Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 113: Overdoing It Even in the Examinations

Chapter 113: Overdoing It Even in the Examinations

Walking before me is a seemingly exhausted Sola. And beside her, Urania is patting her on the shoulder as if to console her, while Est is behind me wearing a strained smile.

Lily, youre just too much! Nn, its Lily so it cant be helped. You two Rather, Lily being abnormal is completely normal. Urania

From their harsh remarks, I honestly feel depressed. Why did it end up like this!? Its true that I might have overdone it a bit, but did I really go that far?

It was right after we finished the fire attribute examination, when we were doing the earth attribute test.

The earth attribute examination was to sculpt something, anything, with earth magic. I expected there to be some heckling like back then on the fire attribute test, but although earth is one of the fundamental attributes, its not really popular, and there werent any examinees other than Urania and I.

Among the fundamental attributes, the earth attribute can bring forth material objects. While there are some, like Needle and Wall, that require materials from the surrounding area, earth attribute magic has a lot of utility.

While Urania created a cute stout golem, I made a detailed 1/1000 miniature of the castle, which surprised the examiners. I was also surprised with how easier sculpting with a model in front of me was compared to making a magical item, but I was told that something that small and detailed would normally collapse on itself.

After that was the water attribute examination. Sola was with me this time. The test subject differed from the others up until now, theres a specified magic and magecraft to be used, and we were required to produce water, freeze the water, change water into vapor, and control the flow of water.

Water magic is difficult to use in combat as it is. However, it can be transformed into various different shapes and, similar to earth magic, can leave behind a material object when turned into ice. Anyhow, since its extremely versatile, its the second most popular attribute right after fire.1

As we were told to produce the maximum amount of water we can control, Sola brilliantly brought forth 20 liters of water. And not learning anything from my mistakes until now, I produced the maximum amount of water I could control. As a result, the tent was completely flooded out.

Thankfully, the water is completely filled with my magic power, so I immediately gathered it and turned it into vapor. Copying Sola, I left 20 liters of water and continued the examination.2 Yeah, while the tent didnt get drenched since it was water produced from magic, I seriously panicked. Lets be careful from now on.

After this, we headed to the wind attribute tent. With that, I was about to complete all the four fundamental attributes. The wind attributes advantage is its extremely wide area of effect. Its to the point where weather-type magic, Adans specialty, is completely out of the question if one cant use wind attribute magic.

The wind attribute test is, just like the fire attribute one, to attack a doll. Unlike the fire attribute test, the doll isnt fitted with armor but, in exchange, each examinee are given ten dolls each, I guess?

Urania and I chose the basic combat magic Cut. It activates extremely fast and the magic itself is quick, so its really easy to cast multiple or expand its range. Urania fired Cut on each of her targets and received an A-class assessment, while I made a Cut large enough to hit all 10 of them in one go.

And it was probably a mistake, as when the gigantic Cut magic touched a doll, it vacuumed the dolls and shredded them into bits and pieces. From this horrific result, it wasnt only the examiner and Sola who were taken aback, but even I who caused this can only barely muster a cramped smile. Rather, Im glad I didnt try this against people It would have been too much of a splatterfest.

Did I, perhaps, go overboard? If you realized it, then Id be extremely delighted. Lily..

It seems like I did worse than I imagined. Urania is looking at me like shes a disappointed mother.

Next would be the alchemic examination, the only one taking it will be Lily, yes? Thats right. I have experience in producing magical tools, so Im hoping that this would be of use but If thats the case, then you can present one of your past works instead of taking the test.

Alchemy is a form of magic and magecraft, and its function is specialized in crafting and modification. Even in my past life, I think it was considered to be a technique for creating gold, and in the same way, alchemy is a form of magic that uses magic power to transfigure objects into something of a higher level.

Lady Lily, is it? Weve been informed by the great sage that you will submit your craft for the test. Additionally, weve been left with the message, Dont you use that stone, but Uhh, right. Understood. Then please accept this.

The stone refers to the mock Philosophers Stone I made on a whim. Since were in a fantasy world after all, I tried making one, but then it went better than I expected. A Philosophers Stone is said to be capable of turning metal into gold and water into a potion of immortality, the elixir, but the one I made was just somewhat inferior to that.3

It cant turn metal into gold, but it can turn an ordinary pebble into iron. It cant turn water into an elixir, but it can turn it into a potion that can heal injuries and cure diseases to a certain extent. This is clearly an overspeced item, so I sealed it into the deep depths of the Dream Storage.

And so what I submitted was the anti-intruder magical tool Ive installed all over the Iglesio estate. It looks like an ordinary ball, but its designed to detect nearby magic power, and will sound an alarm and electrify anyone coming near it. I was pretty fussy about the magic power detection feature, so theres a setting for making exceptions for magic power that was registered in advance.

In cases of magical tool submission, the examiners would have to dismantle it for a thorough analysis, so they cant give an immediate assessment. For now, I just presented it and then we headed to the next examination area.

  1. Silva: So Fire is really popular eh, you really cant judge a person by their attributes eh.
  2. Lilith: Humidity spike throughout the kingdom
  3. Lyly: Did you try sacrificing a human soul yet?

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