Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 70: Realm King Cultivation Device

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Realm King Cultivation Device

“Wei, can you swim?” Lin Shen glanced at the bottomless lake and then turned to ask Wei Wufu.

“I can’t.” Wei Wufu’s answer made Lin Shen sigh in relief.

Originally, Wei Wufu had suffered greatly in his battle with a mutated creature in the sea, partly because he wasn’t very adept at swimming.

“I can’t either, so it looks like we can’t participate. Let’s just head back and rest.” Lin Shen said.

“Shen, don’t rush. I’ve already asked someone to find a boat. It will be here soon,” Xu Tiange hurriedly said.

“What’s the use of a boat? If we fall in, won’t we die just the same? I’m definitely not getting on that boat,” Lin Shen said, pulling Wei Wufu, ready to leave.

Lin Shen was surprised; Wei Wufu, who was usually quite single-minded, just let himself be pulled away so easily, which was unexpected and made Lin Shen take a second look at him.

“It’s not a transport pod,” Wei Wufu said.

“If it’s not a transport pod, then what the hell is that?” Lin Shen was stunned. He had never seen a real transport pod and had only heard the name mentioned by Tian Xin and Wei Wufu. When he saw it just now, he thought that was what the transport pods of space ships looked like.

Having never seen it, the people from the Xu Family and Lu Family probably had not seen it either. They all thought it was a Base Mutation crate, waiting for the boat to come to open their mysterious boxes.

“I don’t know,” Wei Wufu didn’t know what it was either.

Lin Shen felt that it was even more important to stay away from things they didn’t recognize. After all, if that thing was a bomb sent by aliens, the closer you were, the sooner you’d die.


Just as Lin Shen was wondering if it might be an alien super bomb, he suddenly heard a humming sound and instantly pulled Wei Wufu to the ground. Both lay prone and quickly activated their Base Mutation Strength, soon enveloping their bodies with metallic carapaces.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the prelude to a bomb exploding. The People of Lu Family looked at the two men lying on the ground with eyes as if they were staring at fools, full of contempt.

Even though they were startled too, at least they hadn’t been scared to the ground like those two. Naturally, they felt they had the right to mock them.

Lu Qing and Xu Tiange both wanted to help Lin Shen up, but after taking a few steps, they were distracted by the strange sound that started up again and turned to look at the hovering object above the lake.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu got up; they didn’t feel there was anything embarrassing about their reaction.

In Lin Shen’s view, even if it happened a million times over, he would still hit the deck. Those who didn’t were not showing bravery, but a slower reaction time.

And if they were indeed brave, it was just the behavior of a reckless man.

After getting up, Lin Shen glanced at the object above the water and saw that on the exterior of the rugby ball-like machine, circles of crystals were rapidly spinning. Moreover, the speed was still accelerating. The crystals themselves were no longer visible, only their afterimages flowing, seeming to form a strange light tunnel.

“Let’s go,” Lin Shen called to Wei Wufu, urging him to quickly move away from the object.

Unfortunately, he was still a bit slow. As he ran desperately, he suddenly heard an emotionless, cold voice from behind: “No. 014 Realm King Training Device self-check complete, all systems are safe, device starting up safely…”


Lin Shen’s head buzzed, causing him to instinctively cover his head with his hands. His body was dragged backwards by a huge force, and his vision instantly blurred into a tunnel of time racing backwards.


Lin Shen landed hard on the ground, feeling like he was severely seasick. He lay there, retching a few times, but nothing came out.

Hearing the same sound beside him, Lin Shen turned his head and saw that Xu Tiange was also lying on the ground, vomiting.

Wei Wufu had just stood up and was brushing the sand off his body.

Not far away, Lu Qing sat on the beach, holding her chest with her hands, also looking uncomfortable.

“Wait… the beach… it looks so familiar… and this gravity…” Lin Shen was fully awake now and immediately stood up to look around. Wasn’t this the same beach he and Wei Wufu had visited before? This familiar strong gravity was not the normal gravity he was used to.

Thinking of something, Lin Shen looked down and sure enough, he saw an extra watch-like device on his wrist. The model was slightly different from last time and was white in color.

The previous one should have been black, and he didn’t know what the difference was between the two devices.

Looking around, he saw that Wei Wufu, Xu Tiange, and Lu Qing all had the same white teleporters on their wrists.

Lin Shen glanced at the numbers displayed on the watch, 71:59:04.

Like the black teleporter, it was a 72-hour countdown, meaning they should be able to activate the teleporter and return after 72 hours.

“What… what place is this… how did we end up here… what about the others?” Xu Tiange finally came around and cried out in horror.

“Where are we?” Lu Qing’s face also looked terrible, she got up and staggered over to Lin Shen’s side and sat down beside him with a thud, obviously still not used to the gravity here.

“Don’t worry, do you see the watch on your hand? Once that countdown ends, we’ll be able to go back,” Lin Shen reassured the bewildered Lu Qing.

“Shen, do you know where we are?” Before Lu Qing could speak, Xu Tiange was the first to come over, eagerly grabbing Lin Shen’s hand and saying.

“Let go of me,” Lin Shen shook off Xu Tiange’s hand and explained to them both, “We’re no longer on our planet. Don’t be so surprised; it’s normal. Humanity has long entered the Interstellar Age. Interstellar teleportation is common, it’s just that you weren’t aware of it.”

Lin Shen spoke as if he had experienced countless interstellar teleportations, as casually as eating or sleeping.

Only Wei Wufu knew that, including this time, Lin Shen had only teleported twice and was as much of a novice as anyone else.

However, Lin Shen’s words clearly had an effect, as Xu Tiange and Lu Qing were noticeably less tense, though still in disbelief.

“Shen really is knowledgeable and experienced. I, Xu Tiange, also have the eye for recognizing talent and wasn’t wrong in choosing my elder brother,” Xu Tiange shifted the conversation, then cautiously asked, “Shen, why are there only the four of us here? Where are the others?”

“The teleportation is random, but we shouldn’t be too far apart. If you want to find someone, you can go and look around yourself. There’re many Base Variant Creatures here, and quite a few mutations, so just be careful,” Lin Shen said.

“No, no, no. I’ll follow your lead, Shen. Wherever you point, I will strike; wherever you go, I will follow. United as brothers, together we can cut through metal,” Xu Tiange thought to himself, “Lin Shen’s identity must be extraordinary, perhaps even more significant than I had speculated. He seems to know his way around this spooky place, which speaks volumes. I’m glad I didn’t choose to become his enemy.

In this eerie place, Xu Tiange was determined to stick with Lin Shen, the veteran. As for the Mutators of the Lu Family, if they could be found, good; if they died, so be it. Better that than dying himself.

Sadly, he didn’t know that Lin Shen had only been here once before and that most of the teammates who came with him last time had died. Being Lin Shen’s teammate was the most dangerous thing of all.

“We should find a place to take cover first, so we’re not targeted by the Base Variant Creatures here.” Lin Shen surveyed his surroundings; the reef area he had seen before was nowhere in sight, suggesting they were probably far from it.

Just as he was looking for a place to hide, he felt the teleporter on his wrist vibrate.

“Signal connected, syncing the visual feed. The Realm King Cultivation Device will broadcast the trainees’ images to observers to verify training correctness and safety, enabling observers to provide timely rescue…” The information was slowly playing on the watch.

Over Jinshui Lake, the crystals on the outer ring of that bizarre mechanism had stopped spinning, but from the top of the device, a beam of aurora shot straight upwards, treating the sky as if it were a canvas, projecting a colossal image that occupied the heavens, many times more realistic than any human naked-eye 3D effect.

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