Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 99: Confession!

Chapter 99: Confession!

In his past life, Saito Misuzo was a popular guy who always liked to be surrounded by people and be the center of attraction.

He liked to show off his talent and gain as much attention as he could.

Maybe it was because of his family who mostly neglected Saito all his life that gave birth to this peculiar urge in Saito and thus he always strived to be the best in order to remain in the spotlight.

He just...didn't want to be left alone...

In middle school, he was on the list of high rankers and always did great in sports to the point where many teachers offered him to play further for his nation. Saito was satisfied with such a development since that was what he always desired.

Coupled with his looks, he got confessed to by many beauties ever since middle high but he never was interested in romance and always wanted to be a single guy so he could flirt openly. He didn't want to be bound by anything and longed to always keep running forward and leave everyone behind.

But everything came crashing down in the high school when a certain boy began to turn various gazes in his direction because of his looks and talent which was superior to Saito.

Yes, he was Ryuuta.

Saito was defeated by him in every field. Whether it is academic or practical, Ryuuta was better than Saito by a wide margin. Whether it was being liked by teachers or being surrounded by classmates, Ryuuta was the one who got everything and left Saito in the dust.

And even the most beautiful girl in the school, Miyuki, was after him even though the guy was completely clueless about her affection.

Slowly, Saito's annoyance turned into hatred before he began to plan the path by which he could bring the complete demise of Ryuuta.

He befriended him to keep his schedule and on various occasions, Saito would send delinquents to beat Ryuuta up and disable him so the bastard could stop being so full of himself.

He even went further and tried to kill Ryuuta in the blindness of hatred but it all went futile since Ryuuta was somehow able to escape his every death flag like he was some kind of thick plot armored protagonist.

Then came the day when the person whom Saito did his best to kill, suddenly was thrown off the cliff by his own little sister. It was such an irony that the person who always seemed to be protective of that bastard became the reason for his downfall.

But Saito was aware of Mayu's action and so he followed them behind to destroy Ryuuta in the next life. If not in the face of Ryuuta then it would be Seth now. He would take Seth's beloved professor from him and make his life miserable slowly to the point of no return.

Ryuuta had always crushed over this fictional character, so Saito had no problem grasping the woman required to prepare enough blackmailing material for Seth to become a puppet who dance on Saito's palm.

It was supposed to go like that but...

"You can release the Professor, Mayu. I have already erased the Charmer from her."

Ethan's eyes widened like a saucer as he heard Seth's composed tone regarding the Charmer mist he implanted in Haruka to have Seth in his control.

It took a lot of time for Ethan to devise this plan and had to make many sacrifices to get the woman in his clutches but now when he was trying to find the connection...there was left none.

The Charmer works as a link between the host and the prey's mind. It works as a manipulative sedative and also has a main function, synchronization. Once the host dies, the prey would die along with them as well.

It was the reason why Ethan implanted the Mist inside Haruka since he knew the prowess Seth had and the backing he was provided with. In normal circumstances, the blonde man would have never won so he wanted to take advantage of the woman whom Seth held dear to him.

But now...that connection was lost...

'But how! Wait...don't tell me he has grown that much!!! '

Ethan's eyes were moistening because of the separation of his lashes for so long but due to the shock, he was feeling at the moment, such small details were ignored.

There were only countable mages in this world who could subdue the Charmer Mist which was a second-tier artifact and Seth was far away from that level to handle the Mist.

Or so Ethan believed...


Entering inside someone's subconscious and pulling out some shapeless hue was not something Seth could have pulled off if not for this recent dungeon training he had and how he got to know the full extent of his skills.

He may be lacking in some fields but overall he was reaching the limit of his skill grade and thus he was quite satisfied for now.

Something sensitive as getting the mist out of Haruka was not something Seth would have done if not for Anabelle's presence who had her spell [Reversal] active around Haruka, in case some unforeseen circumstance might arise.

Her spell restores someone's mental or physical condition to a second in the past whenever she wants but for that, Anabelle had to keep her eyes on the target and restrict any interruption in between.

There are drawbacks as well, like Anabelle's fastened exhaustion rate and also her vulnerability as long she had her spell activated. But it was all sorted out since Seth was fast with his work and had already put a barrier around the office to avoid any interruption.

The mist was extracted and currently, and the lady was lying on her table and was asleep soundly. Seth pulled a blanket from his inventory and draped it over the adorable sensei who suffered because of his negligence.

Thinking about it, Seth coldly turned his gaze toward Ethan as the green-haired boy did his best to suppress his killing intent to not harm the two ladies in the room.

Seth was annoyed like this after a long time. And more than crushing this blondie's head, Seth wanted nothing else.

But before that...

"Why not scoop some information from this shitless head of yours..."


At the same time, at a different corner of the academy stood two figures in an isolated place behind the academic block.

One of them was a beautiful blond girl who currently had a perplexed expression written all over her face since being called out by her friend suddenly after the second lecture was totally out of blue.

"What is it Arata, that you wanted to tell so urgently?"

Serena urged the boy to say it already for he dragged her so long to this place where they had a high chance of being caught, skipping lectures.

But when Arata's words really voiced out, Serena's previous confused expression turned into pure shock.

"The thing is... I love you, Serena. Not just now, but I was in love with you for a long time."


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