Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 91: Counterfeit Demon Lord

Chapter 91: Counterfeit Demon Lord

Anyway, can you remember your family? I dont know my father. My mother only her face

I suppose she was sold to slavery before she could get acquainted with her parents. Otherwise, perhaps her parents were slaves too? Whichever it is, its a sad thing. More than it being unforgivable, the fact that people would sell their family for money is sad.

Obviously, I can probably only say this because Im in a safer position and can earn as much money as I want. Even still, would it be arrogant to wish for a family to be happy with each other?

Then what about the one that ordered you to attack this place? I-I cant talk about the master! If I do, Ill be choked!

Hm? From the looks of it, she doesnt seem to have any of that sort of magic on her though Ah, come to think of it, I undid her contract sigil. So that can be used in that way too, huh? Thats nasty.

If its about the contract sigil, then you need not worry about it. Look, its already off, meaning youre no longer a slave. Eh? No way!? They said even court magicians cant take it off

Hm? Its a lot easier than controlling Corona Burn though? Huh? Wait, even court magicians cant use Corona Burn, right? Then does this mean Im more proficient than court magicians in magic power control?

Ahh I guess it was a third-rate job then? After all, if it was an official sigil by the kingdom, then it probably wouldve been impossible for me. That person, doing that sort of blunder

Even I dont think the mastermind would make a mistake as simple as that. Theyre the kind of person who planned such a large-scale attack, made that black crystal magical tool, and even used it as a mere disposable. I cant imagine them being the sort of sorcerer or mage that would use such a sloppy contract sigil.

Even if you speak about your former master, you wont be choked or punished anymore. But If you still feel anxious, then Ill protect you. Since you were conscious, you know, dont you? Im a sorceress and Im strong. Will you still feel anxious even then? Youll protect me? I-Im not even worth that-

Its not like this girl has no value on her. Being that her body was a host to that crystal, she herself has a reasonable amount of magic power. Whether she can use magic will depend on her talent, but I can see that she could grow into an excellent mage at the very least.

But, well, thats not the important thing here.

Its not about your worth. Since we ended up meeting and knowing that youll be dragged into more trouble from now on, I cant just let that happen, and I dont plan to. Above all, I cant stomach the methods of the guy that used you. Since Im searching for more clues about him, itll be troublesome if that guy disposes of you or if youre taken somewhere out of my reach. Uhh Umm If you insist on being loyal to your master, then thats fine. Still, do you consider your master to be a person worthy of that loyalty?

Its no use, huh? Well, being suddenly asked, this is hard to answer.

I-Im sorry! I dont know! Eh? The person who ordered me to do it was probably the masters subordinate, and he always had a mask on. A mask? Yes. The mask looked like a face that was crying and laughing. Ive seen several other people, but all of them had masks on. Without hearing their voices, I couldnt tell who was who

Thats awfully cautious of them. So the guy is never out in the open, the subordinates have their faces hidden, and the slaves they use are cursed to get choked to death if they speak out. This is definitely more than I can handle, huh. To investigate any further than this, well need enough power to move an organization. This is old man Kents stage.

Would you mind talking to old man Kent, ah, the old man from earlier. Would you mind talking to him about this too? If thats your order. Order? I dont know what I should do. But, um, uhh If Mistress Lily1will protect me, I want to serve you Thats all I can think of doing for you.

Her answer was convenient. Her being by my side would make protecting and talking to her easier. Ive considered handing her over to the town guards like the previous intruders, but it seems like that was a mistake. From what Ive heard, while the said intruders are still alive, they now cannot eat, not to mention speak, on their own.

I see. Then for my protection, youll stay beside me. Work what should I do? Thatll be something for later. Theres one more thing I want to ask about. That power that erased magic, what was that?

This was one thing that I had to ask her about, that magic erasing ability. If it was an ability unique to her, then its not an issue. But if that was something the girls trash-of-a-former-master gave her, then this is going to be a big problem.

Those people told me I was an imitation. Am imitation? They said that it was the power of the Demon Lord from long ago. They researched a part of it and implanted it in me. I was experimented on a lot. It was painful. I see. Its alright now. That wont happen to you here, and I wont allow it to happen.

A part of the Demon Lord, she says? This just got bigger than I expected. It seems like my hunch was right in the worst way possible. If that magic erasing power can be freely given to anybody, then itll tip the entire world on its head. After all, it can erase even my magic.

If theres only one with that ability, then its still fine. But if there was 10, a 100, or a 1000 of them and are all given military-grade training, what would happen then? If there are sorcerers among them, what would happen then? Our magic wont work on them, and they would erase any of our anti-magic defenses. Itll be as if our enemies are using guns and all we have are clubs or maybe, at most, swords. Its barely even a match.

I dont understand how far the mastermind is thinking, nor how much he already prepared for. Still, I can imagine the worst scenario. Geez, this is getting problematic now.2

  1. Lyly: Temp. Need to discuss with Silva and the others. Silva: Mistress Lyly: Thank you silva, nice
  2. Silva: Geez so we finally have a plot now

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