Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 179: This is Ridiculous

Chapter 179: This is Ridiculous

TL: FoodieMonster007

As soon as Yoo Yiran admitted her loss, a sudden hush fell over the previously noisy crowd.


They couldn't believe what had just unfolded. Yoo Yiran, one of the Azure Dragon Academy's top prodigies, was kneeling on the dueling platform, defeated by a freshman who hadn't even been enrolled for six months.

"…The Sword Flower lost?"

"No way…"

The shock that rippled through the arena was beyond imagination. Worse still, this was the SRS training grounds. The dueling platform was surrounded by students, many of whom admired or even harbored feelings for Yoo Yiran.

"S-Senior lost?"

"This has to be a mistake…"

For most of the SRS members, this duel was supposed to be an opportunity to witness Yoo Yiran's famed swordsmanship in action. Her victory was never in doubt. The only question in their minds was how long the freshman prodigy would hold out.

Everyone had hoped Wiji Cheon would last a little longer, to give them more time to see their idol in action. No one had imagined they would witness something like this.

Some immediately rejected the reality before them.

"…Senior must have gone easy on him, right?"

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"Check out all the injuries on Wiji Cheon. The Sword Flower isn't even scratched."

"This doesn't add up. Something's off."

Yoo Yiran's most devoted fans were the first to grow emotional, unable to come to terms with her defeat. To them, the Sword Flower was someone who should never lose like this. She was their idol—a symbol of untouchable grace and strength, a flower that bloomed far beyond their reach.

Soon, their frustration warped into suspicion, and they started to cast reproachful glares at Wiji Cheon.

"Did that guy use some trick?"

"He was getting pushed back the entire time. No way he turned it around just like that."

"…Maybe he secretly used hidden weapons or poison."

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As mob mentality took over, a collective killing intent surged toward Wiji Cheon, and several students looked poised to pounce on the young swordsman.

Witnessing this turn of events, Yoo Yiran was baffled. "What are you all talking about? I lost fair and square," she said firmly, but the crowd wasn't having it.

From somewhere in the audience, a voice shouted, "Drag him down!"

In an instant, more than ten students leapt onto the dueling platform.

"Protect the Sword Flower! Who knows what that guy might pull next!"

In a flash, the students who had rushed on stage divided into two groups, some quickly surrounding Wiji Cheon and others standing between him and Yoo Yiran as if to protect her. The entire situation escalated within moments.

Yoo Yiran, exhausted from pushing herself to her limit, tried to rise and stop them, but her body refused to obey. Fortunately, the scene jolted the dazed and confused SRS executives out of their stupor, and they rushed forward to intervene.

"What do you all think you're doing?"

"Stop! That was a fair duel!"

Despite their attempts to reason with the mob, the students surrounding Wiji Cheon refused to back down. In truth, most hadn’t paid much attention to the duel. They believed Yoo Yiran had everything under control from beginning to end—until, without warning, Wiji Cheon parried her sword and turned the tide in an instant.

"There's no way this is legit!"

"He definitely cheated!"

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"You must've used a cowardly trick, right? Confess!"

"How could a freshman like you possibly defeat the Sword Flower? It doesn't make sense!"

"Let's search his clothes. He must be hiding poison or hidden weapons somewhere."

As Yoo Yiran's die-hard fans swarmed Wiji Cheon, hurling all sorts of vile accusations, the situation grew more dangerous by the second.

Wiji Cheon broke into a cold sweat, overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. "I-I just…"


Suddenly, a gust cut through the chaos as Hyonwon Kang sprang onto the platform, yelling, "Have you all lost your minds?"

Startled by the force of Hyonwon Kang's killing intent, the students shrank back.

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Hyonwon Kang stepped forward, his tone threatening as he growled, "What's the meaning of this? You gang up on someone who just fought a duel and make absurd threats? Hey, if you want to fight so badly, why don't you come at me instead?"

Under Hyonwon Kang's terrifying aura, the circle around Wiji Cheon started to break apart.

Just then, Seonwoo Jin leaped onto the platform, standing between Hyonwon Kang and the mob. "Stop right there!" he shouted, as if protecting the students from Hyonwon Kang.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Hyonwon Kang snapped, his eyes narrowing.

"I'm here to prevent you from causing a scene," Seonwoo Jin replied with his usual easygoing smile. "Honestly, there's something off about this duel. The Yoo Yiran I know wouldn't lose that easily."

"What the fuck? Did you even watch the duel? Are your eyes glued to the back of your head…"

Hyonwon Kang's voice trailed off. He had caught the sly glint in Seonwoo Jin's eyes.

No way… this guy?

Everything suddenly clicked into place. From the start, the sudden wave of criticism directed at Wiji Cheon had seemed bizarre, and it was only now that Hyonwon Kang noticed the blades hanging from the waists of many of the assembled students.

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These guys are from the BRS! That bastard Seonwoo Jin stirred up the discontent among Yoo Yiran's followers and then fanned the flames!

Gritting his teeth, Hyonwon Kang glared at Seonwoo Jin. "You filthy son of a…"

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep the language civil. As fellow candidates for Club Union President, I feel like you're dragging me down," Seonwoo Jin retorted sarcastically.

Hyonwon Kang clenched his fists but didn't act rashly. The crowd was watching his every move intently. If a fight broke out here, no matter the outcome, it would only damage his image.

Damn it, I'll just look like I'm throwing a tantrum. That's exactly what Seonwoo Jin wants.

Forcing a smile, Hyonwon Kang politely addressed the students surrounding Wiji Cheon, "Everyone? Could you please step away from Jicheon?"

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No one moved.

"We can't accept this!"

"There's no way a freshman beat the Sword Flower!"

"Let us search him! If we don't find anything suspicious, we'll let him go."

The fans, driven by their obsession, pressed on with their demands, oblivious to how they were causing Yoo Yiran more embarrassment with every word. Despite this, Seonwoo Jin just stood there without making any effort to intervene, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

"Haha… What nonsense are you all talking… Keep making unreasonable demands, and you'll regret it…" Hyonwon Kang laughed bitterly. His hands were tied. As long as the mob didn't make the first move, it was impossible for him to justify the use of force.

Suddenly, a voice colder than ice sliced through the tension.

"This is ridiculous. Do you have no respect for the martial artists who just dueled?" Namgung Su rebuked, his words carrying the weight of authority as he approached the students.

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The crowd quivered. The pressure weighing on them wasn't just the aura of a martial arts master—it was the unique authority that only Namgung Su, the Star Instructor of the Azure Dragon Academy, possessed.

One of Yoo Yiran's fans recklessly protested, "B-But sir, something about this doesn't seem right… We need to investigate…"

Namgung Su clicked his tongue, eyeing the dao at the student's waist. "If that's all you got out of a duel of this level, then you'd best give up martial arts altogether."

"……" The fan hung his head in shame.

Namgung Su's sharp gaze swept across the group. "All of you will receive demerit points. Now get off the platform."

Not a single student dared to argue. Without a word, they left quietly, the fire in their eyes extinguished.

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Having swiftly defused the situation, Namgung Su turned to Wiji Cheon and Yoo Yiran. His expression softening slightly, he commended, "Both of you displayed remarkable swordsmanship today, especially…"

Namgung Su's eyes lingered on Wiji Cheon. The reason he hadn't intervened sooner was that Wiji Cheon's swordsmanship had left him deep in thought.

What was that sword technique? Did Baek Suryong teach him? This kid's talent… Damn it, I want to teach him myself.

He had a hundred questions to ask Wiji Cheon, but with so many eyes on them, now wasn't the time.

In the end, he simply said, "Continue to strive forward."

With that, he turned and left, and the chaotic atmosphere finally eased.

Yoo Yiran approached Wiji Cheon, looking exhausted but composed. "Sorry about that. I ended up showing you something embarrassing."

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Wiji Cheon shook his head. "No, it's fine. If I were in their shoes, I would've found the result strange too."

Yoo Yiran lowered her head in shame. Even after all that, Wiji Cheon still smiled and said it was okay. While none of it was her fault, she wished she could disappear.

"…Well, now you've got to defeat Dokgo Jun and take the Sword Dragon title. Then no one will question you."

"Hehe, I'll do my best."

"Don't think I've given up. Once you take it, I'll challenge you for it."

"Alright! I'll look forward to our next duel!"

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"By the way, how are your wounds? I'm the one who lost, so why are you the one covered in injuries?"

"…You caused most of them, Senior."

"You should've dodged better."

Perhaps because they had fought with everything they had, the two had grown closer, and were now even exchanging some light banter.

Suddenly, Yoo Yiran seemed to remember something. "Wait, I need to keep my promise."

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Yoo Yiran looked toward the audience, who were starting to disperse. "All SRS members, ATTENTION!" she shouted, her voice amplified with inner qi.

Everyone—SRS members and otherwise—immediately stopped in their tracks and turned around to listen to her.

Surveying the crowd, Yoo Yiran announced, "As of today, the Swordsmanship Research Society will endorse Candidate Hyonwon Kang for the position of Club Union President.


"Am I dreaming right now?"

A wave of shock rippled through the students. Not only the SRS members, but all students involved with the Club Union widened their eyes. Did they hear correctly? Was that an official endorsement from the SRS?!

Only the SRS leaders who were present at the meeting and knew of the bet nodded in acknowledgment, regarding Wiji Cheon with admiration and curiosity.

"Hahaha! Thank you, SRS President!" Hyonwon Kang grinned, his eyes sparkling with the joy of finally securing the SRS's support. If Tang Soso was right, this endorsement had just boosted his chances of winning to forty percent.

Of course, not everyone was pleased to hear the news.

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"What's the meaning of this, Yoo Yiran?" Seonwoo Jin shouted, his face twisted in anger. "Why are you supporting Hyonwon Kang all of a sudden? Did the whole SRS agree to this?"

Yoo Yiran met Seonwoo Jin's gaze coolly. "We made a bet. If I won the duel, Wiji Cheon would join the SRS. If Wiji Cheon won, the SRS would endorse Hyonwon Kang."

"You're deciding something this important based on a duel? What about the future of the Club Union? Your relationship with the BRS? Have you lost your mind?" Seonwoo Jin exclaimed, looked at Yoo Yiran like she had gone mad.

Ever conscious of his image, Seonwoo Jin usually weighed his words carefully, yet now he was lashing out, indifferent to the eyes upon him. The SRS's support was just too important to the Club Union. Without it, his overwhelming advantage would crumble.

Narrowing his eyes, he threatened, "Yoo Yiran! Retract that statement, now. You're only causing confusion. It won't change the outcome…"

"How dare you order me around, Seonwoo Jin?" Yoo Yiran cut Seonwoo Jin off sharply. "I'm more clear-headed now than ever. If anyone here's not thinking straight, it's you. Don't you think you're being too arrogant?"


"You're acting like you've already won, but even if you were Club Union President, you'd still have no right to tell me what to do."

"Yoo Yiran… Are you sure you won't regret this?" Seonwoo Jin warned.

Unfortunately, his threat backfired, and the SRS members immediately erupted in anger.

"Our President's opinion is our opinion."

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"Who are you to threaten President Yoo?"

"Do you think the Club Union belongs to you?"

Seeing the SRS members angrily defend their president, Seonwoo Jin realized his mistake. His needless threats had done nothing but fuel their animosity toward him. To make matters worse, the other students were observing the scene, and with each word that left his mouth, he only dug himself deeper into a pit.

Damn it… If I continue to pressure Yoo Yiran, I would only undermine myself in the end.

Ironically, he now found himself in the same predicament he had tried to impose on Hyonwon Kang earlier.

"Hahaha…" Seonwoo Jin forced a strained laugh. Plastering on a fake smile, he said, "It seems I got a little carried away. I apologize for my rude remarks."


"I understand and respect the SRS's decision. Now, if you'll excuse me, it seems I've overstayed my welcome."

Clasping his hands in a farewell gesture, Seonwoo Jin stormed off.

As he walked past Hyonwon Kang though, he leaned over and whispered into his ear, "You told me to do my best, right? Fine. I'll show you what happens when I go all out."

It was a harsh warning, but Hyonwon Kang was unperturbed. Smirking, he replied, "Quit spouting crap and start packing your things. You'll be moving out of the Club Union very soon."

Incensed, Seonwoo Jin shot him one last glare, then disappeared into the crowd.

Clenching his fist, Hyonwon Kang shook it rudely at Seonwoo Jin's departing back.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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