Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 26: Captive~3!

Chapter 26: Captive~3!

[Ciel's POV: ]

'Is he really just a year older than me… '

There was a wry smile on Ciel's lips as she saw the spectacle in front unfolding. 

It's been some minutes since Seth began his onslaught on the group of ambushers and was overwhelming the battlefield, to say the least. 

The man standing beside Ciel also gawked at the one-sided battle where Seth either cut the legs of the attackers or broke them mercilessly. To summarize, he was just restraining them at their place. 

The sight was flabbergasting in the first place because of two reasons. 

First, Seth was no warrior and his coachman knew that he also neglected his martial training in the past. The middle-aged man has been serving the family for more than two decades after all. 

The second reason is his age and experience. A person gets to know about worldly dangers only once they graduate from the academy. Sure they are sent to temples for field training but killing monsters under the close watch of high-ranking teachers and subsidizing a dozen humans without thinking twice, was a completely different thing. 

Even Ciel had never seriously hurt someone before, much to the extent that cutting their limbs seemed like he was just waving his hands over flower beds….?

It was impressive and horrifying at the same time. 

Even Ciel who was brought up in a family of warriors couldn't fathom what life the President has gone through to attain such a degree of ruthlessness. 

It was not a hidden fact that the President was the first child of Albeck Duchy yet the way Ciel was seeing things, it seemed he was brought up in an environment where he had no option rather than to be the best in what he did. 

'As I thought… I don't know a single thing about you, Prez.. '

Her thought came to a pause as she saw Seth halting after finally separating the last shrouded man's leg. 

Even with that much moving and the showers of blood he passed through, his uniform carried no stains or disturbing creases. He was fine and handsome as always. 

'What even I… '

Shooing away her useless thoughts, Ciel approached the President and so did the coachman albeit two steps behind. 

"Collect them and line them up." 

"Understood, young master." 

Ciel had no idea why the President requested such a blizzard thing and she intended to not ask about it either. 

"A-Are you hurt somewhere, President?" 

For some reason, after seeing him in action and how valiantly he fought, Ciel found herself in slight trouble with how to talk.  

In response to her earnest concern, Seth didn't even turn toward her and just nodded with a hum. 

Ciel narrowed her eyes and somehow didn't let the air fill her left cheek and childish pout to form, as she stood at her place wordlessly ever after. 

Brad did his work brilliantly and within half a minute, he placed all the thirteen bandits side by side, on the ground. Brad didn't forget to put a thick cloth inside the mouth of those who were shouting like a maniac. 

The robust man had equipment and experience in this since being the driver of a royal carriage was something he never took lightly. He knew his job and the necessities it required. 

Ciel winced once again upon seeing the brutal conditions of the bandits who lay lifelessly on the ground; however , none of them were dead. Some lost consciousness because of blood loss. Some were screaming muffledly due to the uncertain shape in which their legs were bent. 

But even so, there was no regret or sorrow on the President's face even after witnessing the inhumanity he had bestowed. 

Ciel didn't hate his way of things but certainly, she did not completely appreciate it either. 

'Not like I can have any say in this… '

She knew what the President did was justifiable and sooner or later she also had to accept that ideology as well. However, this little innocence her teenage allowed her to showcase was nowhere to be seen in the man who was almost the same age as her. 

She needs to improve or she will never stand by his side… 


With a wave of his hand, Seth sent a shockwave through the ambushers' minds in order to wake those who fainted and tame those who were behaving wildly. 

The trick worked and the look of anger, hatred, and pain was directed by the thirteen toward this single man standing tall and utterly unaffected by those gazes. 


Under those heavy eyes, Seth took out a pink potion contained inside a small slim flask from his spatial storage. 

Most of them widened their eyes as finally Seth began to narrate what judgment he had concluded upon.

"I know you all have an idea what it is, so I won't bother with the details. What's concerning is the quantity."

The potion he held was a High-Grade healing elixir named [Serum of the Faith], which only the church supplies to high nobles and if paid the price, then to commoners as well. 

The potion, as it seems, could heal a person from most of their illness, reattach their missing body parts and also provide a boost for a couple of hours. Worth to be called a high-ranking elixir. 

But the dilemma was what the green-haired boy said. The quantity of the potion. All thirteen were injured in the same manner, more or less. 

All of them needed that pink content resting  inside the flask. However, Seth was no saint to grant their wishes. 

The next thing that leaked out his mouth made Ciel, Brad and of course, the bandits shocked beyond belief. 

"Since I have only twelve of these… I will grant any twelve of you with mercy. However, in return, you all have to honestly point out to your leader so I don't end up feeding a snake." 

The result came out not so long after, however, Seth altered the condition of his promise, just a little bit. 

Just a little bit… 



A/N: - Ciel's personality would seem a little contradictory but that's how I am intending her to be. A little righteous however easily manipulatable by her dear Prez~ 

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