Super Spender

Chapter 148 - 148: 144 Two Extremes

Chapter 148 - 148: 144 Two Extremes

Translator: 549690339

Clearly, Finn Lewis had worried too much. The toll booth attendant seemed to be none the wiser. She merely told Finn the amount he had to pay and then cheerfully uttered, “Welcome to Legacy City.”

“Thanks,” Finn responded while maintaining a stiff expression. He took several hundred yuan from his wallet and handed them over. As the toll booth barrier lifted, his car slipped out. The focused attendant, who was still counting the money, looked dumbstruck. Seeing she still hadn’t finished counting the cash by the time Finn’s car had sped off, she was left speechless—she’d never seen someone give a tip at a toll booth before.

Nonetheless, since the toll was paid, she naturally wouldn’t report anything unusual to the police. Shaking her head, she quickly moved on to the next incoming vehicle.

“Hey Olivia, how did you manage to drive so fast? Did we practically sleep through a whole day?” Finn uttered with curiosity once they were inside the city.

“Master, it took just one night to get you home. Spending any longer could have led to physically demanding travel times which aren’t too great for one’s health. Rest assured, no violation records were created throughout the journey, and no surveillance cameras caught any untoward incidents,” Olivia replied assuredly.

Finn felt a bit furious, was that the key point to note? Who cares about violation records? That was 300 kilometers in total! He rolled his eyes, shrugged it off, and thought, “Well, as long as no one caught us on camera, it’s fine,” He threw up his hands. It was not like he had any way to reverse the journey at this point.

“Forget it, we’ve already made it back. Besides, this was faster than flying an airplane,” Finn shrugged off and added, “Traveling by air would have taken at least an hour to get to the airport. The flight would be nearly three hours, and from there, it would take approximately another hour to reach Legacy City. So that’s already a total of more than 5 hours. Even this quicker method of travel would still require an additional two hours to reach the airport in Celeston


An 8-hour journey doesn’t seem slower than a flight after all. “Um, okay.” Although Fishy Wells found it inappropriate, seeing that they had already returned, and this was all achieved by a single night’s sleep, she conceded. She was still a little frightened by the idea of traveling at a speed of over 300km/h, but she hadn’t witnessed any of it, and they had already made it back home.

“Should we grab some groceries?” Fishy Wells proposed as they got out of the car.

“Nah, let’s skip that and just head back,” decided Finn after brief consideration. There wasn’t much worth buying anyways. For the villages during the summer, meat might sometimes be scarce, but almost every other necessity was in abundance. The vegetables were even grown at home, not to mention the fruit orchard at Finn’s place bearing apricot and pear trees. There was no shortage of fruits, and his grandfather must have planted some watermelons and muskmelons.

For meat, once he returned home, his mother would probably cook chicken— purely organic village-bred chicken that was far more delicious than any bought meat. “We should at least bring some fruits,” argued Fishy Wells, finding the decision inappropriate as they were already near the market and needed some commodities to bring home.

Finn didn’t oppose, being that it was his home meant that Finn felt there was no need to buy anything. Moreover, he hadn’t planned to keep his parents in the village much longer anyway. Yet, buying produce wasn’t going to make a big dent in his pocket. So, in the end, Finn ended up having a special local breakfast with Fishy Wells and bought an assortment of fruits and stored them in the trunk.

As he ignited the engine one more time, this time he decided not to use the autopilot feature. Applying the Autopilot again might drive the traffic police on the road crazy. In fact, the traffic police from few provinces which he drove across had already gone insane. They had received countless reports about a car glowing with a blue light, flying down the highway, reaching speeds of at least 300km/h.

If it was merely one or two people reporting, the officers might have disregarded it as a prank. However, they had received at least hundreds of such reports, certainly not all of them could be pranks. Moreover, they quickly coordinated with neighboring provinces and found that almost all of them had also received similar reports.

Now, there was no question of a hoax. Using these reports as a route map for the perpetrators, they started investigating. Eventually, a radar speedometer set up on the stretch of a highway in the Shandong Province recorded a speed in excess of 365km/h. Only then did the officers begin compiling all this data.

However, the compiled report ended up giving them a major headache. Although they managed to capture an image, unfortunately, perhaps due to the aging equipment or slower response time, the image turned out to be blurry because of the car’s blistering speed and only a blue glow from the sedan was visible. No details, such as a license plate, could be traced.

The car’s speed was chilling for the officers. A speed of 365km/h was not something any car could reach. Even multimillion cars had to undergo professional modifications to achieve such speeds; otherwise, they would fall short of such immense power. Even though some cars seemed to have a top speed marked up to 400, could you actually reach it?

Only a particular model of Bugatti Veyron had reached a speed of 400km/h, and that too on an aeroplane runway. Achieving such a speed on normal highways was nearly impossible. But now, the reality was staring right into their faces. Although the radar speedometer was a bit old, it had recorded all the speeds perfectly before and after this particular incident. Just this one record couldn’t possibly be erroneous.

Of course, Finn knew nothing of this. As far as he was concerned, Olivia had assured him no violation records were documented. However, not documenting a violation record and not documenting any record at all were two entirely different ideas. Especially for a computer program, precision in terminology was vital, which Finn had not given any consideration to.

The car soon drove towards Hangjin Houqi, the Three Bridge Town. When such a small town popped up in front of Fishy Wells, she showed a weird expression on her face. It was understandable for Lezacv Citv to have rich people as it was

a prefecture-level city. But in such a small town, having assets worth more than a million yuan probably made you rich.

“Wait, your house isn’t here, is it?” Fishy Wells stayed concerned.

“Yes, it is. We are not even in the town but a little further down in the Village 4 of Liyi,” Finn responded with a smile..

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