Supreme Killer

Chapter 4751: Surprise

Chapter 4751: Surprise

Xiao Fan widened his eyes and looked at the other side of the river of time and space in surprise.

I saw several rays of light and shadow in his pupils getting brighter and brighter, like several dazzling suns, flowing down the river of time and space.

The light and shadow have not yet approached, and a wave of waves like a tsunami was used to bring him a great sense of oppression.

Xiao Fan held his breath and stared at the lights and shadows, his heart was extremely nervous.

"Is it a creature?" Xiao Fan muttered to himself, with goose bumps on his body.

He couldn't even dream that there were still creatures on the other side of the river of time and space.

Here is the river of time and space, how can creatures survive forever?

Finally, those lights and shadows approached, and they ignored the chaos and rushed towards the seal madly.


After several loud noises, the river of time and space shook slightly, but it quickly returned to calm.

Because of the ancient seal, nothing moved, only a hint of fluorescence bloomed.

In addition, he vaguely saw that the thunder light above the **** chain suddenly shot out like a **** dragon when the light and shadow approached.

At that moment, Xiao Fan felt an unprecedented murderous opportunity.

This is not just a seal, but also an attack formation?

Xiao Fan looked dull, and cast his mind on the person who arranged the formation.

He had never admired anyone, but the person who arranged the ancient seal formation in front of him gave Xiao Fan a strong sense of awe.

Xiao Fan stared at the front intently. What disappointed him was that it was not a creature, but only four divine lights.

He also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If a creature really appeared, if it penetrated the ancient seal above the river of time and space, it would be troublesome.

But thinking about it, he shook his head and smiled, feeling relieved.

With this seal, let alone the Heaven-defying Saint Ancestor, it is beyond the Heaven-defying Saint Ancestor, and it may not be able to cross this seal.

While pondering, Xiao Fan suddenly felt that the thrust behind him disappeared in vain.

His body was out of control, and he quickly descended along the river of time and space.

It's just that he still unwillingly glanced at the ancient seal, that is, with this stunning glance, Xiao Fan's pores were instantly horrified, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake.

On the other side of the river of time and space of the ancient seal, a dark shadow appeared unexpectedly.

The black shadow couldn't see his face clearly, but the blood-red eyes, like bloodthirsty beasts, made the scalp numb.

Those eyes, as if they could see through Xiao Fan's soul, were full of indifference and loneliness, and everything in the world seemed extremely small under his gaze.

Are there any creatures?

There was a stormy sea in Xiao Fan's heart, but unfortunately, the river of time and space pulled him to a fast speed, and the figure disappeared from his eyes.

"Is it an illusion?" Xiao Fan thought of those eyes, still a little chilly.

It was those eyes that were too cold.

With the passage of time, the restraining force on Xiao Fan's body slowly disappeared. He shook his head and stared at the front screen with breathlessness.

Being in the river of time and space, and missing the node together, it is very possible to lose yourself.

Although he didn't know how he appeared in the river of time and space, he still had to rely on his own efforts to leave.

Going back to the past may not be terrible, but going back to the future is disastrous.

Fortunately, Xiao Fan's understanding of the power of time and space has reached an unprecedented height. As long as he leaves the node where he entered the samsara ferry, he can return to the time and space he is in.

Time passed quickly, and Xiao Fan vaguely felt that he was getting closer and closer to the time and space node where he was.

He had already made preparations, had begun to count silently in his heart, ready to leave the river of time and space at any time.

However, at this time, Xiao Fan felt his heart touch his throat.

In his aftermath, a dark paw suddenly grabbed him from outside of time and space.

"What?" Xiao Fan yelled suddenly, his expression changing wildly.

Here is the river of time and space, why are there other creatures?

The point is that this pitch-black claw still emerged from the river of time and space. Could someone break into the river of time and space from other time and space?

He was anxious, without thinking, quickly ran along the river of time and space.

Being in the river of time and space, he dare not do it lightly. In case of damage to the river of time and space, he is very likely to get lost in the endless time and space and never return to reality.

While running wildly, his peripheral light still stared at the black giant claw.

As the giant claws approached, Xiao Fan finally saw the monster's appearance. It was a head of a hundred feet long, blood black all over, and gleaming with monsters of light. The two giant claws were as sharp as heavenly swords.

"Time and Space Monster Beast?" Xiao Fan's heart was stunned.

He never expected that such a monster that only exists in legends would be encountered by himself.

In the river of time and space, naturally there are no creatures.

But there are rumors that there are some strange creatures in the unknown world beyond the river of time and space.

They survive by stealing the power of the river of time and space, comprehend the power of time and space, and if lucky, they can still appear in the real world.

For a long time, Xiao Fan had just listened to this as a gonzo, after all, the river of time and space was too ethereal, let alone the monster of time and space.

Seeing that the black giant claws were getting closer and closer, even though Xiao Fan was just the soul itself, it was as if he was already sweating, and his breathing became rapid.

In the rush, Xiao Fan's face was ruthless, directly urging the power of time and space, and his body suddenly became like an arrow from the string, and his speed doubled.

He didn't know what the consequences would only be, but it was better than being lost in the river of time and space.


Suddenly, there was a screaming scream from behind the River of Time and Space. In Xiao Fan's horrified gaze, the empty monster beast suddenly burst into bright silver-white brilliance.

In the next moment, the space-time monster began to melt, as if being burned by flames.

Just a few breaths of time, the time and space monster beast was burned to ashes, leaving nothing.

Xiao Fan was dumbfounded, what happened just now, or was he dazzled by himself?

When he was surprised, a silver-white brilliance instantly attracted his attention, the silver-white brilliance stretched very long, like a silver dragon.

The silver dragon flashed in the void, shot out like a meteor, and instantly shot towards Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan was horrified, and his face turned pale.

He didn't know how, just now the empty monster beast was obviously killed by this silver-white unknown creature.

He didn't know the time and space monsters, but judging from its breath, it was at least the supreme realm.

But the time and space monster of the supreme realm died under this silver-white unknown creature without any resistance.

He is a peerless realm, and he is still in the river of time and space, is he an opponent?

"It's here!" When he was frightened, Xiao Fan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly rushed towards a time-space node ahead.

He comes in from this time and space node, and he can naturally leave from this time and space node, but other creatures cannot do it. This is his only chance.

The moment Xiao Fan rushed into the space-time node, he felt a chill in his back, and he didn't know that something hit his body. Immediately afterwards, he only felt a powerful force rushing into his mind, completely lost consciousness.

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