Super Thrilling Live Broadcast

Chapter 7: Super Thrilling Live Broadcast

Chapter 7: Super Thrilling Live Broadcast

Acute myocardial infarction is a cause of death determined by forensic examination, but the reason a seemingly healthy person suddenly dies of a heart attack is something that nobody can explain clearly.

Man jumped to his death inside Les ...

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Man jumped to his death inside Les quatre temps in La Dfense cause loud noise that triggered panic

I quickly scanned the newspaper from the day of the crime, tucked it into my pocket, and grabbed my equipment before rushing out the door.

I dont believe in ghosts, unless I see them with my own eyes, I muttered to myself.

To save time, I hailed a taxi, and coincidentally, the driver was the balding uncle from that day. Hey, live streamer, I just got this new car and I run into you already, this is what we call fate!

City North Suburbs Peace of Mind (Anxin) Inn, please hurry, I said. I didnt feel like chatting with anyone at the moment, my mind was filled with thoughts of the live broadcast of the underworld show.

Why did they choose that place? Who was the woman who called me earlier?

I heard that someone died at the Peace of Mind Inn not too long ago. You really know how to pick your place, Mr. Live Streamer. the talkative old taxi driver said, oblivious to my discomfort. But thats where youre lucky to have me as your driver. Other drivers wouldnt take you there. You know, theres a rumor online that the guest didnt die accidentally, but was scared to death. Tsk, that place is really eerie. A few years ago, someone even disappeared there for no reason

The uncle with thinning hair became more and more excited as he spoke, and I wanted to ask him sincerely, Have you ever considered my feelings?

Sir, my live broadcast might not be what you imagine it to be. Can you please let me have some quiet time? I asked.

Whats so different about it? Ive seen a lot of young people like you singing, dancing, boasting, and playing games. By the way, where do you live stream? Ill come and support you, the balding uncle replied.

I dont need your support, but if you ever see my live broadcast, please remember to call the police because there are things in it that may not be just for show, I sighed. It was the first rule in my contract to not disclose the existence of the underworld show.

Taking out my eight-inch sized screen phone, I looked at the lonely three icons on the screen and clicked on the third appthe black and white photo of myself.

Welcome to Underworld Show, the live broadcast task has been released. Come up with a name for your broadcast room, the prompt read.

Regardless of the form of live broadcast, the fundamental purpose was to attract attention and gain popularity. Therefore, a name that catches peoples attention was essential.

I recalled what the paper masked interviewer had said, Active in the shadows of midnight, hitting the most terrifying horror in this city. Dont you find it exciting?

Since were pursuing excitement, why not come up with a catchy name? I typed four words on the blank screenSuper Thrilling Live Broadcast!

Naming successful. Would you like to start todays livestream now?

After thinking for a while, I clicked on No. There was no particular reason, but the driver was still in the car, and there was no need to involve him in this.

Mister, could you please hurry up? I dont have much time left

The Peace of Mind (Anxin) Inn was located in the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng, close to Henshan Prison.

There were few people around, and only a few migrant workers would choose to stay there for the cheap rent.

The buildings on both sides gradually decreased, and the bustling city lights and colors were left behind. The solid and tidy cement road had also turned into a bumpy and difficult-to-travel dirt road.

Mr. Streamer, do you see that sign over there? Thats the Peace of Mind Inn. Why dont we stop here? Its not easy to turn around if we go any further, said the uncle with thinning hair as he parked the car by the roadside, clearly reluctant to continue driving.

I followed his direction and saw an old three-story building about several dozen meters away, with a sign made up of colored light bulbs on the roof that read Female heart (Nuxin) Inn?

Its the character An, the light bulbs on top are probably broken, he handed me a cigarette, take care of yourself. Ive heard that filthy things cant stand the smell of cigarettes. I can only take you this far.

I shook my head with a wry smile and paid the fare, then grabbed my black suitcase and stepped out of the taxi.

Looking around, I couldnt see a single person around me. Within a hundred meters, the only thing emitting a faint red light was the Nuxin Inn sign.

Should I call the police?

As I was about to take out my phone, the sound of an engine roaring and a cloud of smoke suddenly filled the air. When I turned to look, the taxi driver had already driven his car about a hundred meters away.

Damn it That Uncles escape was decisive, and now even if I wanted to go back to the city, there was nothing I could do.

I picked up my suitcase and walked on the dirt road, taking deep and shallow steps in the way. A true hero not only has to face the bleakness of life but also learn to deal with crappy teammates.

With the faint light of my phone screen, this legendary old Inn finally appeared before my eyes.

It was a three-story building with two separate entrances on the left and right. The steps were piled up with uncleared garbage, and the police tape used in the investigation was still lying in the corner of the wall.

Its not the yellow and white caution tape you see at construction sites, but the deep blue and white tape used specifically for crime scenes!

How come this stuff hasnt been removed? If an ordinary person came here, they probably wouldnt feel anything out of the ordinary. But having spent a few years in the police academy, Ive already labeled this place as a site of murder and mystery.

Is anyone here? I need to check in.

The staircase was narrow, and it wasnt until I reached the second floor that I saw the Inn reception. On the greasy and dirty counter, there was a notebook spread out with haphazardly recorded information and the ID numbers of a group of guests. The handwriting was sloppy and looked like the scribbles of an elementary school student.

Who still handwrites their bookkeeping in this day and age? I flipped through the notebook casually. The earliest check-in record was just a week ago: So Im the only guest in the whole building now

Cough cough The notebook was pressed down by five withered fingers, and an almost bald old man stood up behind the reception counter. You want to check in? Just one person?

His voice was frail, like a candle flame flickering amidst the wind, and he couldnt conceal his weakness. I took a step back as if nothing had happened, but I had already memorized the old mans facial features: his eyebrows were light, his left cheek was covered with sparse age spots, and his right cheek seemed to have been burned by fire, leaving a fist-sized scar.

Yeah, just me. The old mans appearance was the kind that you could never forget with just one glance. To be honest, I already felt a sense of horror before the livestream even began.

Can I see your ID? We need to register. A single room for one night is 35 yuan. Forget about the deposit, just dont break anything in the room, the old man said. After registering, he handed me a key and shouted down the dimly lit hallway, Old woman, take the guest to room 103 and bring some hot water later.

Room 103? The livestream task for the underworld show was supposed to be in room 203, so I furrowed my eyebrows. Boss, can I change to another room?

Sure, which room do you want to change to?



The old man dropped the key in his hand onto the cement floor, and his reaction took me by surprise.

Whats wrong? Cant people stay in that room? I asked with a calm expression, my hands in my pockets, one hand holding onto the talisman and the other tightly gripping my phone.

They can Its just that someone died here a few months ago, and that persons room is right across from Room 203.

So what? Why be afraid of that? They didnt die in that room, did they? I tried to sound relaxed. Ill take this room; dont be superstitious. We should believe in science.

Thats good, thats good While the old man was looking for the key to room 203, I crouched down to pick up the 103 key that had fallen on the ground. But as I lowered my head, I noticed something strangethe old man was wearing a pair of rubber shoes covered in soil and debris.

Why is he wearing rubber shoes indoors? I wondered.

Lets go, Ill take you to see the room, said an old woman who was holding a thermos. Though she was about the same age as the old man, she looked short, chubby, and had some strength about her.

I left the key at the front desk, picked up my suitcase, and followed the old woman up to the third floor.

Why are we on the third floor when were supposed to go to Room 203? I asked, not daring to be careless as it was related to the mission for the underworld show.

The first floor is not for guests, room 103 is on the 2nd floor, and room 203 is on the 3rd floor, the old lady explained.

I felt like we had been walking for a long time. The hallway only had one light bulb at the corner, which flickered on and off, sometimes turning off by itself and then inexplicably turning back on.

Were here. The old lady inserted the key into the lock and pointed to the number on the door.

Okay, thank you very much, I said as I reached for the door handle. But just as I was about to open it, the old ladys voice piped up behind me.

Hey, its not like the city around here. You cant just wander around at night. If Her voice trailed off.

If what? I prompted.

If someone knocks on the door after midnight or if you hear any strange noises, just ignore them and dont come out, she warned.

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