Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 136: 136 Dilemma

Chapter 136: Chapter 136 Dilemma

The people who were screaming were those Mutators whose level of Base Mutation was relatively low, their carapaces unable to completely encase their bodies.

The robes on everyone’s bodies swiftly decayed into tatters in the liquid due to acid corrosion.

At spots where the carapace lacked protection, the liquid corroded their flesh as if it had come into contact with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Those with a higher degree of Base Mutation, fully encapsulated by their carapaces, fared slightly better, but that was only true for those at the Crystal Base Level.

For those at the Alloy Level, their Alloy Carapaces bubbled up on the surface when immersed in the liquid, showing signs of corrosion.

Lin Shen’s carapace was only at Steel Level, which surprisingly held up almost as well as the Alloy Carapace in the liquid, showing only minor signs of corrosion, and wouldn’t be breached anytime soon.

Fortunately, among the Mutators who came this time, only Lin Shen was at the Steel Level.

Zuo Qinglong and others at the Crystal Base Level lifted those whose carapaces didn’t cover their entire bodies so that they could be spared from the liquid a little longer.

Tu Xiaodao tried to lift Lin Shen out of the liquid, but Lin Shen shook his head to stop her.

Inside his body, the Evolution Theory had already started working, seeping into his carapace, and was now strengthening and mutating it.

“Evolution Theory is truly a divine art!” Lin Shen marveled inwardly, even if he could cultivate in the Gift Theory, he would not wish to switch.

The liquid did not fill the entire space; it stopped after reaching a little more than half its capacity, and the hole from whence it flowed was sealed off.

The people soaked in the liquid felt a mix of emotions.

Staying submerged like this for three days, most of the people here would end up dead. Even those at the Crystal Base Level would find it hard to maintain their Mutator state for three consecutive days.

Besides, they couldn’t possibly endure for three days; they would soon suffocate from the lack of oxygen.

“We’re really out of luck, aren’t we? We aren’t inside the stomach of some giant Base Variant Creature, are we?” Xu Tiange said dejectedly, sticking his head out of the liquid after the space had stopped shaking.

“Looking at it now, that possibility seems rather high,” Lin Shen pondered aloud.

Everyone had their say, but they were out of options at the moment; no one had anticipated being transported to a place like this.

“If we truly are in the stomach of a colossal creature, then there should be a digestive tract through which we can escape. Let’s split up and search,” Zuo Qinglong said, phrasing it rather elegantly, though everyone understood what he meant.

Despite finding the idea repulsive, no one had the luxury of choice at the moment; as long as they could live and get out, who cared about the discomfort?

Some searched above, while several at the Crystal Base Level dived into the liquid, seeking a potential exit below.

After searching for a long while, aside from the entrance where the liquid had poured in, they found no other likely exits.

“Is this giant creature a Pixiu that only ingests and never excretes?” Xu Tiange made such a remark, which only worsened the already dismal mood of everyone else.

“To my knowledge, a human stomach has two openings, but that’s not the case for some animals. For example, cattle have four stomachs, and some of those stomachs only have one opening,” someone responded.

“If we really are inside a colossal creature’s stomach, our only option now is to get out through that same opening,” another person suggested.

“Why insist on finding an exit? Just tear open its belly and we’re out,” Tu Xiaodao stated coolly.

With that, an idea dawned on everyone.

Indeed, they previously didn’t dare to force their way out, thinking they were trapped in a glacial cave, fearing that a collapse would bury them alive.

Now that they realize this place is not a glacial cave, but very likely the interior of a giant creature, there’s nothing to hesitate about. They just need to break through its belly to escape and, in doing so, they could kill the giant creature—it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

The tension had been too high just a moment ago, and habitual thinking took over, preventing an immediate reaction.

Now, with Tu Xiaodao’s reminder, everyone quickly caught on, and someone immediately took a knife and started hacking at the wall that resembled an ice crystal.

When they had first arrived, the ice crystal-like wall was tough, but when they cut it now, it was like cutting into rubber. The blade sank in but couldn’t cut through, and then it was bounced back.

“I’ll do it.” A Crystal Base Level raised their jade-like Mountain Axe, concentrating all their strength into the blade and viciously slashing at the ice wall.

The power of a Crystal Base Level, combined with a weapon made from crystal base materials, could pierce through even a thick steel wall with ease.

But when the Mountain Axe hit the ice crystal wall, the entire blade sank in and then sprung back.

The rebound was so strong that the Crystal Base Level couldn’t hold onto the axe, which flew out of their grasp.

Everyone was shocked to see that the spot hit by the axe had not even a scratch on it.

“This thing’s toughness is extraordinary; brute force won’t break it—try something sharp.” Zuo Qinglong then summoned his alloy Burrowing Dragon again, hoping to create an opening with its burrowing ability.

The Burrowing Dragon aimed its conical head toward the exceedingly tough ice crystal wall.

The next second, Lin Shen saw the Burrowing Dragon’s head spin like an actual drill bit frantically.

Quickly, the head of the Burrowing Dragon sank in, and its body slowly inched forward.

Everyone was hopeful, thinking they might have a chance, but then the Burrowing Dragon’s speed slowed down and finally stopped completely.

In the next instant, the Burrowing Dragon’s body suddenly began to spin counterclockwise, and as it spun, it was ejected, its body now twisted like a corkscrew.

The ice crystal wall once again returned to its original state, without a single mark.

Seeing this, a chill went down everyone’s spine.

Unwilling to sit and wait, everyone showed off their skills. Some brought out especially sharp crystal base weapons, some summoned powerful crystal base pets, all trying to break through the crystal wall.

Tu Xiaodao even tried with his short knife, but like everyone else, he achieved nothing; no one could leave a mark on the ice crystal wall.

Rather, their commotion triggered several more tremors, the liquid inside swirling chaotically, and a few raised Mutators fell back in, their screams echoing one after another.

“Continuing this way is no use. It seems we can only try to leave through that opening,” Zuo Qinglong called out, instructing everyone to stop.

Everyone knew that was the only path they could take, but it was extremely dangerous.

Not to mention whether they could escape through this small opening, even if they did, it would likely lead them into the giant creature’s mouth. Getting bitten a few times—who could withstand that?

Moreover, assuming they were lucky enough to rush out from the giant creature’s mouth, would the creature let them leave?

Crystal Base Level forces couldn’t harm it in the slightest; how could they possibly be a match for the giant creature?

Though they felt uneasy, there seemed to be no other choice aside from taking a risk and attempting it.

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