Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 74: Looks Like It's My Win

Chapter 74: Looks Like It's My Win

Shit For some reason, Im getting a bad feeling about this. Cho Mak-Saeng broke into a cold sweat, feeling so restless that even the pain in his stomach was forgotten.

At first, everything had gone according to plan. Hed led the old man and the boy named Wiji Cheon to the training hall, gathered a crowd of onlookers, and persuaded the eager old man to accept a duel. All that remained was to embarrass the old man in front of the crowd.

Old man, lets play it safe and duel with wooden swords. It would be bad if you got injured before the entrance exam.

Hoho, I agree. Safety first.

Cho Mak-Saeng sneered. Does this geezer not know that even wooden swords can break bones? But thats not enough. Should I spice things up further?

In deference to your seniority, how about I concede the first three strikes?

Hoho, I accept, Gongson Su replied, raising his sword so lethargically that he nearly lulled the audience to sleep.

Though Cho Mak-Saeng remained wary, his confidence surged. I could block this blindfolded, he thought, lazily raising his sword.

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However, Gongson Sus sword unexpectedly accelerated partway through his swing.

welcomes you.


Caught off guard, Cho Mak-Saeng barely managed to block. Normally, he wouldnt have been surprised by an attack at that speed, but the change in tempo threw him off.

Agitated, he instinctively retaliated.

Oh my! Gongson Su chuckled, dodging with ease. I thought you were going to give me three free strikes, but it seems like deceit is also part of martial arts Thank you, I have learned a very valuable lesson.

No Realizing his folly, Cho Mak-Saengs face flushed. He glanced at the peanut gallery, only to see the cold, judging eyes of his tutoring classmates, the Azure Dragon Academy seniors, and even the instructors.

Fuck! I cant let myself be dishonored like this!

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He immediately lowered his head and apologized, Im sorry, that was my mistake. As compensation, you may have the two remaining No, you can have another three free strikes.

Hmm, I wonder if I can trust you this time Gongson Su mumbled, eyeing Cho Mak-Saeng suspiciously.

Sly old man! Cursing under his breath, Cho Mak-Saeng strived to maintain his composure as he reaffirmed, I swear it on my honor.

I see. Okay, Ill give you the benefit of the doubt, Gongson Su conceded.

The duel resumed. In a repeat of the last time, Gongson Su approached Cho Mak-Saeng slowly and cautiously.

Unlike before, Cho Mak-Saeng concentrated on blocking the incoming blows, but unfortunately, Gongson Sus tactics exceeded his wildest imagination. While Cho Mak-Saengs eyes were focused on Gongson Sus sword, the old man instead shortened the distance and punched him in the stomach.


Ugh! Cho Mak-Saeng groaned, stumbling backwards from the impact of being struck in the same place twice.

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Gongson Su immediately apologized, Oops! Im sorry, it seems that I overestimated your defenses Can you continue?

Keuk Yes, Cho Mak-Saeng replied, scrambling to regain his balance.

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Gongson Su, however, stood still as if he had no intention of continuing with the duel. Hmm, are you feeling unwell today? If so, how about we call it a draw? he suggested worriedly.

A draw? Cho Mak-Saengs eyes flashed with unbridled fury. Everything about Gongson Su, from his demeanor to his tone to his concern, irked him. As if that wasnt enough, his fellow students Jin Jin and Namgoong Seok were looking at him with contempt and indifference, respectively.

He spat on the ground, saying, Dont talk to me like youve already won, old man. I havent even gotten started yet.

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Hoho, I was just worried about you

Just shut up and fight! Cho Mak-Saeng shouted. No more games. Ill repay you tenfold, starting with shattering every bone in your decrepit body!

Cho Mak-Saeng charged at Gongson Su, determined to strike back with a vengeance. Then, with a thunderous crack, he rent the air with his wooden sword.

Some of the spectators frowned.

Why arent you reading this at ?

Hey, isnt that a killing technique?

Shouldnt someone intervene?

Before anyone could step in, however, Gongson Su responded to the onslaught with poise even as he mumbled to himself, Hoho, I was skeptical, but it looks like Mr. Baek was right after all.

He recalled a conversation hed had with Baek Su-Ryong about his strengths and weaknesses some time ago.

Student Gongson Su, what do you think your strengths are?

Im quite muscular for my age? Or maybe, Im actually a genius?

Baek Su-Ryong rolled his eyes. Your first strength is your nerves of steel. Perhaps because youve been through so much, you never close your eyes or look away in the face of danger.


Gongson Sus eyes widened in shock as Baek Su-Ryongs sudden attack narrowly missed him.

Why arent you reading this at ?

You werent intimidated just now, were you? Baek Su-Ryong asked.

So what? Even if I could see it, I couldnt react in welcomes you.

Thats only because the gap between us is like a bottomless chasm.

A bottomless chasm? I see

Anyway, your second strength is your outward appearance. Youre older than the other applicants, you started learning martial arts late, and you dont look very fit.

Shadow, is he insulting me?

Should I beat him up, Elder?

How about the two of you let me finish talking first before you make any rash judgments? What I mean is that your looks are deceptive, so the little kids youll meet will naturally look down on you. Take advantage of that.

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Your third strength is an extension of the second. I know youre good at psychological warfare, so use it to gain an advantage in combat.

Are you saying I should provoke my opponent into making a mistake?

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Yep. Taunt them, trash talk them, make them careless and then finish them off.

You know, you sound a lot like one of those unscrupulous villains in martial arts novels right now If it werent for your handsome face, I would have mistaken you for an unorthodox sect master.

Ufufu, Im just a very open-minded person. So, to sum it up, just by playing dirty and torturing them mentally, you can toy with the little bastards at the Azure Dragon Academy to your hearts content.

Oh my

Also, if you learn Thought Transmission, no one will know what you told your opponents, heheheh

Recalling Baek Su-Ryongs evil laughter, Gongson Su smiled. Hoho, Im pretty good at laughing like that myself

AAAAARGH! Cho Mak-Saeng roared, swinging his blade wildly like a crazed animal.

I assure you, child, my hearing is not so bad that you need to scream, Gongson Su commented, even as he deftly dodged all of Cho Mak-Saengs blows.


Y arent you reading this at ?

Huh? Was I talking that loudly? But youre louder than me

Damn geezer!

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Hohoho! Gongson Su laughed. Having traversed the treacherous intrigues of the devils nest known as the Imperial Palace, as soon as Cho Mak-Saeng had begun speaking with Wiji Cheon, hed immediately recognized the boy for the trash he was.

Hes the quintessential bully, preying on the weak and sucking up to the strong. The type I hate the most.

He would enjoy punishing this punk.

Honestly, I was skeptical, but Mr. Baek was right about everything.

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What the fuck are you talking about?

I wasnt talking to you, kid, Gongson Su grinned. I can see right through him. I can read his mind so clearly, I can tell where hes aiming, what hes thinking, and how hes going to move next. Hoho, I feel like Ive made a breakthrough.

Basking in the thrill of his successful strategy, Gongson Sus sword drew graceful arcs in the air, slowly but surely pushing Cho Mak-Saeng backward and eliciting gasps of admiration from the onlookers.

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Isnt that the Wudang Sects martial arts?

No, but its definitely Taoist in essence

Indeed, its remarkably refined.

Theyre all wrong, Gongson Su thought. I havent learned any sophisticated martial arts. Im just demonstrating the principle that Mr. Baek keeps stressing to me, the principle that gentleness can overcome strength.

The stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.1

It was a simple principle, but it wasnt easy to do. Over the past month, Gongson Su had to summon up the courage to stand up to overwhelming brute force that would break his bones if he took it head on even once.

Fuck! Even though youre just a useless geezer! Cho Mak-Saeng seethed with frustration as he felt his sharp and forceful slashes being sucked into a swirling vortex, as if drained away. What the hell is going on? The old man is neither fast nor strong, so I should be able to defeat him easily! Then why? Why isnt he going down!?

AAAAAAAAH! Desperate and agitated, he poured all his qi into his wooden sword. Ill end this with the next blow!

The winner has been decided, a chilling voice in the audience declared.

Why arent you reading this at ?

Namgoong Seok and Jin Jin froze, then slowly turned around, trembling.

M-Master Namgoong Seok stuttered.

Why arent you reading this at

Namgoong Su, who had suddenly appeared behind his students, said sternly, Ill hear your excuses later. For now, carefully observe how this duel ends. Witness the consequences of ignorance and arrogance, and never make the same mistake.

Understood, Namgoong Seok replied, even as he felt a chill run down his spine at the harsh criticism. Namgoong Su was merciless and unforgiving even toward his own students.

He turned his attention back to the ongoing match.

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Cho Mak-Saengs onslaught crashed down on Gongson Su like a tidal wave.


However, Gongson Su swiftly exploited a slight opening in Cho Mak-Saengs defenses, delivering precise strikes to the boys wrist and thigh. Though not powerful, these blows were enough to force Cho Mak-Saeng to drop his sword and fall to his knees in defeat.

Looks like its my win, Gongson Su said, smiling gleefully as he pointed his sword at Cho Mak-Saengs throat.

If youre seeing this, you are at the wrong place.

Grr Cho Mak-Saeng glared at Gongson Su.

Gongson Sus gentle smile morphed into a vicious sneer. Child, dont think I dont know that you were trying to humiliate me in front of everyone.

N-No, I

Reality isnt as forgiving as you think it is. If you choose to scheme, you need to be aware that actions have consequences.

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Ugh Cho Mak-Saeng grimaced. Not only had he lost the duel, but his opponent had known his intentions all along.

Please think carefully before you act in the future, Gongson Su lectured, before turning to leave the dueling ring.

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Well, I said that, but it takes more than words to change someones behavior. Still, was I this tired? I didnt notice at all As soon as Gongson Su relaxed, he was overcome with fatigue. Mentally, however, he felt remarkably refreshed. When I return to the White Dragon Manor, Ill brag to Shadow about my victory today.


As Gongson Su walked into the crowd, a chorus of cheers and applause broke out.

Huh? Gongson Su blinked in confusion. Looking around, he saw countless admiring faces.

Old man, youre seriously awesome!

You ought to read this at

That was great!

Read this at, or else.

I heard earlier, arent you the oldest applicant ever?

Thats amazing, to be able to take on such a challenge at that age

A realization dawned on him. The young martial artists he had once idolized as a child were now cheering him on with all their hearts. Immediately, an indescribable joy coursed through him and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Hoho, hohoho


A familiar voice called out to him, waving from the back of the crowd. It was Wiji Cheon.

What a good child. Is he even more touched by this than I am? Hes bawling his eyes out

Hohoho Thank you. Thank you all! With hands clasped in gratitude, Gongson Su acknowledged the crowd.


Suddenly, Cho Mak-Saeng screamed, eyes ablaze, and lunged at Gongson Su from behind.

  1. This is Bruce Lees translation of a quote by Laozi, a legendary ancient Chinese philosopher who is said to have written the Tao Te Ching, the foundational book of Taoism. What Author-nim wrote was the Korean translation of this quote. 

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