Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 77 - 67 The Supreme Secret

Chapter 77: Chapter 67 The Supreme Secret

Long Aotian!

As soon as he heard this title, Liu Suiyun was deeply moved. You should know that in the Vault of Heaven World, there are many titles. The leaders of some sects even use the same title for dozens of generations. Just like Liu Suiyun knows the leader of a certain super sect who is always called "Heavenly River Sword Lord".

However, among these titles, none will cause such fierce contention as Long Aotian. He is extremely domineering, extremely vulgar, famous all over the world, and infamous. No matter what kind of controversy there is, an absolute truth is that no matter which generation of Long Aotian it is, with just a flick of a finger, a group of female cultivators who are desperate to throw themselves at him will come.

The weight of the title of Long Aotian is not much weaker than that of the leaders of major sects like the Shenxiao Sect and the Tianhong Sect. Therefore, Liu Suiyun pursued and asked, "He wants to contend for the title of Long Aotian. Isn't his weight a bit too light? He is just a quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator!"

How could a qi-luck child like Long Aotian be coveted by a small cultivator at the false Nascent Soul stage! Liu Suiyun even remembered that An Zhiyu had specifically introduced that this True Lord Beihe is even known as the one most qualified to take the title of Long Aotian.

Or perhaps, this True Lord Beihe has some extraordinary qualities.

An Zhiyu quickly gave the answer: "That's right. True Lord Beihe is just a false Nascent Soul cultivator. If he weren't a qi-luck child and had a fortuitous encounter, how could he have the opportunity to take the position of Long Aotian? It's all because of a Daoist scripture."

"Daoist scripture?"

Liu Suiyun remembered that Xu Zhaori had told him that the purpose of opening this tomb this time was for a Daoist scripture. Except for this Daoist scripture, he didn't want anything else. Presumably, the Daoist scripture obtained by True Lord Beihe must be hidden in his tomb.

An Zhiyu asked triumphantly in return, "Does Commander Xing know about the Daoist scripture 'Supreme Secret Essentials'?"

"Supreme Secret Essentials?"

Liu Suiyun's heart couldn't help but beat violently: "Could it be the 'Supreme Secret Essentials' of the Taibai Sword Sect? It is said that it is the second Daoist scripture in the Vault of Heaven Realm on the Tianhua Wall!"

According to legend, in a certain mysterious place in the Vault of Heaven, there is a Tianhua Wall. This Tianhua Wall is an ancient divine object. As soon as there is a response from the will of heaven, whenever all the divine weapons, divine elixirs, Daoist scriptures and other peerless magic treasures in the Vault of Heaven Realm appear, they will immediately appear on the spiritual wall. It is extremely effective.

And this "Supreme Secret Essentials" is the supreme Daoist method of the Taibai Sword Sect. The original book had a hundred volumes. When it was passed down to the Taibai Sword Sect, there were only eighty-nine volumes left. After several earth-shattering catastrophes, the Taibai Sword Sect was once left with only forty-three volumes. And even among these forty-three volumes of Daoist scriptures, there are incomplete parts.

And Mo Yixuan, the current head of the Taibai Sword Sect, is said to be an extraordinary genius. He spent a hundred years and recovered thirty-three volumes of Daoist scriptures one after another. Then he spent another hundred years to collate and verify the incomplete volumes. Not only did he find countless lost texts and fragments from countless piles of old papers, but also he extensively quoted and corroborated his own learning with this Daoist scripture. It is said that he has integrated all the Daoist meanings in it and finally restored this "Supreme Secret Essentials" to its original state. There are even three more volumes than when it was first passed down to the Taibai Sword Sect.

This can be said to be learning for others rather than for oneself. But after Mo Yixuan completely restored the old view of the secret essentials, not only did the Taibai Sword Sect fully recover its vitality, but also outstanding talents emerged in succession. It is said that there are nine great cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage, faintly having the trend of being the number one sect in the Vault of Heaven Realm. It is all said to be due to the merits of this "Supreme Secret Essentials".

And on the Tianhua Wall, this Daoist scripture that had originally fallen out of the rankings has also leaped to become the second Daoist scripture in the world. It is even higher than when the Daoist scripture was first passed down to the Taibai Sword Sect. I don't know how many Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators have desired to read this Daoist scripture but couldn't.

Liu Suiyun originally only knew some fragmentary knowledge about this secret. Fortunately, Gu Yinghua had listened to Wugou Shenni and several senior sisters discuss the top Daoist scriptures in the present world and overheard a few passages. Only then did Liu Suiyun know so many anecdotes. But this is all she knows. As for other Daoist scriptures on the Tianhua Wall, Liu Suiyun is almost completely ignorant.

An Zhiyu was very surprised and said, "You actually know about the Tianhua Wall? And you also know that the 'Supreme Secret Essentials' ranks second. Not bad, very rare! But now the"Supreme Secret Essentials"has fallen to third place among the Daoist scriptures on the Tianhua Wall."

"Has it fallen to third place? Has another peerless Daoist scripture appeared?" Liu Suiyun casually asked, "I wonder what its name is?"

An Zhiyu immediately replied, "Yes. I heard from senior brothers in the sect that recently, the Tianhua Wall has been shining brightly with colorful clouds surrounding it. For three days and three nights in a row, not a single word could be seen. Finally, when the colorful clouds dispersed, the 'Supreme Secret Essentials' had fallen to third place. In the first position, there is only a chaotic appearance. Obviously, this Daoist scripture has not officially appeared yet."

Originally, with An Zhiyu's status in the Tianhong Sect, he is not qualified to know such secrets. But just as Liu Suiyun has a woman who knows the inside story, although he has failed to establish his foundation and wasted his time, he has many old friends and can sometimes know some secrets.

At his age, he pays the most attention to face issues. Otherwise, he wouldn't constantly mention things like "alternative reserve disciples for Golden Core" all the time. As soon as he heard that Liu Suiyun was very interested in this matter, he showed off non-stop: "You should know that this Daoist scripture has not officially appeared yet and has already ranked as the number one Daoist scripture in the Vault of Heaven. If it officially appears, how earth-shattering it will be. I'm afraid it will not only be a contention in the Vault of Heaven Realm. Only such a Daoist scripture can truly achieve true immortality."

But only when he said this did he realize that he had led the topic too far and pulled it back to the "Supreme Secret Essentials": "Let's continue talking about that True Lord Beihe. That True Lord Beihe is naturally of the temperament of Long Aotian. Every step is full of danger and the whole world is his enemy. But he almost snatched the title of the seventeenth generation Long Aotian. The reason is that he obtained several volumes of incomplete copies of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials'."

"How did these incomplete volumes come about? Whether they were passed down from the Taibai Sword Sect and how did they fall into the hands of True Lord Beihe? Now it is impossible to research. But after True Lord Beihe took a wrong step and not only failed to become Long Aotian but also accidentally fell. Everyone thought that these several volumes of incomplete copies had fallen into the hands of the Supreme Demon Sect. And because True Lord Beihe aroused the wrath of heaven and people, my Tianhong Sect took its place. But these several volumes of incomplete copies have disappeared."

In fact, the words "Tianhong Sect took its place" are greatly exaggerated. The truth is that the Shenxiao Sect, Linghua Sect, and Tianhong Sect joined forces to divide the territory of the Supreme Demon Sect completely. Finally, it evolved into the three countries of Great Han, Great Jin, and Great Chu. But Liu Suiyun will not argue with An Zhiyu on this issue.

An Zhiyu continued, "Although I am old and my qi and blood are both declining, I accidentally found the whereabouts of these incomplete volumes of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials'. It is truly heaven helping me. I am destined to achieve great success late. What is a Golden Core?!"

Liu Suiyun was startled: "Could it be that those several volumes of incomplete copies of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials' are in the tomb of True Lord Beihe?"

"Although it's not exactly right, it's close. A wise person can be taught. A wise person can be taught!" The old man An Zhiyu was extremely proud as he spoke: "After going through countless hardships and spending more than ten years of painstaking efforts, I finally figured out that True Lord Beihe brought an incomplete volume of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials' into his own tomb. Although there is only one volume, it is the most crucial one. Do you know which volume it is?"

An Zhiyu smiled so much that even his yellow teeth were exposed: "You can't guess it, right? It's the 'Spiritual Plant Volume', the most crucial and important volume on spiritual plants!"

Liu Suiyun was originally listening intently to An Zhiyu's explanation. But as soon as he heard An Zhiyu mention the three words "Spiritual Plant Volume", his expression couldn't help but freeze for a moment. An Zhiyu thought that he had completely stunned Liu Suiyun and continued to speak: "Among all kinds of techniques in the world, spiritual planting is the most mysterious and has the most benefits. Plant a seed in spring and harvest ten thousand bushels of grain in autumn! This time, I am collaborating with little friend Zhaori to explore the tomb of True Lord Beihe. I was thinking of inviting Commander Xing to join us in this grand event. If we can obtain this volume of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials', the benefits will be endless!"

No matter which volume of the "Supreme Secret Essentials" it is, the benefits are endless. No wonder Xu Zhaori would put aside the most crucial Foundation Establishment Pill.

You should know that what is recorded in the "Supreme Secret Essentials" are all truly supreme great methods. Even if there is only one volume, it is enough to make people go crazy. Although there is only one incomplete volume on spiritual planting techniques in the tomb, just the name of the second Daoist scripture in the Vault of Heaven Realm alone can make countless Golden Core cultivators go crazy.

But after being stunned, Liu Suiyun became unexpectedly calm: "I really can't do it. Senior An. You and Zhaori are both at the fourteenth level of Qi Refining cultivation. Ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivators are not your opponents. And I am only at the fifth level of Qi Refining. That True Lord Beihe was at the half-step Nascent Soul realm. With just a puff of breath, he could blow me away..."

"Even though Senior Beihe has fallen for a thousand years, there must be countless dangers in that tomb. A gust of cold wind could freeze me, such a small cultivator to death. I really don't have enough ability. I'm very sorry!"

An Zhiyu had originally thought of countless plans. Unexpectedly, Liu Suiyun actually flatly refused. All the plan he had envisioned became useless efforts. He could only speak to persuade: "Young man, young man. If you want to achieve the Golden Core Great Dao and enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world, you always have to take a risk. I see that you are not young anymore. Do you want to be a small Qi Refining cultivator for the rest of your life? If you can join us in this grand event this time, I can make an exception and let you read this 'Spiritual Plant Volume' of the 'Supreme Secret Essentials'!"

When he saw that Liu Suiyun was still as firm as a mountain in his intention, he offered an even higher price: "If Commander Xing is really willing to join us in this grand event, I can also allow Commander Xing to copy a duplicate. How about it?"

This condition even made Guo Huijun on the side tempted. She also just learned the cause and effect of this matter: "Senior An, then my family's Zhaori should also be allowed to copy a duplicate. Otherwise, it's not fair!"

"Sure, sure!" An Zhiyu said again: "If Commander Xing feels that his cultivation is insufficient, I have some powerful and progressive divine medicines here that can temporarily raise one's cultivation by one level! What does Commander Xing think?"

Liu Suiyun still said the same thing: "Thank you, Senior An. I appreciate your kindness. But I am different from Zhaori. I am a citizen of the State of Han."

This means that he is inclined towards the Shenxiao Sect. An Zhiyu was really angry now. His old face darkened: "Commander Xing, don't be ungrateful. If you are not willing to go, then I can only fill it with human lives! You know who those people are, right? It is said that Commander Xing knows how to take care of old friends and won't watch old friends fill it with human lives, right?"

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