?

Caught in the middle of inspectors, the supernatural looked at them jeeringly. A soft chuckle traveled out from the mask. He’d thought he was dead earlier, but now? Mortals were mortals! They held too many reservations and didn’t dare kill him!

Just you wait until this mission is finished!

He wasn’t at liberty to punish the fatso today. It had to wait until this matter was concluded and Li Hao was in their grasp.

“Inspector General!” Fury rose from the rank and file. Let him go?! This guy was too big a threat! Some of their people had secretly observed the situation tonight—he was Captain Liu Long’s greatest threat!

They’d finally brought him down, but were going to let him go just like this?? Even though the law enforcement captain had run far away, he couldn’t run far enough! This fellow would catch up to him in a matter of seconds!

“Let him go!” Mu Sen repeated irritably. He knew their thoughts and was equally incensed, but there was nothing he could do.

Supernaturals lingered in the darkness and they had no leads on the one who released lightning. That one could send out another bolt at any time to strike a few houses and the people inside. It was incredibly difficult to catch supernaturals in this gloom. Casualties would be too high; he was unable to turn a blind eye to the citizenry for the sake of Liu Long and a few others.

“Until we meet again, Inspector General Mu!” laughed the supernatural before flying into the sky again. He was off!

So what if one hundred guns were aimed at him? He wasn’t alone! Such were the benefits of a team. He might be at the end of his tether if he was here alone today, but instead, he had a team who stepped in to suppress the Inspectorate so they didn’t touch him.

A figure shot upward like lightning the moment he took to the sky and punched outward! His fist was heralded by a clap of thunder!


The flying supernatural split apart and chunks of his body scattered on the ground!

“Ahh!!” someone shrieked—a resident peeping from the surroundings.

A white-haired Yuan Shuo had bounded into the air to annihilate the supernatural with one punch! Blood dribbled from his mouth and he bit off sneeringly, “This old man is not afraid! Killing vermin with my final breath is a worthwhile endeavor for one about to die!”

He rose and fell from the rooftops of the buildings around him, passing through the rainy night with a long blade on his back. Laughter traveled back on the wind as he shot in Liu Long’s direction.

“Youngster of House Liu! Fear not the disaster staring at you, this old man will save you! Few are the Sunderers in Silver City and I am not afraid if you are willing to fight!”

“Yuan Shuo!!” came a furious bellow within the city. The supernatural who commanded thunder and lightning was furious beyond belief. He hadn’t thought that the old man would join the fray!

Two were dead now! Add to that the three from before, it meant that half of the team were unceremoniously dead!

“Damn it!”

“After him!” Numerous figures peeled out of the darkness, each one burning with incandescent rage. How dare a man about to die intervene at this time! The martial blockheads of Silver City were too big for their britches!

Off in the distance, Hu Hao and Li Meng looked at each other with wide eyes. So fast! Yuan Shuo had taken to the air like a bird and strode away in the blink of an eye to punch that Darkmoon to death!

Wasn’t the old man on death’s door? How did he have any fight left in him? What should they do now? They were in trouble! Do they catch up to him or not?

They wouldn’t be able to explain themselves if they didn’t follow and Yuan Shuo died. But if they did, wouldn’t that instigate a war between the Night Watchers and the supernatural organization?

As they hesitated, Mu Sen sneered at them from a distance. “Are you waiting for an evening snack or what? Do you think they’re willing to start a war? Are they assured of victory against Night Watchers? You two are idiots!”

The two flushed beet red. They’d been lectured!

“Let’s go!” Hu Hao could also fly. He grabbed Li Meng and shot for the horizon. Like Mu Sen said, the enemy was just as hobbled by concerns as they were. No one could afford the consequences of causing a war between two factions.

“Inspector General!” Some inspectors angrily looked at Mu Sen. Were they really letting the enemy go like this? Although Yuan Shuo had killed the flying supernatural, emotions ran high since they weren’t the ones to eliminate the bastard!

It was a bitter pill too hard to swallow—these people were hunting their law enforcement captain! We have more people and guns, as well as confirmation that these people can die if there’s enough bullets in the air!

Mu Sen waved them off, the fight suddenly draining out of him. With another look in the distance, he dragged his feet to the Inspectorate with a self-deprecating bent of his head. I’m afraid this is it! This is the end of the road for you, Liu Long! I can sense a stronger surge of energy rippling in the distance. A Sunflare might be here!

“Fire your guns into the air!” he called out. “Supernaturals, remember well your humiliation today! You are not allowed in our city! If you trespass, that is when the sons of Silver City will bathe in the blood of our enemies! Your arrogance has no place here!”

It was both intimidation and resignation. All he could do was shout a few lines of bravado to vent some frustration. He was the inspector general of a city, but didn’t dare carry out justice because of a few supernaturals!

Fuck this shit!

He unsheathed a long blade when he reached a particular street. Mu Sen couldn’t be bothered to say anything to those held in custody and executed each one he saw, deaf to their cries for mercy!

He woodenly cut through a dozen necks like he didn’t see blood gushing from severed stumps.

“Liu Long may not be bothered by this, but I am!” he stated in arctic tones. “I may not be able to kill supernaturals today, but I can kill you traitors! Take a good look at whose territory you’re in! How dare you work for others while in my domain!”

He vented some of his spleen after heads hit the ground, then looked into the distance with resignation again.

And some anticipation.

Have Wang Ming and the guy behind him also gone out? I hope the Night Watchers put in a better showing this time. The enemy’s grinding their face into the ground if they still don’t man up. They’ve sent a Sunflare! I wonder if the Night Watchers will be able to handle it… And Liu Long! I hope he’s okay!

The chubby and typically amiable inspector general walked over the corpses, wiping off the blood on his shoes. The very image of ruthlessness, he shook his head as he walked. What was Yuan Shuo doing, getting involved in this nonsense!

The old man had one foot in the grave, yet insisted on sticking his nose into things. He might still die even if he managed to survive the supernaturals tonight!

“Once I overcome the past, I will dare challenge even the sun and moon!” sang chubby Mu Sen as he leisurely strolled through the night, as if the dust had settled. He waved a hand when he passed by the church, sending a few people rushing in with various instruments to collect mysterious power from the dead supernaturals.

“Ole brother Liu, I’ll give this back to you if you survive. If not… It's mine! I need it too!” Mu Sen sighed, then grinned. I’ll hold onto it if you die and get revenge for you after I cross through to the other side!

You’re not the only one fighting the good fight! And don’t think you’re really all that! Where would you get so many weapons and ammunition from if I didn’t secretly support you? Why would there constantly be so many fearless desperadoes wanting to join the Demon Hunters?

The inspector general remained grinning as he looked to the north, but only frosty killing intent brimmed in his eyes. Ghostface, huh? I’ll remember you!


The northern outskirts.

Li Hao, Liu Yan, and Chen Jian remained sprinting at high speed. They consumed an incredible amount of stamina, but recovered it equally quickly. Gunshots from the city traveled into their ears. Liu Yan paused ever so slightly and looked back, possible derision or sorrow curving her lips.

The Inspectorate had finally made its move. Only the fatty in the Inspectorate had the authority to command so many guns at once.

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